The Climate Today

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
In the 1970’s I taught high school science, biology & chemistry in Bridgeport, the largest city in CT. There had been riots at this school a couple years prior to my arrival and uniformed police were stationed outside and occasionally inside. It was an enlightening experience. I’ll relate a few of my personal experiences.

One Monday a student living in low income housing told me with glee, not revulsion – guess what they found in the incinerator – the body of a burnt baby.

This school system had tracking, meaning classes were identified as G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,G6. G3 was average skills. G1 was tops above average. G6 was way below average, often foreign speaking, no language skills. In G6 failure was not an option, instead FL was graded – in other words failing due to lack of language skills. These students were then passed on to the next grade the following year. My level G1 chemistry class had 6 students. There were no G3,G4,G5 or G6 chemistry classes. The majority of my classes were G3 & lower general science & biology.

Discipline & behavior problems were often in the lower tracking levels. I will never forget the following exchange with one unruly, undisciplined, uncontrollable student. He clearly told me: “my mother doesn’t tell me what to do, and you are not going to either”. That succinctly revealed how their young lives would be run forever and this was not unusual. This often led to disruptive behavior as some teachers were afraid of some students. I was threatened occasionally, but never physically attacked.

The parents night meetings were very sparsely attended. Parents would follow their child’s school schedule & every 10-15 minutes go to their next class to meet that teacher. In some classes, no parent showed up. We just sort of went through the motions, stood out in the hall if no parents appeared. In my view there is a clear, absolutely clear relationship between the breakdown of the family and the rise of an uneducated, unskilled, unemployable class. I refer to them as ferals.

One of the most disturbing events was revealed many years after I Ieft teaching & went into business. As I was getting coffee to go at a local diner a younger girl approached me & stated “remember me Mr. C.” I apologized and said that years later, I only remembered the very worst & the few top students. She related, “I was in the same class as Bruce C.” Oh I remember him; he sat in the absolute rear row, would open his briefcase & point his hands at me as if he was holding a gun. She related, “did you know, he really did have a gun in his briefcase; he was one of big drug dealer in the school.”

I had a science club & arranged a bus trip to the Bronx Zoo in NYCity. In the House of Darkness day & night were reversed so that nocturnal animals could be observed. All of a sudden a door opened & I saw two uniformed NYCity cops dragging Karl B. outside into the daylight. They revealed he was molesting girls in the darkness & were going to arrest him. I pleaded with them to release him to me & he would be on the school bus back to Bridgeport that day. Thankfully they did as it would have been “difficult” to explain what occurred to the H.S. principal. Years later he was convicted of murder & sent to Somers prison. He’s probably out now, or a recidivist or dead.

After attaining 12 years public education + 6 years of college + master degree I was only netting $208.00 in my weekly paycheck & literally living from credit card bill to credit card bill. After purchasing my 1963 Corvette, beginning refurbishing and then selling the left over used parts I made over $500 at my first Corvette only swap meet. The writing was on the wall; soon I left teaching & never looked back.

Yesterday there was a photograph from a drone over the Rt 25/8 highway that was shut down for 3+ hours by protestors. It was between exit 2 & 3 on this 8 to 10 lane feeder that routes directly into the I-95 major North – South freeway. My warehouse is exactly next to this highway. Time will tell what happens next. Rioters broke the windows & the door to enter the local police station to be repelled by the police inside.

The breakdown of the family, lack of personal responsibility & no education or skills has produced an underclass that seems irredeemable. EBT, Section 8, obamaphones, WIC, SNAP are not the answer. My personal view is that Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society was an abject failure & set the tone for one group of politicians to maintain control via free this & free that. There is an old adage: if you pay someone not to work, why would they ever work.

I do believe the recent police murder of Mr. George Floyd in Minneapolis was absolutely wrong and statistically the vast exception to the reality of all deaths due to police interaction. Horrible yes. The protests are right. The tremendous arson, looting & violence is not.
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how can you say LBJ`s great society was a failure? I think it was a success if your a liberal democrat, it got and kept blacks voting democratic...
next to my warehouse ...

