Speaking of greed....


Well-known member
May 13, 2008
The greediest bastards of all are the people who voted for Obama. What can the gov do for them. Take my money and give it to them. All the people who want to spend money on houses, TV, cellphones, cars etc but say they need the gov to help them afford health care.

The majority finds that they can vote to live off the minority....that is the end of America.
Very old adage that liberty dies when the populace realizes it can vote itself shares of other peoples' money.
As long as you're talking about it though, I am seeking some assistance while I'm off for this cancer treatment. I feel kind of bad about it but I also have to remind myself that .gov took $12k out of my pay last year without my approval. That is a full 19% off the top of my pay. Not counting all the dollars paid in sales taxes and service fees and hidden taxes, etc. By the time I figured it out last year, something between 40-45% of my income went to .gov. It's not like I made bank either, less than $60k and they're taking almost half? It's time for a revolution.
"Paging John Galt"
The greediest bastards of all are the people who voted for Obama. What can the gov do for them. Take my money and give it to them. All the people who want to spend money on houses, TV, cellphones, cars etc but say they need the gov to help them afford health care.

The majority finds that they can vote to live off the minority....that is the end of America.

That already is the reality here, say hello to 60% income taxes, 20% sales taxes, gas at $9 a gallon and so on. It'll happen to you too!
That already is the reality here, say hello to 60% income taxes, 20% sales taxes, gas at $9 a gallon and so on. It'll happen to you too!

I know it will happen....:ill:

All the "progressives" want us to be just like Europe.
That already is the reality here, say hello to 60% income taxes, 20% sales taxes, gas at $9 a gallon and so on. It'll happen to you too!

No it won't. Not as long as we have our guns. Remember that little incident in the Boston Harbor?...I am on a million conservative sites and blogs. Let me tell you many good Americans are about to get really pissed off. We only need a good spark to set off the next revolution.
That already is the reality here, say hello to 60% income taxes, 20% sales taxes, gas at $9 a gallon and so on. It'll happen to you too!

No it won't. Not as long as we have our guns. Remember that little incident in the Boston Harbor?...I am on a million conservative sites and blogs. Let me tell you many good Americans are about to get really pissed off. We only need a good spark to set off the next revolution.

I hope you're right...
It's called the "redistribution of wealth", the mantra of socialism.

However, have no fear, Nancy Pelosi has the solution to job creation. Apparently everyone needs to go on unemployment because "It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name."...


It's called the "redistribution of wealth", the mantra of socialism.

However, have no fear, Nancy Pelosi has the solution to job creation. Apparently everyone needs to go on unemployment because "It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name."...



I laughed when I read/saw that. So her thinking that if 100% of the working people become unemployed..that is good?...It doesn't CREATE jobs, Nancy Dimwit..it creates potential job openings...stupid woman.
I guess there are few guys here that would take a day off from work ,with no pay ,for a 1 day open season on Democrats ? :hunter: :club: :bounce:
That already is the reality here, say hello to 60% income taxes, 20% sales taxes, gas at $9 a gallon and so on. It'll happen to you too!

No it won't. Not as long as we have our guns. Remember that little incident in the Boston Harbor?...I am on a million conservative sites and blogs. Let me tell you many good Americans are about to get really pissed off. We only need a good spark to set off the next revolution.

Here in NJ they do not want us to have guns legally. Even though there are permits and licenses to be had the red tape to be "legal" is daunting. You get the impression that the authorities would rather not acknowledge our right to bear arms. :hunter:
Joe Stack flew his plane into the friggin IRS building - a MAJOR statement by a citizen that got hushed up pretty quick. Our government would rather keep it's head in the sand and continue to rape it's citizens. Even though Joe Stack's method was extreme his message was clear.
I agree that a revolution is coming but it won't be the kind with guns. It will be a revolution of the people against the banking industry and the tax structure. I have already started - no more money in the bank where anyone can see it, tax it or seize it. From now on I am retired - I am sick and tired of giving my money to the government.
That already is the reality here, say hello to 60% income taxes, 20% sales taxes, gas at $9 a gallon and so on. It'll happen to you too!

No it won't. Not as long as we have our guns. Remember that little incident in the Boston Harbor?...I am on a million conservative sites and blogs. Let me tell you many good Americans are about to get really pissed off. We only need a good spark to set off the next revolution.

Here in NJ they do not want us to have guns legally. Even though there are permits and licenses to be had the red tape to be "legal" is daunting. You get the impression that the authorities would rather not acknowledge our right to bear arms. :hunter:
Joe Stack flew his plane into the friggin IRS building - a MAJOR statement by a citizen that got hushed up pretty quick. Our government would rather keep it's head in the sand and continue to rape it's citizens. Even though Joe Stack's method was extreme his message was clear.
I agree that a revolution is coming but it won't be the kind with guns. It will be a revolution of the people against the banking industry and the tax structure. I have already started - no more money in the bank where anyone can see it, tax it or seize it. From now on I am retired - I am sick and tired of giving my money to the government.

I been that way for some 25 years now....

let inflation carry the load on housing....just wish I had been much more circumspect in my buzzness dealings.....if anything had turned out, I"d be driving a new motor home and a C6 ZO6 by now....oh well.....

what is nice is that the Fed rates are nationwide, but here in Florida, there is NO state income tax 7% sales.....in Faryland when I left it was 8% state/local income tax, and 5% sales....double the rate on the net net...

but here in Florida it takes maybe 1/3 the income to do the same living standard.....ho hum...hell with it, more time off....

I believe Democrats and Republicans are the same big business, just having different agendas.
If we lose our third party hopes, and just have two parties forever, the madness will never end.
I believe Democrats and Republicans are the same big business, just having different agendas.
If we lose our third party hopes, and just have two parties forever, the madness will never end.

The ONLY party the true conservatives/libertarians have any chance to take over/be a STRONG influence in,...is the R pardy....

the D's a owned by PROGRESSIVES, lock stock and barrel....

trick is to get rid of RINOS....like McCain....I had to hold my nose to vote for him....felt that way since Reagan, really....

I voted for Perot.....HUGE MISTAKE.....

I believe Democrats and Republicans are the same big business, just having different agendas.
If we lose our third party hopes, and just have two parties forever, the madness will never end.

Third party hopes are just an illusion - a carrot for us to chase after.

EXACTLY, no more Perot 3rd party crap....if it wasn't for him, maybe Klinton would not have been in office, and we wouldn't have had all this housing run up with unqualified owners.....and today's economic collapse....

makes for a bunch of excitement alright, the type WE the PEOPLE don't friggin' need....
