AC design question


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Las Vegas Nevada
This is clearly an "other cars" question but yet germane to us all.

I'm working on an old (66) Jaguar that has a trunk mounted Air conditioning evaporator with the rest under the hood as normal.

They've got rubber hose tied to the chassis all the way to the trunk to make it all work.

My childlike mind is looking to replace all that underfloor rubber with steel tubing and just use short lengths of the 134A style tubing.

SOOOO....Anybody have any expertise to recommend sizes and types of tubing? I'm thinking the return side should have some kind of radiation on it to enhance the condenser efficiency? Like the 3/4" finned aluminum tube the stock car guys sell? Is aluminum compatible? I've got 4' of that tube here.

Hmmm, can't find an example of that tube just now????:surrender:
The evaporator is a big black plenum in the trunk with vents in the rear deck area. Condensor fills the small grill opening at the front and somewhat compromises the radiator. The thing blows icy cold when it ran but I've not charged it for a while because of the big York compressor limiting access in the engine bay while other work goes on.

I'm going to put a Sanden 508 in place of the York and would like to get a Porsche condenser with fan to put under the left front fender. It's a good fit but those condensers are hard to find.

I'll get some pictures soon.

I'll probably be buying everything to restore this from Vintage Air so I'll talk to them soon about the piping. I'm sorry, running hose for fifteen feet just isn't right in my book....:push:
I've worked with Vintage and Classic Auto Air on some custom setups. I'm sure one of them could supply you with tubing that has the correct ends/fittings.