Back from Tennesee


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
What a shit hole some of the places were :shocking:

It was like a 3rd world country down some of the back roads

I'll post some pics in awhile

Nice dirt track though

Heres the dirt track

What a shit hole some of the places were :shocking:

It was like a 3rd world country down some of the back roads

As much as hate to admit it..........Welcome to the South.
I've lived here most of my life.....Lived in Florida, Chicago, LA, Texas, before
moving here.........the trash you see on the side of some of these roads
just pisses me to no end. And you want say, "Hey dude, the civil war ended
over a 130 years ago.....get your head out of your butt."
But trust's NO use.
There are roads in Missouri like that too. I know of several roads that you can drive down- before you get 1/4 mile off the main road everyone knows there's a stranger coming. There have been reports of people going out there and never coming back too. There's usually either something growing or brewing out that way.
Gotta have real good driving skils for that...must be exhausting to do that for 30 laps.

Ages old friend of mine want to college in Athens Alabama....seems he met up with a fellow with the likely name of....

Billy Bob Jones.....being a fellow MOPAR lover, 'Billy-Bob' took Larry for a ride.....

Larry though HE could drive......NO....

BILLY BOB could DRIVE.....

turns out Billy Bod was a REAL moonshine in Bob Mitchum...

tank car, whole mess....

and yes, there are areas in them mountains even the FEDS don't go.....

and come back....

Ages old friend of mine want to college in Athens Alabama....seems he met up with a fellow with the likely name of....

Billy Bob Jones.....being a fellow MOPAR lover, 'Billy-Bob' took Larry for a ride.....

Larry though HE could drive......NO....

BILLY BOB could DRIVE.....

turns out Billy Bod was a REAL moonshine in Bob Mitchum...

tank car, whole mess....

and yes, there are areas in them mountains even the FEDS don't go.....

and come back....


Funny...when I moved to NC 10 years ago, I inquired to collegues friends in Asheville if it would be a problem to hike around the back mountain roads...they advised against it since I might accidentally bump into someones still...I immediately thought BS...but heeded the warning. A couple of weeks later, that collegue brought me a liquid in a first and only try at white lightning...can't believe that kinda stuff still goes on here:noob:
like North Carolina where you live is a cultural mecca?

I actually live in FL ;)

It was actually a very nice city, just the back road that we took to the town was surprising. I'll upload pics

The biggest house in the city was 40k square feet and I have pics of another estate that cost over 32 million.
Heres the main house on the 32 million dollar estate. He started this place


Heres the entrance to the 40k square foot house. The house Is on the top of a hill and you cant see it.

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i didn't think there were ANY 30 mil houses in Tennesee at all.

Me neither until I went to this town. I'm sure that 40k square foot house cost more than 30 mil also

I didn't even think there was houses, only trailers :smash:
i didn't think there were ANY 30 mil houses in Tennesee at all.

SHIT, the stuff we dunno about,.....amazing the MONEY here in JAX, little old spread out largest city in the USA...area wise, and the surrounding counties.....the estates are just HUGE, and houses big as that too....

along the river, and farms, breeders, racers,....

Colgate, Penny, DuPont, just to name 3 really quick.....shit, right down the road about 3 miles is that old Colgate mansion on the river, phreaking HUGE, takes up about 2 acres under roof.... joint been divided up into some sort of club and condos now a daze....even has a restaurant attached to it....super private for very rich folks......little secluded houses along the river about 10,000 foot each....and there are literally HUNDREDS of them maybe thousands....

We drive off back through the countryside where we think nothing is....miles and miles of forests then we see an iron gate and a drive.....

which reminds me of a little story....go figger....this dates back 30 years and I living in Bethesda Md...Wash DC area....

I was a TV repair man, shop manager for a smaller outfit, bunch of us guys who knew each other hung out typically on Thursday night at a stereo repair of the guys branched out with the new upstart phone company as a installer/repair guy, they got lucky and got a contract with the Montgomery Co. Maryland school system for phones in ALL the schools....

SO, on the job, instlling phones in all the classrooms, etc, Bob meets this teacher...they start dating.....woopie doo, she a really sweet kid, and is from PENNSYLVANIA as I recall, Westchester.....meaning nothing at the time to after a few months she meets Bob's family, and they having a great time together:friends::bounce:....

they find a olde tyme farm house that needs all the TLC in the world they finance the thing together and move in to start renovations, doing it themselves........

So eventually she invites Bob up to Pa to meet the they pick some holiday and start the the freeway on to this nice street, out this street to another street the houses are nice, then getting nicer/larger/more land/large yet/more land even YET..... he start noticing the trees are no longer random, they are all planted nice and neat, he says they turned onto this street with trees not only lined on the sides, but on the divider in the center, one lane on each side....this ain't NO public road.....

One thing about our general backgrounds...we all were basically middle class kids, living middle class a town FULL of very wealthy/influencial people most of whom are movers and shakers for a goodly section of the world, but we are all basically 'service class' workers...we have a few bux of our own, but nothing major, and so we have houses with mortgages and all the attendant BS going with it....woopie doo.....

So Bob's obvious discomfort level rises as they keep driving, then when he sees the house and out comes her father from the front door to greet them....he about passes out....he dunno how to handle in that pix above type house.....with several hundred acres.....

It damn nearly cost the relationship, took Bob about 6 months to become acclimated to the FACT that they did not EVER worry about MONEY ever again.....that 'finance' they did on their farmhouse.....pocket change.....

SO, after the marriage which included a take off in a helicopter with the field rose petals blown up in the air as a final sendoff....this being early 70's and so it was an affair costing about 2-3 of our houses......

Last I heard they had kids and still lived in that house they bought and spent years rebuilding the joint, kept their jobs, and had fun....

I lost touch with him years ago, doubtful he would remember me.....


OH, the last name of the family he married into....PEW, as in Sunoco, as in last man standing NOT owned by the Rockefellers when T.Roosevelt broke up the Standard Oil Trust into the 7 sisters.....
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