Big Time Wtf?

Beagle 1

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Orange Co. Ca
So I'm at the dentists office this afternoon and I pick up the current Newsweek magazine in the waiting room. Open the cover, and on the inside front cover is a full page ad by united colors of bennington showing the profiles of the chinese premier and our annointed leader in a full mouth to mouth kiss!!
It was captioned something about "unhateing".
Weird shit!!
After getting over the shock, I'm assuming that is is not a real photo.
Now, I'm mad. Who the hell is this bennington to be posting pictures like this? What kind of a bull shit slap in the face is this to America? And what kind of a pinko liberal rag is newsweek?
they are known for aggressive advertizing.... Benneton..... they had the pope kissing too but that didn't go over very well, even in Europe.... LOL
They did an ad with the pope kissing somebody also. That is going to get them in trouble big time. They are an Italian company and Italy dosen't have the same "fair use" laws the US does.

Could be that Benneton wants the publicity from the lawsuit. They are in a sink or swim financial position because nobody buys their goofy clothes anymore.