C4 Toe Control


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
Is the rear toe control setup (toe control rods) a good system? It was (basically)repeated in the C5-6 so I have to assume that it's pretty stable.
Yes, it's a decent system, although it can be improved. The geometry is not perfect. IT uses a single center hinge point and this does not perfectly align with the rest of the suspension. The way greenwood did it on his racers 9with short toe control links behind the halfshafts) is a better way to do it IMO.

Think of the way the C4 controls toe like how a center take off rack with center mount (close together) tie rod ends handles it. The idea is to have a link that is as long as it gets so that with suspension movement the angle doesn't change much and therefore the horizontal component's length stays within limits vs. the ideal. IE reduced angle limits the effect on the resulting horizontal component (simple vector theory)

The C5 and 6 use shorter links

These are set up to promote toe in on bump.
It looks like a C4 has the center pivot raised in relation to the ends. So you would get some toe in on compression.

I can't see your picture of the C5/6 toe control (red X).