My '76 restoration (long post)

Repair of the corner of the door :


Rear seams done :



Taking care of rear deck holes :




Redoing the mirror area:



Now some experimentation :


I'm gonna try to recut a sharper fender line, that's gonna be tedious.
You're nuts, hard working, but completely nuts :clap:

Thanks Aaron.

Not that much itching surprisingly, too tired to care anyway.

so you're exhaustipated :D

exhaustipated: too tired to give a shit

great work, you're getting closer to primer and paint....

Yeah, closer to paint.
I'm almost done with the repair, now come the custom things :

-Shaving down front bumperette
-Rear window mod (just got a quote for some laminated glass, 150$, not bad)
-Bumper glassing

I'm also contemplating the rear fender flare like it's explained here :
It's getting trickier, but 1" of more flare would be exactly what my turbine 275 needs. hum......

Too bad I couldn't find a 3 piece front spoiler, that would have been a nice addition.
Rear deck is now hole free!


The bumper in now glued on, used the infamous 3M 3115.

Fitting is good, minimal glass work




Finished the repair on the door handle :


I've shaved off my bumperette. That was a PITA, 3 cutting disk and a lot of nasty smoke.


Also made a rough cut on the bumper cover, but I think I will do the glass work once installed, so I can take advantage of all the space I can grab.
I will just had a backing layer on the top.


And now, the edge sharpening experiment.
I haven't had much time for this, it's all hand made, takes ages.




A couple of air bubble, I think I can soak them out in resin.

I will leave them like this for now, wait for some primer to reveal the overall shape, and will adjust from here.

Tomorrow I start glassing the rear bumper, and fab custom bracket for the front bumper cover.

I got estimate for the custum rear window, in 3mm tempered glass, 75$, that kinda seal the deal, I will do it!

Oh, and I still plan to got make a scoop mold out of Michel's LT1 hood.

I'm thinking maybe you should make Michael some fiberglass body armor. :amused:

Is that some payback? Oooh that sounds like it will itch
Body armour? I was thinking to wear my old hockey equipment but it would look a littl odd in the garage.
Ouch , it will itch LOL

Hey there's a rule in my garage, .
Whenever guys come to work in here, (Fast Phil or Denpo) they were warned to always keep an eye on me working.

IF you see me duck, dont ask questions....just duck! Something is about to fly across the shop!
I guess the rule is there for a reason....
Oh, and I still plan to got make a scoop mold out of Michel's LT1 hood.

I'm thinking maybe you should make Michael some fiberglass body armor. :amused:

Is that some payback? Oooh that sounds like it will itch
Body armour? I was thinking to wear my old hockey equipment but it would look a littl odd in the garage.
Ouch , it will itch LOL

Hey there's a rule in my garage, .
Whenever guys come to work in here, (Fast Phil or Denpo) they were warned to always keep an eye on me working.

IF you see me duck, dont ask questions....just duck! Something is about to fly across the shop!
I guess the rule is there for a reason....

even if you wear goalie gear, you can still get whacked... don't ask me how I know this.... I will say this, though, which might inform. I went to school in France, (near Geneva), and hockey was a pre-requisite to attending the college. I'm not the smallest guy in the world, nor the largest, but to the teams we were playing against I was King Kong sized. For some reason, I ended up with the unfortunate (and wholly undeserved) title of "enforcer"... not sure why (though the whole guy-flew-into-the-third-row-after-a-little-check might inform on this) anyway, mid-way through the season (runs from June 1- May 30), the other teams started complaining about alleged injuries (I'm innocent, really)... so my team made me goalie.... which isn't the best place in the world if the people you're playing against feel like some of their minor scrapes, contusions and sniffles were attributed to you... really, they needed to find themselves some big boy pull-ups and learn how to skate.

It probably also didn't help that when I blocked, I'd ask how they got their white flag so clean, what with all the use it got.... :)
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I went to school in France, (near Geneva)
You're talking about my homeland there. I was born and grew up in a village halfway between Chamonix and Annecy.

Well I dont want to keep highjacking Denpo's thread with my hockey stories.
But we will make a mold... of a hood not a body armour.
Derail it at will my friend. Chair ridden as you are for the moment, I'm sure everyone will be glad you'll take some recomfort messing with us.

Bought some gelcoat last week, I'm dying to make a long LT-1 hood.
Front fender edge done. Still a bit rought, but couldn't wait to show them off :amused:
Overall impression is good, the body looks much more defined.
But it's still a shoot in the dark, until I get a smooth uniform coat on top of that. Too many 'lines' in the body to really tell if it's classy or goofy.









By the way, I'm looking into redoing the central body line, and possibly sharpening it a little bit.
But I just don't see how to proceed, it's a very open angle over the flat surfaces.
Any hints/tricks/idea?
how sharp do you want it? were it me, I'd run a wire down the center and use it as my guide or do 1/2 at a time and use a straight edge

what you've done so far really highlights your skills as a craftsman - nice job
how sharp do you want it? were it me, I'd run a wire down the center and use it as my guide or do 1/2 at a time and use a straight edge

what you've done so far really highlights your skills as a craftsman - nice job
Not sure I understand you technique.
Was I did was to put my painter tape 3/16 away from the edge on both side and when sanding I kept the tangential of the curse a the tape border.
I didn't really have to use a guide, the crest formed itself nicely and straight.
Today I start glassing the rear bumper and doing the sharpening on the back fender line.
I had to remove all my rings, my finger are swolling so much I was afraid I couldn't remove them later.
Rear bumper finally glassed, took longer because of the sidetrackings.






Now, I'm dealing with a major mod, the rear window.
I wanted to have the exact cutting line, so I came up with this ghetto laser level.
A toy laser, a dc motor, some hot glue, wire and old 9v battery.

Did the job as intended :

Of course the system was wobbling like hell, but once held, with patience, you finally manage to put the laser within your cutting plane.


I tried 14" and 12" cutting line, and chooses the 12".


All I need now it the guts to start cutting. Still looking around to make sure I didn't overlook anything.

Another side project, the inboard computer. The case is done :


Shows it's hand made, but sturdy and functional.