PC and Shocks?

Is it possible to pc a shock absorber? Or will it ruin the seals or worse explode by the heat?

I would not try that,in order to cure the pc you are looking at temps of 400* for about 20-30 mins. I would walk away from that one.
I was wondering what you meant by pc....I was thinking about poly ticks....:quote:
Are you a liberal? I have an adult issue and you are being emotional ;-) hahahahaha

hahah....thanks for the laugh....got the paint on the car and so am not in a good mood...tired....

ME, am conservative WAY right wing of Uncle Barry Goldwater....

What's up, did you f up the paint or too much fumes? WTF is Barry Goldwater

A fellow antique, now deceased. (Former wannabe President that failed, BIGTIME)

Used to talk to Uncle Barry on the ham radio, back when....

SO instead we got Lyndon Johnson who was stupid enough to send our generation into a UNwinnable land war in Asia, over WHAT I dunno, never made a lick of sense THEN, much less NOW....then we had all that welfare/great society crap that about ruined this nation....and still is a albatross we will never shake off.....all it did was generate a permanent welfare class where none existed before.....

and it's NOT just inner city blacks either, it's a whole swath of totally dependent white un educated types running through many backwater hills of mainly east of the Mississippi river....territory known as Appalachia referring to the mountain chain running from Maine to the Gulf coast.....the 'redneck' white comprise a supposed 60% of the welfare-'great society' checks....

I still think that enables the huge drug problem, if they had to actually WORK to stay alive, maybe so much time spent on/with illegal drugs would be reduced.....

but you see, I watched it all happen from the Wash DC surburbs...most all of my friends were cops, 1st ex worked for BNDD....predecessor agency to DEA, others are DHS today.....second Ex wife worked at NIH.....

when it's a one horse town, if you live in Wash DC you have to work for/with/laison/lawyer/liar FOR, IF, or about the Fed.GOV so I spent 53 years there in that 'bubble'.....

...SO instead we got Lyndon Johnson who was stupid enough to send our generation into a UNwinnable land war in Asia...
That was winnable, just that the grunts weren't allowed to do it - too much political crap involved.

But back to your question Cajos, I wouldn't pc a shock absorber. If you could somehow dismantle them, then yeah but as a sealed unit... no.
Damn, this turned political too? What's up with all the political BS in every thread here lately? I decree that it stops now.