Awesome Corvette folks.....from CF.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Corvette folks are AWESOME!
Long, but great people deserve it

My buddy Bill and I entered into the 2015 One Lap. We got in and registered and started off. On Sunday day 2, in transit from Iowa to Denver, my C5 stalled out on I-80 in Kearney NE. A few One Lappers pulled over to see if they could help fix it. After about 45 min, we could not figure out issue. Had spark, and fuel, so we were stumpped.

Sent the one lappers on their way and called a tow truck. While waiting on the tow truck, a black GM pickup pulls up behind us. Guy gets out and introduces himself as Marv, and offeres his help. Marv was driving down I-80 in his C6 and saw us, went home got his truck and drove back to offer help. We tell him what we have done and he is stumpped too.

Well Marv is the president of the local Corvette club and has run a local automotive shop until he retired recently. He has done some trackdays and knows about One lap. He starts calling all the local folks and finds that a local shop has the manager Tom is there and tells Marv to send our car and trailer there.

So, on a SUNDAY at 6pm my vette gets towed to a local shop and gets put inside and my trailer put inside. Marv then takes Bill and I to local hotel.

The next day, Monday, Marv calls us and says he will come get us from the hotel and take us to the shop. We get to the shop and find out the RH fuel jet pump failed. And they can't get it till the next day. So we tell them fix it and change the main pump too. Marv then takes us back to the hotel and says call me tomorrow and I will come do it all again. This guy is great!!!

Next day, Tuesday, Marv picks us up again at the hotel and takes us to the shop. Well, parts are not there. Marv starts calling and seeing what he can do to find parts. Long story short, 1 part finally comes in and it seems the other part never was ordered by the chevy dealership.

Marv helps locate a the needed part in Omaha NE. 2.5 hrs away. It is now 1pm local. Marv says "you guys take my truck, take me home, and go get that part." So a guy we just met 2 days ago, is giving us his truck to drive 180 miles 1 way to get a part and then drive 180 miles back. I can not even tell you how amazing this is.

Eric and Tom from Kearney Tire and Auto, says they will stay late and get us out of there tonight no matter what if we get the part. WOW!!

So we take Marv home and take his truck get the part and come back. Eric gets done about 7pm.

We thank the guys at the shop, and take Marv his truck and met his wife and other Corvette club members. We try to say thank you, but in truth, NOTHING we can say will be thanks enough.

All I can say is Corvette owners, waxers or racers, are great people. And bill nor I will ever be able to repay Marv for his generosity.

So, if you are ever in Kearney NE, stop by and find Marv. He will treat you like family. I know Bill and I feel like his family now.
