Cant wait to see 2009 go away.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
Saint Joseph du lac, Québec
Ok guys, I dont know what time it is where you are, here it's 10 pm and I find myself almost counting the minutes of 2009.
Thats how bad I want this bitch to go away.
Anyway,enough whining.

this is a great forum, I've learned so much from you guys.

Tomorow we will start a new year as usual with the family around the table for dinner and wine.
That's all that matters.

I wish you guys and your family a happy new year.
Happy New Year Michael. I as well hope that 2010 brings better times.
Small neighborhood gathering last night, we spent 5 hours laughing our asses off and discussing various projects....we all basically hands on types here....


Deep fried a chicken and pork roast, Linda made her mom's sweet potatoE pie in a casserole dish, all spiced up with crushed pecans on top....ate about 1/2 of it in one gulp.....we been making little recipe holders here, just a wooden clothes pin on a 3/8 dowel with epoxy, cut at 45*, and about a foot long, stuck in a 3.5" sq block of oak, spray lacquer, and Linda decorates like a chicken, red lips, yellow paint, eyeballs, and a white feather on the idea from one she has had for a long time, decorated like a Giraffe .....

so you know how everyone prints out directions off the printer these daze, well this holds it up and clean to read....
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