what happened to ebay?


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
midwestern USA
I understand everyone is pissed at ebay because of the no more buyer negative feedback thing and their constantly raising their rates and soon no more "paper payments" BUT I used to watch 30 - 50 Corvette/automotive related items at any one given time, TODAY I am watching four.....where are all the parts being sold? maybe the swap meets (that have been dying because of ebay) are making a comeback. I would think with the economy the way it is people would be selling parts not hoarding them.....
I have noticed this too Howard. I can only guess that sellers are tired of listing stuff cheap and not selling, or paying the fees for listing non salable items.
I still buy all kinds of stuff off E-Bay. I think I've been burned only once really bad. I don't buy just car parts either. I've bought three 35MM cameras and accessories, a ton of O-gauge toy trains and parts, a bunch of autographed baseballs, and some certified collector coins. I even went with the Pay Pal charge card. I've got no complaints with E-Bay. You do have to be a careful shopper and read the advertisements and guarantees carefully. But I have found that E-Bay has been excellent about straightening out any problems I ran into. And they have been very few.

My Father-in law is a dedicated Craig's list buyer. I check them frequently, but their selection of cars and motorcycles seems to be pretty limited in my area.

I think that the crappy economy may be having an effect on all these places. Nobody is buying so nobody is selling. Maybe after the election and if the economy improves, E-Bay will get more active. I have found that items that are for sale are selling at dirt cheap prices. People may also be holding off on selling until it goes back to being a seller's market. If you watch the TV auctions at Barrets and other locations, the cars are no longer selling at outrageous prices unless they are very collectible. And even then, the sellers aren't giving anything away. Many times the seller won't take the highest bid, even if it's ridiculous.
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The fee that Ebay charges is outrageous. I think their (unwritten) policy of protecting dishonest sellers is catching up with them also.
Mike, I agree there is PLENTY of stuff to buy, I`m just curious where everyone thinks the Corvette parts went too....

Larry, It looks like the pendulum has swung back a little, ebay is now going overboard to protect unscrupulous buyers....a pay-pal only society will not only make it more expensive and more complicated it will make it easier for a bad buyer to claim he didn`t get what he thought he was getting and place a hold on your pay-pal account.

I do have a pay-pal question though.....I`m not giving up my banking info and have a new account with pay-pal using my credit card. Lets say I sell something, how do I collect the cash?
Your probably right. Ebay protects unscrupulous sellers AND buyers. I think this and ridiculous fees are making people hold on to stuff.

I've noticed the parts pool drying up also. There sure aren't many bargains there anymore. I have sold some old electric guitar parts lately and 90% went to Europe and Asia.

Dosen't Paypal have an option to send you a check for your balance?
I haven't sold anything on ebay in a long time. I hate dealing with the shipping. I don't buy much on there anymore either. I like craigslist much better. It is free and everyone deals in cash. Prices are normally better to.
Hopefully they swap meets get better

Last year and the year before the turkey rod run sucked
Ebay fees are outrageous: I sold wheels for $350, had to pay "insertation" fee as well as "final price based" fee after the item sold... PLUS I had to eat the Paypal fees for the incoming payment.... never again.....

Two weeks after this I sold a set of wheels on the local Craigslist... sold after a few days, guy came to pick the wheels up and I even put them on the car for him....no fees no BS...

Craislist is however not perfect: I've had quiet a few people ask me if I wanted to trade for sunglasses, watches, all kind of other stuff..... nobody offered a camel (yet)....

Buying on Ebay is ok, the seller pays all the fees... :rolleyes:
I confess I have only been a buyer on E-Bay. So never had to deal with the side issues of being a seller.
I confess I have only been a buyer on E-Bay. So never had to deal with the side issues of being a seller.

Yeh, I tried selling ONCE, and it cost me 13? bux for the addy with NO bids....

hell with it....never again....now I have bought off ebay a lot, but not vette parts, those are too easy to get here in florida, and I know some people for sources, anyway, shoot, easy to build a whole damn car for some ten grand, with a new frame even....IF I cared....:crutches:
I've been buying and selling on eBay for years (since it's early days). I even bought 1 car (my '69 corvette project) off eBay (it was a local seller) and sold 4 vehicles there. But the feel of eBay has really changed since it began.

To me, it was much more fun in it's infancy, and there were some great deals out there. Now it is almost like an online store vs. an auction site. True you can find needed items, but I loved when less people knew about it or how to use it.
I tell you what I HATE about it is them knocking HELL out of prices on any collectible item, I have some nautical antiques I"d LOVE to sell for a fair to cheep price, but not for what the bids/offers on ebay are doing, and certainly not PAYING to list at some give away price, hell I can do THAT locally, ....

If you have a item that does not sell locally then Ebay is the easiest way to approach potential buyers nationwide. Take my LS1 Predator programmer for example, I had it for $260 on Craigslist for 4 weeks... got 4 or 5 lowball offers that's it.... now if I sell it on Ebay for $260 it's about $25 in fees and Paypal fees.... might as well take the local lowball offer and sell it for $200..... :suicide:
If you have a item that does not sell locally then Ebay is the easiest way to approach potential buyers nationwide. Take my LS1 Predator programmer for example, I had it for $260 on Craigslist for 4 weeks... got 4 or 5 lowball offers that's it.... now if I sell it on Ebay for $260 it's about $25 in fees and Paypal fees.... might as well take the local lowball offer and sell it for $200..... :suicide:

WTF is a LS1 predator programmer?? is enable me to fairly easy hotrod a LS engine transplant...without going through hell that is???

WTF is a LS1 predator programmer?? is enable me to fairly easy hotrod a LS engine transplant...without going through hell that is???


It comes with a pre-programmed "performance tune" that is good for 10-12 HP, in addition you can:
Adjust fan settings
Adjust shift points and firmness
Turn off emission equipment engine codes
read engine codes
real time data (speed,rpm,ignition timing, and so on)
change rear axle ratio and tire diameter

nice little toy for the money, not as good as HPtuner or LS1edit but less than half the price and easier to use.

If you install a LS1 with the stock computer and wiring harniss you could use this tool to eliminate the emission equipment which you most likely wouldn't install on a 25+ year old vehicle that will never go thru emission testing...

For a transplant you may also need the rear axle ratio and tire diameter edit option.
Before you sell the power programmer, Marck and I are interested in it so hold on to it till we get back
Before you sell the power programmer, Marck and I are interested in it so hold on to it till we get back

So you guys ARE heading to the states??? wish I knew ahead of time....

but my son is heading here sometime this week....

what's your plans???