Shutting an expressway down is the the work of morons. It is just a nuisance that has no connection to your "cause". And, no TV cameras around to show you laying in the street.

Sometimes I wonder if the news shows stayed away, if the riot would go away.
First Off – Mr. George Floyd did not deserve to die with a knee on his neck.

jeff bozos newspaper the Washington Post has these “facts”.
Police killed 1029 people in 2019 (out of 328,231,337 people in USA)
Blacks are killed by Police 30 per million.
Hispanics are killed by Police 23 per million.
Whites are killed by Police 12 per million.
Other are killed by Police 4 per million.

So they continue with the “fact” that Black are only 13 per cents of the population. Bozos ignore Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, New Orleans & Washington, DC where minority murders by minorities are “nothing to see here folk – move on”. They don’t count, They don’t even mention them.

I can only report on the murder & violent crime reported in my area. In Bridgeport, CT I have read of about 17 murders in the past year. Two years ago a 16 YO car thief who drove at the police & was shot to death. All the other were killed by others – not cops. This past week in Waterbury, CT 4 Blacks between 18-22 YO or so invaded an apartment & stole $13,000 from the 3 female residents. Odd having that amount of money in an apartment. Wonder what they did for employment? Me too. I can only guess. Honestly, I have not read of any Whites or Other engaged in home invasions. I also have not read of any White flash mobs stealing from apple stores or Victoria Secret, etc. The local newpaper – a rag – seldom identifier the race of those who are shot or stabbed. Instead I look up their name on Google images to discover who is shooting & stabbing & robbing.

The 50 most violent cities in the USA were listed in a 2018 web page I perused (not in the Wash. Piss. newspaper) They were selected by the number of violent cimes per 100,000 people. Following are the cities with the number of homicides in parentheses. Next the Violent crime per 100,000 rate followed by the Poverty = Pov & Unemployment = Un.
I took the time to look up what political party ran these 50 most violent cities.

1. Detroit, MI (261) 2,007 /100K Pov 37.9% Un: 9.0% Mike Duggan (D)
2. Memphis, TN (186) 1,943 /100K Pov 26.9% Un 4.6% Jim Strickland (D)
3. Birmingham, AL (88) 1,911 /100K Pov 28.1% Un 4.6% Randall Woodfin (D)
4. Baltimore, MD (309) 1,833 /100K Pov 22.4% Un 5.7% Jack Young (D)
5. StLouis, MO (187) 1,800 /100K Pov 25.0% Un 3.8% Lyda Krewson (D)
6. Kansas City, MO (137) 1,590 /100K Pov 17.3% Un 3.5% Quinton Lucas (D)
7. Cleveland, OH (86) 1,449 /100K Pov 35.2% Un 6.5% Frank G. Jackson (D)
8. Little Rock, AR (40) 1,446 /100K Pov 17.8% Un 3.5% Frank Scott Jr. (D)
9. Milwaukee, WI (99) 1,413 /100K Pov 27.4% Un 4.0% Tom Barrett (D)
10. Stockton, CA (33) 1,399 /100K Pov 22.4% Un 6.9% Michael Tubbs (D)
11. Rockford, IL (23) 1,386 /100K Pov 22.2% Un 6.8% Tom McNamara (D)
12. Albuquerque, NM (69) 1,364 /100K Pov 18.2% Un 4.5% Tim Keller (D)
13. San Bernardino, CA (49) 1,333 /100K Pov 30.6% Un 5.2% John Valdivia (D)
14. Springfield, MO (16) 1,316 /100K Pov 25.7% Un 2.7% Ken McClure (D)
15. Anchorage, AK (26) 1,309 /100K Pov 8.1% Un 5.5% Ethan Berkowitz (D)
16. Oakland, CA (70) 1,273 /100K Pov 18.7% Un 3.4% Libby Schaaf (D)
17. Indianapolis, IN (162) 1,272 /100K Pov 20.1% Un 3.5% Joe Hogsett (D)
18. Wichita, KA (38) 1,179 /100K Pov 16.9% Un 3.9% Brandon Whipple (D)
19. New Orleans, LA (147) 1,163 /100K Pov 25.4% Un 5.0% LaToya Cantrell (D)
20. Nashville, TN (91) 1,113 /100K Pov 17.2% Un N/A John Cooper (D)
21. Lansing, MI (8) 1,108 /100K Pov 27.1% Un 5.2% Andy Schor (D)
22. Hartford, CT (21) 1,066 /100K Pov 30.5% Un 7.0% Luke Bronin (D)
23. Tulsa, OK (60) 1,065 /100K Pov 20.0% Un 3.6% G. T. Bynum (R)
24. Beaumont, TX (13) 1,059 /100K Pov 19.7% Un 5.6% Becky Ames (R)
25. Chattanooga, TN (19) 1,048 /100K Pov 20.7% Un 3.7% Andy Berke (D)
26. Buffalo, NY (57) 1,042 /100K Pov 30.9% Un 5.7% Byron Brown (D)
27. South Bend, IN (9) 1,039 /100K Pov 25.4% Un 4.0% James Mueller (D)
28. Houston, TX (276) 1,026 /100K Pov 21.2% Un 4.2% Sylvester Turner (D)
29. Chicago, IL (563) 1,006 /100K Pov 20.6% Un 4.2% Lori Lightfoot (D)
30. Lubbock, TX (13) 996 100K Pov 19.8% Un 3.1% Dan Pope (R)
31. Pueblo, CO (9) 993 /100K Pov 24.4% Un 5.3% Nick Gradisar (D)
32. Springfield, MA (19) 988 /100K Pov 28.7% Un 6.2% Domenic Sarno (D)
33. North LasVegas, NV (33) 966 /100K Pov 15.1% Un 5.3% John Lee (D)
34. Richmond, CA (17) 942 /100K Pov 15.7% Un 3.6% Tom Butt (D)
35. Washington, DC (160) 941 /100K Pov 17.4% Un 5.6% Muriel Bowser (D)
36. Dayton, OH (37) 921 /100K Pov 32.7% Un 5.4% Nan Whaley (D)
37. N.Charleston, SC (25) 920 /100K Pov 22.8% Un 3.2% Keith Summey (R)
38. Baton Rouge, LA (79) 919/ 100K Pov 26.0% Un 4.8% Sharon Broome (D)
39. W.PalmBeach, FL (27) 918 /100K Pov 18.9% Un 3.5% Keith James (D)
40. Philadelphia, PA (351) 908 /100K Pov 25.8% Un 5.5% Jim Kenney (D)
41. Modesto, CA (16) 882 /100K Pov 17.0% Un 5.8% Ted Brandvold Nonpartisan
42. Odessa, TX (8) 877 /100K Pov 11.8% Un 2.6% David Turner (R)
43. Oklahoma City, OK (52) 867 100K Pov 17.1% Un 3.2% David Holt (R)
44. Tacoma, WA (17) 866 /100K Pov 17.0% Un 5.5% Victoria Woodards (D)
45. Akron, OH (38) 862 /100K Pov 24.1% Un 5.3% Dan Horrigan (D)
46. Toledo, OH (37) 848 /100K Pov 26.5% Un 5.8% Wade Kapszukiewicz (D)
47. New Haven, CT (10) 842 /100K Pov 25.6% Un 5.1% Justin Elicker (D)
48. Cincinnati, OH (57) 839 /100K Pov 28.7% Un 4.5% John Cranley (D)
49. Springfield, IL (9) 833 /100K Pov 20.3% Un 4.5% Jim Langfelder (D)
50. Shreveport, LA (49) 832 /100K Pov 25.7% Un 5.5% Adrian Perkins (D)

Above total of 4236 homicides in 50 most violent cities

43 most violent cities run by Democrat Mayors with 4049 homicides 95 %
6 most violent cities run by Republican Mayors with 171 homicides 4 %
1 most violent city run by Nonpartisan Mayor with 16 homicides less than 1 &

2019 Bridgeport, CT had 17 homicides (listed below) almost all within a mile of my warehouse.
Over 100 shootings. Democrat Mayor – a convicted felon, spent 9 years in Fed “club med” prison got out re-elected twice now. Elected Mayor – went to the pen – re-elected 2X. Our Senior Senator Richard Blumenthal (D) poses with him in photo ops.

