Fornicate the Ukrainian Border

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
I'm not concerned about a border 5-6,000 miles away.
Ukraine was always part of Russia.
That demented eh-hole is trying to look tough & maybe get US patriots killed.
He's trying to shift the peoples concentration from 2 million more illegals, inflation, gas & food prices, fentanyl, overdoses, crime. murder, rape, trannies, queers, pedophiles, Critical race theory, Burn Loot Murder, men in girls sports.
It is not going to works - September he will be a demented lame duck.
As n0bama stated - "I did it"

What about the US Border you demented puppet with the strings being pulled by n0bama, Susan Rice & all the n0bama retreads.
The West made a deal with the Ukraine - give up your nuclear weapons and we'll protect you. How do you think Iran and N. Korea will look at any such deal after this fiasco?

Add to that issue - you don't think Burisma hired Crack pipe Biden because of his business accumen....

and finally, Ukraine is just the tip of the iceberg - Putin wants a full United Soviet Socialist Republic. Most Russians feel life was better before the dissolution of the USSR, so to them, he's a hero. Not just that, but those 'breakaway' republics.. yeah, they're next. So, do we stop him now when we have Ukrainian help or later when we don't? All this would be moot if the morons hadn't elected 'can't-do-stairs' Joe.

The Ukraine is a separate state and it was the immigrants from Russia who Putin is protecting, funny how unrestrained immigration can upend a country.... this is far more then 'just' the Ukrainians... far, far more.
And, we are also culpable... CIA trained marksmen (snipers), and trained demonstrators for the 2014 Maiden Square mess.
DoD funded Bio-Labs in 8 locations in the Ukraine. (Seven of which were hit by Putin) Those labs were tasked to work smallpox, anthrax, and botulism.
VP Biden made 7 trips to the Ukraine. Guess he was doing research for his foreign policy.
There is a whole lot going on - and I fear the "news" is not getting the true story out, but the one their puppet masters want told.
Witness the use of recycled/Photoshop/video game images, as an indicator.

Who would have ever thought we'd be living in a movie? Wag the Dog, anyone? Somebody get the popcorn.
And, we are also culpable... CIA trained marksmen (snipers), and trained demonstrators for the 2014 Maiden Square mess.
DoD funded Bio-Labs in 8 locations in the Ukraine. (Seven of which were hit by Putin) Those labs were tasked to work smallpox, anthrax, and botulism.
VP Biden made 7 trips to the Ukraine. Guess he was doing research for his foreign policy.
There is a whole lot going on - and I fear the "news" is not getting the true story out, but the one their puppet masters want told.
Witness the use of recycled/Photoshop/video game images, as an indicator.

Who would have ever thought we'd be living in a movie? Wag the Dog, anyone? Somebody get the popcorn.
low polls? start a war. check.

I completely agree with you on the play part.
First off I'm not against the Ukranian people & their border - I am concerned about the US Borders.
I cannot believe this fucking moron was legally elected. There is not a shadow of doubt in my mind that the highest levels of the US government conspired with the chinese bio-warfare principals to release an engineered virus that was used to manipulate a national election. Trump was killing the chinese economically. Their economy was not turning double digit rises anymore. When I went to bed election eve Trump was up 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. By morning the phony ballots had him loosing by 10,000 votes. The same thing happened in GA, MI, WI. That scum bag Suckerburg had been indited for election fraud today in WI. He spent 130 million for certain districts in the US to purchase drop boxes where millions of illegal ballots were deposited. They even have videos of the same people repeatedly depositing thousands of votes in the boxes. I have seen them.
On the net I don't watch or read CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Farcebook, Shitter - I watch & read & encourage anyone with a modicum of intelligence to wade through the blatant lies the government is spouting.

Tonight the State of the Union address was a farce - they are going to solve illegal immigration, high gas & food prices, fund the police, stop the flow of opiate drugs, make sure queers & trannies are protected, send billions to arm the opponents of Putin. What a COS. What phonies. All those MF'er have been taking Ivermectin - a drug that won the Nobel prize - been on the market for 75 years & has not killed a person on record, If you got this mRNA jab you have been misled - they have killed tens of thousands, aborted pregnant women. Read the content of these phony vaccines which are not even real vaccines & the CDC had to redefine the meaning of a vaccine. They are gene therapy - an unproved medical procedure.

