not a race video,,, but,,,,beating my beater 63,,,, ,,
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not a race video,,, but,,,,beating my beater 63,,,, ,,
wow,,, what a pisser,,,,, yep, been there, turned my 66 over on main street one night,,
How the hell do you turn one of those baby's over? That's one thing they almost never do! Slid and hit a curb broadside? :gurney:
doing donuts in front of the local supermarket,,,lol,,,got a little wide and hit a deep ditch,,,slow roll,,, what a sound,,, breaking fiberglass,,,,will never forget it...I think it made more noise being rolled back over on its wheels,,,,:flash:
Oh yeah! I sure remember those sounds of the fiberglass breaking in my wrecks. You never get over THAT sound, do you!Thanks for sharing.