In Memoriam - Rolling Thunder

This is tough news to hear when i am at work. I never knew the man, but he seemed very strong throughout his fight. Makes me realize how lucky i really am to be healthy. Dave, you will be in my prayers. Its sad to see you go.
Oh no. That is so damn sad. We all knew it was coming, but still so sad maybe more so because Dave was so utterly fearless. I got the impression that the only regret in his life was that he wouldn't get to finish Rolling Thunder.

You know the pics I've posted of Christine over at DC? Someone said that they would buy Christine a "Vette Girl" tank top if I would post photo's of her wearing it. I messaged Dave a week ago asking how he was etc and one of the things he replied with was that he was going to try and hang on long enough to see the pics of Christine in the little pink tank top. I told Christine what Dave had said and she said that she was happy to do it for him.

The tank top arrived yesterday, photo's were being taken tomorrow. Dammit! Sorry we missed you mate...

RIP Dave and my deepest sympathy to his family.

Get up and dance
Get up and smile
Get up and drink to the ones
Who are gone in the shortest while

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God speed Dave. Prayers are being said and condolences are given. Thank you Dave, You left this world a better place than when you arrived..
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Sad news. Dave will be missed.

I'm sure he'd be proud of the sentiments shared here. Condolences to his family.
Very disappointing news. I'll throw a nickle on the grass -- he had the heart and spirit of a fighter pilot!
His effort on RT has been an inspiration to my project, and his focus to the end a real added plus.
He will be well remembered and missed.
I hope his family and friends can take heart and comfort in having known and loved a great person.

Dave -- you left a lot of good Karma behind! You'll do well.

Cheers Mate. :beer:
Dave has inspired many in the Corvette community. His "Rolling Thunder" is truely one of a kind that will stand the test of time. While we can all be inspired by the car he has built when we stop and think about it our true inspiration will come from how he lived his life......right to the end.
Dave you will be missed but remembered by all you have touched.
God speed my friend.

To the VetteMOD forum you are to be commended for the way you have responded to this loss of one of our own.
I feared this was imminent and actively denied the notion. I only knew hinm thru this forum but still feel a loss. I can't imagine the hollow left for his close friends.

Be nice to someone tomorrow...
Dave became an Icon with his perseverence and drive under dire health conditions to follow his dream. I hope I'll be that strong when my time comes. Rolling Thunder will be Daves rolling headstone. RIP Dave