My wife bought me a large print Bible recently - I'm not the best example of Christianity - but she wants to save me. And I am 330+ pages into the 1,800 pages. Every night I pray that we will not become embroiled in abnother senseless war. I also pray the Republican take both houses of Congress with greater than 2/3 majorities. I hope they can impeach this demented figurehead, then Cumula, the Pisslosi.
Furthermore the war hawks are at it again. Raytheon & Lockeed stock is up. My Chevron stock has never bween higher. When the Soviet Union broke up Eastonia, Lathvia, Poland, Bulgaria, and more of the former satellites joined NATO. Now we have NATO missiles in Poland & Bulgaria pointed at Russia. n0bama & biden have encouraged Ukraine to join NATO. Putin took the Crimea a largely Russian familial area of the Ukraine 6 or 8 years ago to keep access to the Sebastapol Naval Base. As one pundit said - can you imagine how we in the USA would feel in Putin or china put missiles on our Mexican border. I am not sticking up for the Russians - I doubt we would tolerate that. We have had or still do have Incilik (sp)air base in Turkey - again with vast military resources on the Russian border.

In 20 years we could not defeat the Afgans drug lords wearing sandals & shitting in the street - and we know how that turned out. The last war we won was WWII. Everything beyond that has been an unmitigated disaster. We left 80-85 billion in modern military arms in Afgan - and the Russians & chinese have just as many & maybe even more weapons just as lethal & certainly 5-6 times as many warm bodies.

If we push the banking sanction measures too far - the dollar will collapse as the worlds major currency. Say hello to the yen. Russia & china have been gloating over toppling that for years.

Since we import not only gas & oil from Russia - but fertalizer, Aluminum, Palladium. Platinum & other rare earth earth elements from them & china - where do you think the chip, semiconductors, solar panels, electric cars & food production are going - right into the toilet. This was was started by people behind biden - they pushed putin & he responded. Neocon. War Mongers. The Military Industrial complex Eisenhower warned about 70+ years ago. How about all those dirtbag US politticians owned by china from both parties. Traitors every one.
My wife bought me a large print Bible recently - I'm not the best example of Christianity - but she wants to save me.
The key to peace. Keep praying for understanding, that is the key to everything else. Fact is there's a Bible text that says "God upbraidth not those who ask for wisdom"... upbraid means to never say "no"... everything else, and I do mean everything else, comes from that.

I dove in the Bible 20 years ago and haven't needed to come up for breath yet - makes me hate what I see, but gives me peace... strangest thing, ever. As for example, yeah, someone told me once to be an example or a good warning. I choose the later, don't apologize for it either.

Fun aside - I read at least a chapter a day, have read the Bible cover to cover more times then I can count.. but I'm in 2 Kings too (Soloman has just built the temple).... I can't do the 'Bible Study topic' method - choosing a topic then bouncing through the Bible chasing that topic down... I'm a cover to cover reader as well.
As the deadly Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, in the US, these clowns are protesting rat traps at Home Depot:

Oh forgot, yesterday the US bought $60 million dollars of oil from...........Russia (tomorrow the same). Damn, Old Joe has really put the hammer down!
Weird thing is they break the law by buying it - and one has to wonder how they transferred the funds....
So old Joe put the hammer down on those Russian Oligarchs. Except for the main bank where they invest their money (same bank that gave Biden $100,000 for his 2020 campaign). You can't make this stuff up.

For a entertaining/funny version of this story:
It's is so difficult to sift thru the fake news. Now we know for a FACT that – via that devil Fauci our US money was spent to support the mainland china Wuhan Deadly Biological Disease Lab or is it a factory. And there is not a shadow of doubt where the engineered china virus was produced & released.

Well this week Senator Marco Rubio in a government hearing questioned some US government official about the Deadly Biological Disease Labs in the Ukraine – and she admitted your US dollars are being spent to fund research or are they manufacturing these deadly diseases.

I don't support Putin 1% but he was right when stated the US was funding these labs in the Ukraine and supposedly in many other countries worldwide. I would not trust CBS, NBC, ABC, Farcebook, Shitter or any of the "mainstream media". Even Jen Psaci Psux.

In 1960 I marched in a candle light parade for JFK in Middletown, NY – and as an amateur viewer of politics I love TRUMP more than any President in my lifetime and that includes Ronny Reagan who is a close second.

FJB with a branch from the Tree of Liberty.
Like the democRATS say – vote early & often.

PS I read there is a new virus planning to be released – Hemorrhagic Fever - to again to establish control. There supposedly is even a new genetic based vaccine that has already been patented. Big Pharma & certain US & foreign politicians are running the show.
The last set of "vaccines" were patented before the release of the virus. Check the linkage between "Brandon" - the evil offspring (Hunter), Rosemont Seneca, the Bio-"Labs" in Ukraine, and the TV producer that the "President" of Ukraine worked with. There is a lot of "wag the dog" here. We are not getting the truth about any of this. Question everything. Toss the bums out.

Just recall this:

HAL: Something's going to Happen.
Dave: What's going to Happen?
HAL: Something Wonderful.

Predictive Programming. Be-Aware.

Sorry - that all sounded a bit "loony" but it stands. Maybe makes sense to some?
Tonight I read on the US is running low on weapons because we sent so many to the Ukraine. And because we cut back on procurement, development & offshoring critical components they cannot be replaced quickly. The people who ran the specialiized machines were laid off, transitioned to new jobs. Belgium & china supply critical precursors, chemicals, chips, etc.
What a cluster fuk. Those 85 billions in arms left in Afghanistan are another factor.
Delaware Senator Chris Coons (a formersenate intern for dementia joe) wants to send troops. I say only is he goes with N0bama, shumer, durbin, cuomo, blumenthal, murphy, newsome, and why not let these females accompany them: pelosi, clinton, lightfoot, pochahantas, waters, aoc, etc. Give them all machine guns - put them in the front line.
Fornicate these morons - General Millie & the Tranny Admiral. What a joke we are to the WORLD ! Don't let them steal another election.
The worst part - What we give them they don't use correctly. Use a $2M+ Javalin [Tank-Killer} to kill a truck.
We learned to use only on high value targets in SW Asia GWII. The PK was 89%. I think we might soon be out of Stingers - and they are out of production. Now, Clown #2 has said we are going to "kill" ASAT - Anti-Satellite weapons. And just to rub it in - she made her announcement at Vandenberg AFB - home of Space Force weapons launch and test ranges.

I have read numerous articles written by people viewing the war in the Ukraine first hand. NATO, the US & UK are in a proxy war with Russia in the Ukraine. Just like we were in a proxy in Afghanistan when the Russians invaded there. The democrats often resort to these proxy wars to deflect their problems handling domestic issues. Their intent to bleed the Russians but ik is simply sacrificing the Ukrainians. This is terrible.

NATO does not even have much modern weaponry. And what happens if Putin is pushed so far he retaliates against the European Union. The Russians have incredible artillery. Dementia joe sends US large artillery that will never arrive; the railways to delivery them are decimated. Artillery killed & wounds > 65% of all casualties. These Russian weapons are dominant & devastating. Get rid of the spaces below & paste in your browser.

https:// twitter. com/Intel_sky/status/1521714756926820352?cxt=HHwWgMC-gcrgm54qAAAA
Another proxy war in the 3rd most corrupt nation on the planet. 30% of money gets there - 70% siphoned off by ?? crooks.

Read this & understand where the money is going;

We're depleting our army of weapons that we cannot even replace since the manufacturers cannot get the raw material and/or the factories are gone or scaled back due to the climate hoax, cost of electricity. I think the electric Corvette is gonna be flop. Electric cars like electronic banking are new era of control. When the US oligarchs shut it off - stay home - eat bugs while Al Gore, Brad Pitt, Gates jet off to Canne Festival.

I now know which country is the most corrupt. The paper Tiger is gone.