new guy needs help ? 79 front clip install

thanks .just what i have been looking for .....for about a year now !
I apprieciate the help ,looks like a challenge .

Go big or go home !!

When i removed the front clip i noticed a softer compound at the top of the inner fenders is this different type of bonding compound ??

I have heard you need something softer at the top of the inner fenders ??? any comments??
softer compound at the fenders ? I would think that today's adhesives like (example) 3M 8115 or 8116 are flexible enough to allow the required flex on the c3 "nose". It's been over 40 years since they glued the first C3 front clips ... almost 50 since the C2s are not all that different.... maybe they needed two different adhesives back then to bond at the pillar but allow more flex at the inner fenders ??? just a guess here ..... today, with all these urethane adhesives out there I would think one product can do the trick....