My '76 restoration (long post)

The closer I get to the paint bootn the more nervous I get about color choice.:twitch:
Guess that's where I'll be - once I get it together. In the meantime - it will be hot-rod satin back - just to take the edge off primer grey. Hope to catch up to your progress this summer! Those gaps are Lookn' Good! You wanna come down and do my gullwings - once built?

Cheers - Jim
Thanks Jim.
I think I'm gonna chicken out of the satin paint idea, to my dismay.

-Hard to maintain, no touch up, no polish, no wax : no margin of error.
-Hard to apply, no polish again, orange peel if happens is here to stay.
-Probably a fad eventually.

OTOH, there's satin vinyl wrap....

gullwings? One what car?
Paint is one of the more difficult decisions.....

A C3 has so many sharp edges and curves that a metallic color really pops in the sunlight. I like the grey metallics too, I was thinking about re-painting my Mustang next year, charcoal grey metallic, then spray the bottom half with the same grey metallic but a tad of black tint.... Then add a little base to the first coat of clear for a perfect transition..... Basically close to Cybergrey metallic but the lower half a little bit darker..... I think that would look great on pretty much any car..... Difficult to repair though.....
I've been busy wrapping up my driver side job.
Fist I had to fix little nicks in the inside of fender's lip and on the bottom edge of the door skin. Basically I've been working for hour laying down on the ground, hopefully I had a full face mask.

Then I went on to tackle two of the last tasks :
Finish the mudding of the root arch and the sharpening of its edge


Then I did the mudding on the rear bumper seams. The bumper also had a quiet apparent mold seam to assert.


The '80 bumper was a shortcut for me. If I had all the time in the world I would have done it differently.
May I had started my resto laster I would have gone for CI kit.
However, while I was at it, I changed the body line a tiny little to fit my taste.


Not it's done FOR REAL. This afternoon I push the car all the other way and start the passenger side.
May the other side be quicker to do.
It should, it seems to have seen less abuse in it's life.

Last point concerning the paint.
I've stumble open the one year ('70) paint called 'laguna gray', and boy it's close to what I had in mind. Of course asserting paint color from pictures is a crapshoot, I wish I could see one in real life.
Ok, I lied. The car didn't got moved to the other side of the garage until Monday.
One of the perks of being an outspoken petrolhead in a world of nerds, it that when a friend of a friend has a ticket for Formula One grand prix of Montreal to give away, they know who to call.
So yeah, went to the Grand Prix Sunday. To be frank I wasn't that impressed. Much due to the new turbo rules. Cars sound tamed and weak, despite being faster that ever.
I stayed for 20 laps or so and made it home. Cool to see but would have regretted to put 300$ or so in a ticket.

Back to the car.
Here's one of the tools I like.

It's cute, silent and carbon neutral!
I prefer hand tool when dealing with fiberglass, you can screw up so quickly with power tools.
I removed the head, replaced the body with a bolt, and here's the tool I'm using to locate the holes for the bracket.


I place the bracket in its position then hand drill a guide hole frombehind.

And here are the brackets installed, mere half and hour spent on those.

Just to put in perspective the work on the driver side door jamb, it looked pretty much like the passenger side :



Also started the sharpening of the roof edge
Cutting up :

Door fused, started mudding the back

And the front

Lip grinded out

Ghetto template : cello wrap, painter tape and some rag

After a quick trimming

Does the job

And tell me my lip angle is still too steep

Very smart to make a simple but effective mold the way you did! That is something to keep in mind for future projects.
Nice work!
Glad you appreciate it.
I have been worrying about getting by two flare job identical for the whole day, if not week, when I had the idea out of some sort of epiphany, while trying to get asleep in my bed.
It's actually a good moment for me find different approach to my current problem, if only I could remember them all when I wake up the next morning :push:
Allright, it's been a while since I last updated.
Worry not, I did not snooze, and it's been a pretty productive period given how hot is the garage.
I usually slow down during the summer, but this time, the sight of sort of milestone in front, I kept going as fast is possible.
I'm sweating on an industrial scale, but I stay sanding happy :waxer:

First, summer is garage cleaning season and I could score a couple of good deals.

The shield pack was 40$, for sure it's C3's, but I don't even know if I have all the brackets. Heck, that will be for when I'm bored with the bodywork.

Trims when 70$, my current top windshield trim is a sorry azz flimsy repro, and the T-top pillar trim, one of the last original interior trim is on it's last leg.

The spinner were 40$, they are massive. I'll have to figure out with my machinist how to make them fit, but I'm sure it will look badass.


Ok, now the actual work.


Final mud for the rear:







I'm almost to the point I could let it go to the paint booth.
Of course I won't, but I could, and that's a comforting feeling.

Next up it the taillights. There is a lot in standby on this side, the clear bubble cover molding, the led plates, the driver box. Sometimes I think I'm high on bodywork because I don't want to think about this.
I've checked on ebay, and angel light are maturing. They now come in several diameter and color, and include covers. I may buy one of those to find out how bright they are and see if they can make a proper taillight.
Last thing I want to make is something annoying or unsafe.

Beside the taillight, there is the slanted back window, so far I'm in for it, this gonna be tricky.
Looking good! Nothing more miserable than sanding fiberglass in hot, sticky weather!:sweat:
Thanks Kid.
When people see how heavily I sweat they all say:
- "well, you're going to lose a few pound in no time"
Still waiting for that to happen tho:push:
When people see how heavily I sweat they all say:
- "well, you're going to lose a few pound in no time"
Still waiting for that to happen tho:push:

Its all that Moosehead -- Oh yeah that's right you're in Q'beck - must be Caribou, eh?:mobeer:

Cheers - so to speak - Jim
When people see how heavily I sweat they all say:
- "well, you're going to lose a few pound in no time"
Still waiting for that to happen tho:push:

Its all that Moosehead -- Oh yeah that's right you're in Q'beck - must be Caribou, eh?:mobeer:

Cheers - so to speak - Jim
Quebec is blessed by a very active brewing scene.
Unibroue, who was the first North American brewer to use Belgium yeast and method had an awesome lineup that you can probably find in the US given you've got a speciality/import beer market (or maybe WholeFood).
The micro-brewery scene is also intense, there's a bar near my place that only sell micro-brewery production and anytime in the year they have 30+ tap beer to select from.
Call me elitist, by I'm staying clear from regular "beer", would it be Labatt, Molson or Bud. When I'm thirsty, I drink water.:mobeer:
Looking good!!! Always good to see progress......
Thanks Karstern, that's appreciated.
Yesterday I finished the sanding of the rear section and cut the inner lip of the fender.
Now I set the door free and sand the door jamb, and we got a wrap :thankyou:.