Will a Corbeau TRS fit?


Aug 24, 2008
I have been looking at the Corbeau TRS. The TRS seemed to have more lateral support and more lumbar support than some others. It also reclines forward, which is important to me (vs a fixed back seat). Plus you can get an opening for a 5 or 6 point harness.

Does anyone know if it will fit in a 1969?
If anyone has ANY Corbeau seat, let me know so I can check the dimensions again the TRS. Thanks!

PS: Also, let me know if you like the seat. Comfortable? Good lumbar and lateral support
If anyone has ANY Corbeau seat, let me know so I can check the dimensions again the TRS. Thanks!

PS: Also, let me know if you like the seat. Comfortable? Good lumbar and lateral support
No personal experience but heard the A4 is fitting well, mostly a question of width.
I fit Corbeau LG1s in my '78. Great support and comfortable, but if you're over 6' head clearance will be minimal (or over 5' 10" with a helmet on).
Thread hijack...
I had a look around for the Corbeau LG1, wow there's an amazing price difference between vendors:

$1596 /2 at racing seats USA
$820/2 at 4wheelparts.com

That's half the price...ridiculous.
Morale of the story is that if you are looking for seats and have chosen a particular make and model...keep looking...look around some more...look another couple of weeks..... before you buy.
The difference here is a set of assembled aluminum heads..:bonkers: