Windshield Removal

I got the rear out (78) - Easy-peasy. Not so lucky with the front windscreen. I'll suggest using a heat gun in 20/20 hindsight.
I used composite shims from home Box-Store as wedges - but got excited and rushed the job -- ooops.
Guess I needed a reason for a lexan windscreen anyway. Now I got a great excuse:
"Oh 5h1T!!"
"Dear, I gotta buy a new windshield!"
"Ok - but this time get one that won't break."
"Ok Hon."
"Hey! what are you laughing at?"

Cheers - Jim
I thought there was a wire that cut the seal between the glass and the frame.

Maybe a guitar string?
Get a wire and 2 T handles, some plastic to guide around the edges so the wire doesn't dig into the steel there (just chuck the plastic in between the glass and the steel and cut around. Problem is, UDS cars have that nasty never curing butyl crap that remains sticky and after being cut it tends to stick back together.


plastic protector for dash etc.


the wire is available in square, trangular and maybe other shapes. You can probably get some at a place that does windshields.

If it's a 1 man operation you need one of those suction caps that you can stick to the windshield and attach one side of the wire to.
We have mobile glass service companies all over Jax Florida, I would call and let them handle it, :crutches::flash:
I would suggest against using a heat gun if you have the butyl seal... That stuff is nasty when it gets warm.
My windshield removal went from cutting the seal with a knife (newer urethane) to prying with a screwdriver pretty fast.
I used these putty knife looking things but they have sharp edges on them and just tapped them through the butyl strip on my 82, took about 20 minutes.

These are the things guys use to slice through vette panel bonding stuff. Got mine at a hardware store.
The wires and T-handles. I used them both on the front and rear glass of my 79. No issues. You cut thru a corner, disconnect the T-handle, reattach on the inside and start cutting. Watch out not to cut the glass. this is a 2 man job.