2019 Bridgeport, CT homicides
Razzie Hancock by Kenyon Gay
Eugene Rogers by Jayvell Washington
Eric Salters by ?
Sujata Lee Edwards by ?
Dyshon Williams by Darrick Tunstall & Vaughn Thomas
Jerrell Gatewood by ?
Tyron Heard by ?
Miguel Lopez by ?
Anthony McKinstry by Eugene Brown
Richard McDonald by ?
Sean Warren by ?
Dathan Gray by Larise King
Jose Perez-Ortiz by Richard Brown
Leo Giovanni Fernandez Spence by ?
Darren Connolly by roommate
Miguelangelo Ismail Afzal by ?
Ty'Quess Moore by ?

Unscientific Conclusion: Get out of this town.
When I went to college – I would walk to downtown on Thursday nights through low income public housing neighborhoods – Today I don’t enter Bpt at night or most areas.
I am against brutality.

Apparently I have led a very uneventful mundane life. I’ve never been sentenced to prison.

Never been a felon or even accused of a felony. Never participated in a flash mob robbing a store. Never wantonly slugged & decked some old person who was merely walking down the street minding their own business. Never stole sneakers from someone walking down the street. Never burned the American flag. Never knelt while the National Anthem was being sung. Never participated in a violent home invasion. Never knowingly accepted or even tried to pass counterfeit US currency. Never desecrated any church of any faith. Never had to register as a sex offender. Never tried to run down a police officer in a stolen car. Never stole a car.

I also have never fallen asleep in a fast food drive thru lane, though I have eaten fast food. Long ago in my youth, prior to getting married to a woman (who was born a woman) I did consume alcoholic beverages at night clubs & bars where members of the opposite sex could be met and dancing was permitted. However on the drive home, I never had to take a DUI test. Therefore I really don’t know if I had the ability to pass such a test. For the sake of argument, if I failed such a test it would not be the end of my world. Although I may try to argue with a uniformed Police Officer, it would not be in my character to engage them in a violence fist fight. Something tells me that stealing their flashlight, gun, billy club or even their taser from them would not end well. I have never committed arson, burned a Police car or looted a Home Depot, AutoZone or even a Pawn Shop killing a retired police officer. Never tried to break into the local police headquarters as happened recently in Bridgeport CT.

Never performed a strong arm robbery. Never trespassed a private construction site – repeatedly. Never committed a burglary. Never shut down a hiway to impede travel. Never intimidate voters showing up to vote. Never entered a restaurant with a bull horn & baseball bat to intimidate diners. Never screamed at or spit on the Police. Never advocated harm to the Police or thrown a Molotov cocktail at them. Never thought of or attempted to topple a statue of some historical figure.

I lead a rather dull uneventful existence. Apparently this must mean I’m a racist and part of systemic racism
This is such a wonderful town. Peaceful protestors not only shutting down the main freeway, but breaking into the Police Headquarters (a before photo shown in the link below) and only 3 murders in 2 days last week.

And last night someone was shot in the 200 block of Wells Street. That’s just a short walk (if you dare to) from 25 Wells Street where my warehouse is located. True story: about 40 years ago I wanted to purchase a 3 family on this same block and if you google map 200 Wells you can see the 3 families right where I was looking - even on the same side of the street. The bank denied the mortgage. Bummer. I guess they were redlining me. What a let down, I could have walked to work.

Anyway we ended up buying a single family in Milford with an in ground swimming pool. Since then on both corners at the red light between 25 & 200 are 2 halfway houses with bars on the windows & the door and just above 200 is a 3 story Section 8 apartment house.

Incidentally almost every murder, every year in this town is less than a mile from my warehouse. I read a new motto: Defend the Police. I sure hope they paint it on every street.
Twelve years later - nothing had changed – except 40 TRILLION tax dollars given away –and for naught.

