Round fixed headlights


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2008
Crystal Lake Illinois
I want to go with fixed round headlights, but wanted a more clean set up, using a smaller diamater light to get away from the "bubble frog eye" look of the L88 racing stlye. I saw some pics from Pro-Touring that he had posted and it appears he is using smaller lights with a flat lense, without the bubbled lense. Any one have experience doing this, I am looking for a recommended style, year, MFG of lights to use with any other details you can provide. I am good with fabricating and making my own fiberglass and aluminum parts. Just looking for sugestions to speed up the process and to get away from some of the trial and error, thank you.
I have late Camaro lo profile square lights in the Eckler's sugar scoop trays on front of my car, I closed in the silly oversized hole to about only a 5" fore/aft opening, stock width....lights are at a legal height too....

All the mechanical parts came from junkyard, off a couple of Camaros....

the frame I made from 1x2 solid PVC plastic from Lowes/Depot....

stainless wood screws and PVC cement, shot them black and with the headlights recessed a bit hardly see any mechanical crap...


I had a pix on the net, at one of the sites, but guess it's been dumped....

Thanks, but I do not want to use the rectangle lights, I just don't think they match the shape of a vette very well. I am interested in using the fiberglass headlight buckets used in the rectangle headlight conversion, but modify for small diameter round lights.:nuts:
Thanks, but I do not want to use the rectangle lights, I just don't think they match the shape of a vette very well. I am interested in using the fiberglass headlight buckets used in the rectangle headlight conversion, but modify for small diameter round lights.:nuts:

Oh, TT memeber here has some pix and specs on round hi output lights, small diameter that could fit nice, would have done that, but mine was done by the time these a search here, pretty sure they are specd....

:beer: Yeh, under downloads, Twin Turbo has some 900 pix d/loaded....various projects and in there I pretty sure you can find the headlights.....
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Yes, that is what I was looking for!!. Is the size and type of lights also available in the download, I will check, if not, appreciate if any one has that info, thank you guys again:mobeer:
Yes, just checked template, looks good but still looking for light size and style for proper fitment, still searching:search:

PIX and templates/mounting info are here, for sure, seen them, but been a while...TT is the source, surely...

Looks like you have the same 90mm projector units. The US main beams are a different part number, their lens is shaped differently. they have a symmetrical pattern, not one that lights up the road signs on the left. Do you have halogen bulbs or Xenons in there?

Do you also have mesh in the middle of the buckets? I also designed and fabbed some sheet metal headlight opening surrounds that can be drilled, riveted with nutserts and then lexan covers can be laid on them. They would have to be bent in a contour a bit and then secured with windshield adhesive, they would be held up by the bucket also.



Still have to add these but I'm not sure if the law dictates here that if you cover it all up you have to have washers on it, this is the case with modern cars but the book is a bit vague about retrofit. I'll add it once the car has a registration here.

Nice ride for sure! Boss wheels???
Looks like you have the same 90mm projector units. The US main beams are a different part number, their lens is shaped differently. they have a symmetrical pattern, not one that lights up the road signs on the left. Do you have halogen bulbs or Xenons in there?

Do you also have mesh in the middle of the buckets? I also designed and fabbed some sheet metal headlight opening surrounds that can be drilled, riveted with nutserts and then lexan covers can be laid on them. They would have to be bent in a contour a bit and then secured with windshield adhesive, they would be held up by the bucket also.



Still have to add these but I'm not sure if the law dictates here that if you cover it all up you have to have washers on it, this is the case with modern cars but the book is a bit vague about retrofit. I'll add it once the car has a registration here.

Nice ride for sure! Boss wheels???
Headlights came with h-9 bulbs,but changed to xenon,have to put back the h-9 bulbs to clear the inspection.Not a big deal just reaconnect the ballast and change the bulbs, then switch back.
They said i must have automatic level controll in a-arms to run xenon!,no problem with the lexan-covers/washers though!.
Yes i also did a trimring in alu to fasten the covers,i mount them with only butyl-tape(windshield adhesive)no screws,looks very clean.
Wheels are the same old torq-thrust,but i had powdercoat the center with a transparent paint called Black Chrome,looks so nice and no one else have the same:drink:
Headlight MOD

Looks like you have the same 90mm projector units. The US main beams are a different part number, their lens is shaped differently. they have a symmetrical pattern, not one that lights up the road signs on the left. Do you have halogen bulbs or Xenons in there?

Do you also have mesh in the middle of the buckets? I also designed and fabbed some sheet metal headlight opening surrounds that can be drilled, riveted with nutserts and then lexan covers can be laid on them. They would have to be bent in a contour a bit and then secured with windshield adhesive, they would be held up by the bucket also.



Still have to add these but I'm not sure if the law dictates here that if you cover it all up you have to have washers on it, this is the case with modern cars but the book is a bit vague about retrofit. I'll add it once the car has a registration here.

Nice ride for sure! Boss wheels???
Headlights came with h-9 bulbs,but changed to xenon,have to put back the h-9 bulbs to clear the inspection.Not a big deal just reaconnect the ballast and change the bulbs, then switch back.
They said i must have automatic level controll in a-arms to run xenon!,no problem with the lexan-covers/washers though!.
Yes i also did a trimring in alu to fasten the covers,i mount them with only butyl-tape(windshield adhesive)no screws,looks very clean.
Wheels are the same old torq-thrust,but i had powdercoat the center with a transparent paint called Black Chrome,looks so nice and no one else have the same:drink:

Thanks to all, this is what I needed and will be ordering the Hella lights on monday. I hope it turns out as nice as yours, thanks again.:bounce:
Hell with the headlights, that first pix up top there, the tail lights just to the right of the car.......:lol::lol::cool:
Here are some other designs with round headlights, the last four all use the hella 90 bulbs


On the second pic, the red corvette with the white stripes is that a mold that can be purchased? if so any body know where it can be bought? thanks for input