this is why the autobahn rules

It was kind of hard to see but it looked like the guy was doing 150kph? Guy that went past him was SMOKIN':shocking:
Yup, he was doing about 90mph in his Fiat Panda :D I think he wet himself LOL

That z06 was probably doing 160
Never happen, but I"d LOVE to get my vette over there for some fun....

have to get some actual Z rated tires though....compared to the rest of the concept that's pocket change...too bad I not some some diplomat or something, get my car shipped for FREE....

Marck, I nearly pooped myself when you passed me in my lil Panda .... :clobbered::crylol::footmouth:

I'm not aware of a higher number of accidents or deaths related to the autobahn and the speed limit (or the absence of such) ... simple rules: stay in the right lane, use the left lane ONLY for passing... passing on the right is ILLEGAL and the ticket for passing on the right is HUGE.... look in your mirror before moving to the left... look again.... now move into the left lane....and get your a$$ back in the right lane when you're done passing that FIAT.... (couldn't see if the Vette moved over, it disappeared at the horizon....)...

It's really easy.... way different from driving here in the US but really not a lot more dangerous.... to be honest I feel less safe here where 16 year old can drive Dad's F150 or Silverado .... or a-holes without license or insurance.... you don't see that kinda crap in western Europe.....

Yes, I'd like to take my 79 over there but it'll most likely self destruct at 120mph...... :trumpet::trumpet:
Yes, I'd like to take my 79 over there but it'll most likely self destruct at 120mph...... :trumpet::trumpet:

I would like to DREAM I could hang in there long enough to see some rear porche blow his ass off.....

figger 150 mph @ 4500 rpm, ASS uming the tires are good for it....

why not???
Well, I know mine will do 140, I've got proof of 130, but for how long? THAT is the question.

When I win the lottery I will take a new ZR-1 over there and I doubt I'll ever have to leave the left lane.:cool:
I had a couple of these kind passing me at that kind of speed when I was in Germany. I was doing something like 160 kph, looked like i was standing still. You cannot see them coming. However most of the time the autobahn is very safe, but if an accident better get of there real fast.
Bingo, that's why its extremely dangerous.


I don't disagree but statistically there are not more accidents than elsewhere....just my opinion: I find it a lot more dangerous having to drive 70MPH on an empty interstate for miles and miles straight... it's so boring that you can't concentrate and fall asleep ... going 100+ MPH keeps you awake and alert :yahoo:
I don't disagree but statistically there are not more accidents than elsewhere....just my opinion: I find it a lot more dangerous having to drive 70MPH on an empty interstate for miles and miles straight... it's so boring that you can't concentrate and fall asleep ... going 100+ MPH keeps you awake and alert :yahoo:

comparing apples and oranges. Germany is what? about the size of Vermont?

Large differential speeds are a problem. I always slow down to pass if i'm driving really fast.
comparing apples and oranges. Germany is what? about the size of Vermont?

Large differential speeds are a problem. I always slow down to pass if i'm driving really fast.

No , Germany is half the size of Texas with a population of 85 million versus Texas 25 million....
They had this huge discussion about the speed limit in the late 90's... you can go as fast as traffic allows, therefore 160mph is only possible at night or far outside of any populated area (which is hard to find in such a small country)...

If there were way more deadly accidents than in other European countries or the US then they would have introduced a speed limit years ago.... now most of the Autobahn is limited to 130kph (75mph) and that's mainly for environmental reasons because the tree hugger party got like 10% or so .... damn I'm glad I got my a$$ out of there :drink::drink:
No , Germany is half the size of Texas with a population of 85 million versus Texas 25 million....
They had this huge discussion about the speed limit in the late 90's... you can go as fast as traffic allows, therefore 160mph is only possible at night or far outside of any populated area (which is hard to find in such a small country)...

If there were way more deadly accidents than in other European countries or the US then they would have introduced a speed limit years ago.... now most of the Autobahn is limited to 130kph (75mph) and that's mainly for environmental reasons because the tree hugger party got like 10% or so .... damn I'm glad I got my a$$ out of there :drink::drink:

Well the intangible is that they are much better drivers and have more brains.

They are very serious people with little sense of humor. I unknowingly drove around with the bright red portion of the tail light on and got shit from a bunch of people on the autobahn. I thought they were going to run me off the road.
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Usually the idiots on the German Autobahns are the drivers with yellow licence plates and a NL sticker. it stands for NetherLands but often has the meaning "Nür Links" (only left). Stupid farts always hanging in the left lane. Or those idiots who just HAVE to overtake a slower car/truck and throw themselves in your path where they could have easily waited until you passed. It sure is exciting out there, and it can drive up the blood pressure too! Either way, doing 300km/h there...I don't know, it has a certain something to it :D
Well the intangible is that they are much better drivers and have more brains.

You got that right! There could never be an autobahn in the US because people don't know how to drive. How many times do you see some idiot on the open road puttering along in the left lane? These clowns have the attitude like "hey I pay taxes, I'll drive in whatever lane I want".

The other big difference is that the autobahn is very nice roadway. The roads here are crap.