Air pumps and suxion


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
OK, this is how I finally have it set NOW....

the Ford 2 vane pump is mounted in the stock '88 vette position, in place of the BPerf air pump eliminator kit...back in the two valve covers have new rubber in there along with the stock PVC position in the LT1 intake mani.....that now runs a vacuum gauge just for grins....stuck up in the cowl vent so as I can read it while driving....

so playing around with it an getting readings of from 5" at idle COLD and then driving it to 40 mph up to ten inches....this with a 5" junkyard pulley off a caddy V8 FWD car....the thing eventually settles down to 2" of vac in the crankcase when fully hot on this a 90f day, in traffic.....street probably 120f or so....everything else as it was, no change....

Today I have played with the outputhose position as the fumes can kill a goat at 1/4 mile....after trying various positions with no improvement, I went into the TPI throttle body valve cover fitting 1/2 inch diameter, and that vents into the airstream before the blades.....same as the old valve cover vent position....well that seems to eliminate the smell....and so engine seems happy enough same 2" - 8" or maybe slightly better when driving....

so to run it several days and see about any oiling far, very slight, time tells....

so the 'final' test bed seems to distill down to, that with a belt driven pump, put the suctiion to both valve covers, plug all other crankcase air ports, ensuring a vacuum....put the airpump output to the port before the throttle blades....

so far so no idea with a electric pump, which was my preferred method....and maybe do that YET, but this one has to prove itself without going crazy about oil separators and such, at that point, to keep clutter down, I think to forget the far I have about 15 bux into the of course some fun time under the hood....
