The Turdle
how many of you have had to yell at other peoples kids.?
i'm getting tired of it. I had to yell at a 5 year old punk throwing rocks at a restraunt tonight.
i've had to yell and scream at little fuckers throwing baseballs around my car at the drive in movies. A 3 year old threw a hand full of gravel into my convertible right in front of her mother.
i've chased 12 year old punks down my street several times screaming "i'll kill you fuckers" at the top of my lungs.
nothing but bastard punks being raised today. Nothing wrong with the DNA, its the parenting....or lack of it.
i'm getting tired of it. I had to yell at a 5 year old punk throwing rocks at a restraunt tonight.
i've had to yell and scream at little fuckers throwing baseballs around my car at the drive in movies. A 3 year old threw a hand full of gravel into my convertible right in front of her mother.
i've chased 12 year old punks down my street several times screaming "i'll kill you fuckers" at the top of my lungs.
nothing but bastard punks being raised today. Nothing wrong with the DNA, its the parenting....or lack of it.
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