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  1. phantomjock


    UNSUSTAINABLE - Not CRIMINAL? $7 to $8 Billion (taxpayer dollars) spent on EV Charging Stations. And ONLY 8 Built! Naturally these are Fossil Fuel supported. NOTHING to SEE Here: Lets all stand in line to LINE OUR POCKETS! YGBSM! Cheers - Jim
  2. phantomjock

    Cutting stainless steel sheet: Any advice?

    OOPS - I meant Scan2CAD. Cheers - Jim
  3. phantomjock

    Cutting stainless steel sheet: Any advice?

    I bet you want it fast? Can't speak to price, or speed of this service, but you might check out: Don't "do" CAD? Make an accurate drawing - tracing the outline of the cuts. Then Scan and use an online scan to DXF. I've not tried this sorce...
  4. phantomjock


    But if we don't record it - no one will know. Your facts will prove useful - Archive. There will be a new Boss - soonest we hope! Cheers - Jim
  5. phantomjock

    Brake "failure" oddity that has me scratching my head.

    Dual Brake Gauges with video capture of the "event" would be useful post session. Might indicate a loss at either end - if both drop then the booster. No indication of fluid anywhere? Getting close to sounding like the master cylinder... Cheers - Jim
  6. phantomjock

    Help with wheel and tire combo for an '81 with Turbo GT wide body kit?

    Good choice. If you want to drop the front a bit, there is always the "old Skool" approach of cutting down the stock front springs. Did you know there are a few Vette Improvement documents in the downloads section? A few that might be interest...
  7. phantomjock

    Help with wheel and tire combo for an '81 with Turbo GT wide body kit?

    Can't sayhow accurate this might be - from CF. It might be helpful: It doesn't list the C3 - 15s, this might get you close: Cheers - Jim
  8. phantomjock

    anyone have any of these for sale???????

    Body Mounts? Look too small for ballast.
  9. phantomjock

    Help with wheel and tire combo for an '81 with Turbo GT wide body kit?

    I like 15s. And the body style was running 15s right? Although the 5-Wides are real "special." I'd be going the 295 15 - 15s on 15x10 Open D wheels. Less than $400 in the rims. That much for a single 18? I'd be concerned with changes in the handeling with 18s, but could happen with the other...
  10. phantomjock


    Sweet ride! Welcome aboard. Cheers - Jim
  11. phantomjock

    Brake "failure" oddity that has me scratching my head.

    One of these? Mine does pressure or vacuum. Pull the hose (PITA) then just use one end - suck/blow. Then you'll know. My problem - can't see th ehose on the booster to pull it off! Best of Luck.. Cheers - Jim
  12. 1716196933739.png


  13. phantomjock

    Long Overdue Progress! Center Console Build 5/17/24

    That's a BIG Ashtray! ;)
  14. phantomjock

    Brake "failure" oddity that has me scratching my head.

    I'm just now chasing Vacuum Leaks in the engine bay on the 2008 Chevy 2500 (tow) Van-Camper [6.0L LS uhuhuh ]. There is a Check Valve (apparently -- yet to disassemble) in that hose from the vacuum source to the brake booster. Once I reassemble everything, I can check my booster for the leaks...
  15. phantomjock

    Registry of Corvette race cars

    Guess I'd better get finished! But maybe mine won't fit the classification? Cheers - Jim
  16. phantomjock

    WTB: C3 Harness Bar

    If you cant find one, Fabricate? Good luck in your hunt. Cheers - Jim
  17. phantomjock

    New member from Pa.

    Welcome Aboard! WHat is your pleasure? C1, C2, C3, or, ? Street, Strip, Road Race, AX, Custom Shows? You'll find some of everything here. And a very good bunch of folks! Cheers - Jim So, FlyinMonkey; How many bananas did it take?
  18. phantomjock

    EV News

    Never to late to learn to play the Fiddle! Bit, if you're looking for a glimmer of hope, There is some groundwork being laid: Cheers - Jim
  19. phantomjock

    Living with Nature

    Might need a small dumpster for those bears!
  20. phantomjock

    Misc Vintage Racing Clips

    One of the Silver State Road Racer C-3s did a roof line version. (looking for the image...) I am similarily interested, for improving flow to a rear wing or spoiler - like the M8. But, I am also "conflicted " regarding any advantage that might given to fluid (air) rolling off fenders and...