Patrick J Buchanan’s most popular essay (below) – over a quarter million views – probably nothing compared to some naked ahole influencer on utube, instagram or tiktok making a fool of themselves eating Tide soap pods. And now the billionaire founder of BET is proposing 14 TRILLION in reparations. To me, it looks like that has already been paid several times over, over the past 40 years. Enough is enough.

I’m tired of pulling the train.
Well, in today's reality unfortunately you have to read 10 newspapers and then try ti figure out what's true and what's not.... however those videos that go viral are pretty clear... at least for the most part, what really happened at the Atlanta Wendy's was not captured.... but yeah, it was a POS asshole cop who had no reason to kerp his weight on the guys neck and then at the same time tell him yo get in the car ... HOW ??? asshole, you're kneeing on my neck....
now the rioting and all else what's going on is not going to help either... a 8 year old girl shot in Atlanta ... by those "protesters" ....
Jut got back a from a trip to Cleveland. Went to the Rock & Roll Museum. 1/3 of the museum is closed for your protection. The only thing that doesn't have 6ft spacing markers on the floor and no restrictions is the gift shop.

Downtown Cleveland is a ghost town because of the "protests". At noon on a Monday, you can walk across the street anywhere. There are no cars. I found 2 restaurants open. 1/3 of the windows are broken out and maybe 10% of businesses are open. There was a bank were an ATM was ripped out of the wall.

No mention of this when I made hotel reservations or reservations for the R&R Museum.

I don't know how this improves anything.
I saw a meme that said something like “ looters didn't steal work boots, chainsaws, lawn mowers.....”

In Philly they were blowing up atm’s and locally they smashed parking meters for change.

Apparently, houses out in the country or suburbs are desirable now. One of my neighbors sold first day on the market.
I forgot another couple of tidbits harvested from my years in public school education. Along with acronyms ESL (English as a “Second” Language) and FL (Failing due to Language skills) there was another however, the initials escape me at present. Blame CRS.

There were many 9th 10th 11th & 12th grade female “students” who became pregnant that there were special classes for the expectant mothers in Central H.S., Bridgeport, CT. Remember this 40+ years ago - as in FOURTY years ago. There were no similar classes for the expectant fathers that I am aware of. I have no current info if these expectant mothers classes still exist today or similar ones for the expectant fathers.

Once these girls (15, 16, 17, 18 years old) gave birth they were not permitted to bring their babies to the school, under some sort of penalty. However on the very last day of the school year when students were present, these young mothers would bring their baby & in some - babies to school as school was out for the summer now. This was a sign of pride for some as sense of accomplishment.

Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College & even Graduate School has changed considerably since l attended. I can say with complete honesty, that even as a former teacher, the public education system, the unions & the teachers are not worth it in many jurisdictions. Unfortunately the broken family has fault to bear also.

On a “brighter” note there were only 3 murders in Bridgeport last week, several shooting & the “peaceful” protests have abated. The town itseld removed the statue of Christopher Columbus, so that is supposed to solve something, but I have not read what benefit will result.
Deja Vue - all over again

It happened again. QUOTE: No one would cooperate with police officers who tried to identify witnesses to the city’s 10th homicide of the year early Friday morning, despite there being “dozens of people present,” officials said.

This happened at the P.T. Barnum apartments - a government built & controlled housing project. Years ago my friend Johnnie G. kept his boat at the Captain’s Cove Seaport & we would have to drive right past these projects to get to the marina - it was the only way in. No more, he sold his boat. Just a hop, skip & a jump from my warehouse, however if the slips were free I’d pass on the bargain.
News from the Park City. Yes that is the name once given to the city of Bridgeport, CT. Really. Well reality is 3 homicides happened over the weekend. (That is much “better” than the 10 homicides in Chicago.) One Bridgeport victim was a 22 YO pregnant female sleeping in bed with her boyfriend – who was also shot. Police say he is not cooperating with the investigation. What else is new or news? There is a new activity occurring at a local memorial service. While at the actual homicide location a memorial service was taking lace. Along with the flowers, candles & stuffed animal toys – three of those mourning were shot.

