night rider

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT

I've been to the Sebring 12 hour race a couple of times. I love it: Wednesday to Sunday - high octane smells & waking up to loud un muffled exhaust pipes. The sound inside this Corvette is no where as brutal & magnificent as on the outside. Love it. On utube I have several video's these C6r race Vettes.

Would have gone again this year, except the air suspension on my RV krapped out it cannot be safely driven without.
Cool Video, enjoyed it thanks!

"...TM, you have a bogey on your six..."

I recorded this year's 12hr and watched it at my leisure last week.
Those Audi's are incredible!

Congrats to BadBoy Racing!!!
Cool Video, enjoyed it thanks!

"...TM, you have a bogey on your six..."

I recorded this year's 12hr and watched it at my leisure last week.
Those Audi's are incredible!

Congrats to BadBoy Racing!!!

Welcome to the motley crew.....

Do you have any way to post some pix?? maybe a link to a movie??

Welcome to the motley crew.....

Do you have any way to post some pix?? maybe a link to a movie??


Thanks! Enjoying getting to know my way around here... :thumbs:

I DVR'd the coverage on SPEED TV (Direct TV) and it was broken up into three different broadcasts. Johnny O' did some of the commentary. I only saved the ending broadcast of the finish as it was the best part.
Do you know a way to save it in order to share it somehow?

I have watched the Corvette chase down the Ferrari over and over again several times now enjoying it everytime!
The Ferrari driver was losing time fast driving in his rearview mirror until he made a mistake at the end of the race dealing with traffic, making the pass kind of anti-climatic. Especially compared to the way Team Corvette fought through 10hrs of problems to make to victory lane in the last laps... Very Cool!!

I've searched thru utube a bit and found some short clips like the start, I'll keep looking. Maybe SPEED TV will re-broadcast?


Here we go...


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