Wanna LAUGH???


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Go over to CF quickly, and look for a post be DC3 Ammeter not working....

see the line of total ignorance demonstrated by folks trying to help....

i'ts funny, really....I give up allready....I can't do it....

How is the ammeter hooked up in a C3? Series in the feed wire (not the starter one) or via an external shunt (resistor) and then wired parrallel over that?

I'm willing to bet it's the 1st, fire hazard, thick wires and all....

I didn't read the thread but what's wrong?
How is the ammeter hooked up in a C3? Series in the feed wire (not the starter one) or via an external shunt (resistor) and then wired parrallel over that?

I'm willing to bet it's the 1st, fire hazard, thick wires and all....

I didn't read the thread but what's wrong?

They are trying to quote text books as to a elementary ampmeter hooked in series with the load, which really measures the voltage drop across the shunt in parallel with the meter....BUT....the cars are not hooked up that way....

the ampmeter is in series with the sense wire, red or MOST CLOCKWISE when viewed from back of the alt....this with built in regulator...got something really old with fender/firewall mounted regulators...honestly I forget, but I know it's not passing currents through the dash mounted meter...

so in affect that meter is just a SWAG indication of the true state of affairs...

problem is....IF the alt quits charging, the silly ampmeter very seldom will go negative, and mostly it reads reall slight positive, which is why I tore mine out long ago and put in a voltmeter....much better indications of the conditions with the electrical system....