On a side note. Locally there were no “peaceful protests” this weekend. We are closed until 2021. I am harvesting cherry tomatoes, cubanelle peppers & lettuce and enjoying the blooming Sunflowers outside my kitchen windows.
Only 4 murders in Bridgeport, CT in the last 4 days or so.
Nobody no's nuttin or saw nuttin.
Same chit different day.

PS Have you heard of n0bamacare aka the Affordable care act?
2008 Before n0bama it cost me $ 9,000 to insure 3 people.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

2018 it was $ 10,098.85 for 1 person.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

2019 it was $ 11,103.48 for 1 person.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

2020 it is $ 12,703.68 for 1 person.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

Can wait until 0biden gives all the illegals free health insurance.
It will be even more Afforadable !!!!

NO ?
Only 4 murders in Bridgeport, CT in the last 4 days or so.
Nobody no's nuttin or saw nuttin.
Same chit different day.

PS Have you heard of n0bamacare aka the Affordable care act?
2008 Before n0bama it cost me $ 9,000 to insure 3 people.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

2018 it was $ 10,098.85 for 1 person.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

2019 it was $ 11,103.48 for 1 person.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

2020 it is $ 12,703.68 for 1 person.
No cancer, TB, diabetes, etc.

Can wait until 0biden gives all the illegals free health insurance.
It will be even more Afforadable !!!!

NO ?

Obamacare is ONLY a bargain if you have no income.
You could not make this up.
One of the 4 murders last week in Bridgeport happened in a bar.
It’s close to my former Zinc, Cad, Chrome, Aluminum anodizer – Reliable Plating & Polishing. The murder victim ( #18 if your counting) was shot in side a former strip club/bar that re-opened as a social club - BYOB & serving food to get around the china virus closure of bars. Poor fellow was shot multiple times & made it outside to the street where he was hit by a car that did not stop. The newspaper said they had security & could not understand how a gun got inside the place. Hmmmmm.

The manager of the bar/strip club/social club is a woman. She also has a position in Bridgeport city government - a member of the City Council woman. (Another current member of the city council, a convicted felon due to election fraud, was a drug dealer at the high school I taught science at 40+ years ago – but that’s another story.) The owner of the bar is another well know fellow who spent several years in the club fed for extortion & loan sharking. He owns many similar properties. Now this place has supposedly closed for good.

Monday the Bridgeport Police chief & director of personnel were in court & pled guilty – without a trial – to rigging the exam & tests for this Police chief. The FBI recorded the director of personnel telling someone (?) the mayor wants that Policeman to become Chief and to get him the oral & written exam in advance. Which they did. The newspaper did not state whether they must cooperate further into FBI investigation into this city government.

The current mayor of Bridgeport is a convicted felon who spent 7 years in club fed for embezzlement, theft of honest services when he was the previous mayor. So now after his 7 year sojourn in club fed he has been reelected twice as mayor. Incidentally of the 4 largest cities in Connecticut – Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven & Waterbury – all have had majors attending club fed. This appears to be some measure of qualification to get endorsed & elected by the party of obiden.

The owner of the club also has an interest in a 25 acre property close to mine where the zoning is just for single family homes on 1 acre minimum. For 5+ years they have been trying to get approval to build a large 3-4 story building with 200+ apartments. They can skirt the local zoning laws if the make some number of those apartments for low income – called section 8. So far they have been rejected several times due to safety concerns, erosions & the proximity to wetlands. They also owe the town $300K in back taxes. If obiden & kamula get in this will probably be done deal. If that happens, we are saying goodby to this area as we will be able to look out our kitchen, bedroom & my home office windows & see this massive monstrosity.

Regretfully #19 murder occurred in the last couple of days in Bridgeport. A 40 year old man was targeted while inside a barber shop & then shot several times more when he ran outside. When we would take our dogs to the veterinarian, this shop was around the corner from that route. No more. I’ve never been inside this barber shop. I’m frugal, some say cheap. My wife cuts what is left of my hair. I walked many of these streets when I was in college – but things have certainly gotten out of hand. The second amendment will also be severely restricted further if the national government flips parties. Now only 10 shot magazines allowed in this state. What’s next no shot magazines? I donated $$$$ and encourage other to do also – even 20 bux. Your family’s life could depend upon the outcome.

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