Q-Jet 1901

I used to have maybe 6-8 old QJs setting/hanging around my garage up north, an accumulation over years, some in pieces, some complete and one damn nearly brand new.....I kept the two best ones and gave the rest to some friends when moving south.....

Wound up the computer on the Goat blew up, so out came the injection and put on the carb/intake it had on it OEM.....still had one new QJ on the wall, it came from a chevy as the input was off to the pass side, is all I knew of it....

well some years ago a motor home was bought by wife, and so the new QJ runs like a top and on an old Edel intake..... making it one of the better things I have held on to for years.....

Another one is a window air conditioner, from my folks house, when I was in high school, still works fine, been setting around unused for over 30 years, and used once in the back bedroom here, saving the wife and I from cooking over night in our bed.....when the HVAC dumped on the house....

Jeez, I have one in the garage attic I got for $25 about 5 years ago at a yard sale....Good shape, never messed with, it was running fine, the guy pulled it off his truck to put on a Holley or something. He laughed at me for wanting that old Quadrajunk. I just smiled and took it.