An attaboy to Twin Turbo and the crew

DJ Dep

refugee from the other place
Mar 23, 2008
Silver City, NM
So far this forum is VERY well maintained. The OT posts are being move to where they belong, and improvements are happening on almost a daily basis.
Just wanted to post a quick thank you to all concerned and especially Twin Turbo for doing a great job. :thumbs::1st:

So far this forum is VERY well maintained. The OT posts are being move to where they belong, and improvements are happening on almost a daily basis.
Just wanted to post a quick thank you to all concerned and especially Twin Turbo for doing a great job. :thumbs::1st:


Yep, I have to agree.:thumbs:
It IS very nice and runs very well, but without sponsors, sooner or later it gets to be a money/financial DRAG on whoever is paying the bills....

how is that going to be handled in the future?? I see no way this can last without commercial interests involved.....someone gotta pay the freight, and as a startup all I can say is....

THANKS guys.....

as some of you know, for various reasons, money things have not gone well for me over the last ten years so problems now....

That's a good question. Is it free? No. Does it cost a lot of money? No (for now). To explain:

Right now this forum has been online for a month, yesterday was our one month anniversary:trumpet: The popularity of this forum has been incredible. We are already bigger than some of the other Corvette sites that have been at this for years and there is no sign that things are leveling off! All very good news. In that month you have seen that we have tried to provide more and more content everyday and I fully expect we will continue that effort.

How does all this relate to operating cost? Well, right now we have no history, we don't have 100's of thousands of posts archived. We don't have 100's or 1000's of members and guests looking at webpages. So, our bandwidth cost are low (for now).

As far as supporting members, I just have a negative vibe about that. I think Marck and Jeff do also. I was a member of CF since 2003. Those were the glory days of CF and I think most that were there then will agree. In the summer of 2006, it turned to crap. In the summer of 2006 is also when they went on a "supporting membership" drive. This was under the guise that the popularity of the forum was taking more bandwidth and they needed to buy new servers. Guess when the forum was sold and content transferred to the new owners, no need for new servers? Guess where the "supporting member" money went? Rant over.

I know I'm not really answering your question and to be honest with you, I don't have a good answer. For the next ~ 1year, this forum will continue without financial support or advertisers. At some point in the future, when we have reached our threshold of financial pain, we will do "something".

PS: To all our members, you are the ones that are to be congratulated for this forums success. You ARE the forum. You provide the content. So, who is responsible for VetteMOD? YOU ARE:bounce:

Also, Marck and Dep needed a place where they could be :quote:rude:quote: without getting banned:banned:
Also, Marck and Dep needed a place where they could be :quote:rude:quote: without getting banned:banned:

Larry, So far, I think they have turned over a new leaf...:amazed: :skeptic: But just in case, we are counting on you to keep them under control. :D:stirpot::lol:

Bullshark -

BTW keep an eye on Turtle too! :wink:
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Eh, the love on these forums is best expressed by some lines going on between my car buddies and me, and they not even Vette folks....

typical is.....Hi asshole, what's new shithead.....

FU you SOB, I know more than you....

get off your ass and get to WORK you lazy POS....

etc etc etc....

even over a boat, car, other unrelate project....constant stream of shop talk and working together....

nothing NEW, and they just don't GET IT over there....

Bird, many other on various job sites know the score, damn well....

i'ts nothing to get in a fight over, just typical guy talk....

been going on for centuries...maybe since Roman times???

...Is it free? No. Does it cost a lot of money? No (for now)... our bandwidth cost are low (for now)...

I know I'm not really answering your question and to be honest with you, I don't have a good answer. For the next ~ 1year, this forum will continue without financial support or advertisers. At some point in the future, when we have reached our threshold of financial pain, we will do "something".

No, you answered my question thanks. Regardless of how much it's costing though, it's you and TT that are taking the hit so we can have a good forum. You mightn't want to levy subscriptions on members but I reckon you should get onto T shirts or caps or something to help offset the costs of running the forum - doesn't seem fair that we reap the benefits at your cost.

Just my 2c...

Oh, haven't seen your mug in here yet Larry...
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No, you answered my question thanks. Regardless of how much it's costing though, it's you and TT that are taking the hit so we can have a good forum. You mightn't want to levy subscriptions on members but I reckon you should get onto T shirts or caps or something to help offset the costs of running the forum - doesn't seem fair that we reap the benefits at your cost.

Just my 2c...

Oh, haven't seen your mug in here yet Larry...

Hell, I'd buy a couple Caps or T-shirts and I'm a cheap ass.:bounce:
Hell, I'd buy a couple Caps or T-shirts and I'm a cheap ass.:bounce:

Ditto for me. I can't see someone paying out of their own pocket for this. That kind of self-sacrifice isn't necessary. Either an afforadable supporting member program or some merchandise or BOTH would help take up the slack.
I always said that those forums were dumb as shit for messing with TTurbo, as valuable as he is. This forum is the product of their stupidity and is lively, full of information, etc.
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Ya know, I had thought about mentioning "Where's the babes section", but this forum is about CARS. You want chicks, there's a million other places to look. Jeez when I see the juvenile reactions to the Babe pictures posted at DC (Yeah, I look there--I like lookin' at girls too), I can only shake my head and wonder about these poor guys who seem to have never seen a tit before. It's pretty sad, really.

Keep this place about cars.

And upfront & honest, where I can say, without getting a whole bunch of panties up in a wad, "Sadistic. When I see you have a post, I generally just skip it. I ain't gonna waste my time on shit like that, whatever it's about. Need a beer? Here ya go. Nice car--if it is yours. See ya 'round."

I probably won't be saying a whole lot here, some things have changed in the last year or so and the 'Vette is way down on the priority list now. A little basic maintenance & fix a couple smaller things, and just drive it for this season. It's running good.

But I'll be looking here often....This is the kind of crew I hang out with in real life: greasy, profane, hard-ass, dedicated.



And put me down for a couple t-shirts, hats, decals, whatever---I'll chip in what I can to keep this going.
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Ya know, I had thought about mentioning "Where's the babes section", but this forum is about CARS. You want chicks, there's a million other places to look. Jeez when I see the juvenile reactions to the Babe pictures posted at DC (Yeah, I look there--I like lookin' at girls too), I can only shake my head and wonder about these poor guys who seem to have never seen a tit before. It's pretty sad, really.

Keep this place about cars.

And upfront & honest, where I can say, without getting a whole bunch of panties up in a wad, "Sadistic. When I see you have a post, I generally just skip it. I ain't gonna waste my time on shit like that, whatever it's about. Need a beer? Here ya go. Nice car--if it is yours. See ya 'round."

I probably won't be saying a whole lot here, some things have changed in the last year or so and the 'Vette is way down on the priority list now. A little basic maintenance & fix a couple smaller things, and just drive it for this season. It's running good.

But I'll be looking here often....This is the kind of crew I hang out with in real life: greasy, profane, hard-ass, dedicated.



And put me down for a couple t-shirts, hats, decals, whatever---I'll chip in what I can to keep this going.

You didn't like my picture of JunglePam? She used to drive me crazy when she was out on the track lining up JungleJim's car. That woman could move.:mime: