tinted bubbles and foglights


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
Spent some time playing with tinted clearcoat today. I have done this to my foglights a few weeks ago and now I tinted the spare set of C6 foglights and my spare set of C3 bubble taillights.


Wetsanded the plastic with 400 and 600 grit to get all the little nicks and scratches out, then sprayed two coats tinted clear followed by another two coats of clear to protect the whole thing...




This is by far better than the tinting foil that they sell on Fleebay.... or the blackout kits that are way too obvious and darken the lights way too much.

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That looks awesome, you can't see 400 grit scratches through the clear? What sort of tint did you use? I have a rattle can of that blackout stuff, I was thinking about using it, but maybe I'll do what you did. If you don't mind a copy cat.
I asked the guy at the paint store for the same stuff they use to mix paint, it's like $8 for 4oz. You only need a few drops in 1oz clear. Then add 1/4oz hardener (mixing cup) and spray 2 coats on the lights.... for four taillights you might need 2oz clear for two coats.... do it coat by coat, don't tint too much or you will attract cops.

This is a spare set. I got four bubbles last Christmas giveaway, I took the worst four out of the eight I have and sanded those... I started with 400 grit and then 600. 400 is a little rough and scratches might show if you spray clear over 400 grit ... dunno....

Do you have bubble taillights or stock ??

BTW, the cops are not dumb.... if they pull you over for the tint, they might wipe your taillights to see if the tint comes off, fingernail for example..... this clearcoat cannot be wiped off or peeled off like a sticker or foil....:p
Here's what the tinted bubbles look like:

A little too dark for my taste..... wanna trade for your un-tinted bubbles ??? I'll do the next set with less tint..... once installed they look a LOT darker