Popping noise out of exhaust

Anybody know what the correct torque setting is for my Hooker sidepipes and how the heck do you get in there to get a socket on the bolts? The stage 8 bolts look like they will take an allen wrench in the center. is there a special tool made to fit in there without damaging the ceramic coating on my headers?

If you can get a socket on it, a 3/8" bolt is usually about 30-35lbs.
Some headers, like the tri-wyes on the Winnebago, I can get a socket/torque wrench in there. Some, like the Hookers, you just use a 10" wrench like Bad said, and twist as hard as you can. You shouldn't be able to snap/stripp a 3/8" bolt with a 10 inch box wrench.
Thanks guys. I should have my new gaskets and bolts Wednesday, we'll give it a whirl and see what happens. I went with the aluminum gaskets from Percy, a guy that work with has them on his motor and swears by them.