Hip hip hurray


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
Here's to Marck(TT). Kudos for a job well done. I can't begin to tell you guys what a wonderfull job he has done. And don't ask me to explain it. It's way over my head.:lol:
Yeh, it even actually works....

my only comment is the vettemod graphis up top is hard to read, the letters are too complicated with shading and proportion....

only thing easy read on my LCD monitor is the Vett the rest is lost in a sea of gray.....

Here's to Marck(TT). Kudos for a job well done. I can't begin to tell you guys what a wonderfull job he has done. And don't ask me to explain it. It's way over my head.:lol:

Bird, I actually gotta say that this place has come a long way in just one week after launch.....

More than 100 members.

Everything works.

You got some real knowledgeable members. (That don't post reply's that say to use SEAFOAM to solve all their engine probelms.)

Everyone is civil.

Information looks to be accurate.

The mod doesn't have to spend a lot of time...well....modding:D

I say kudos to the guys that set this up and pulled it off:thumbs::beer::drink:
I'm dying to know too. If you have something to say, just say it. These stabs in the dark, well...whatever.