Looks like there is a "Rush to Judge"


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Retired Again!
Words Matter and there is a definite lack of manners on YouTube:

But virtually ALL the news has made a Rush to Judge look closely at the YouTube and see what really happened - (or appears from this widely publicized piece)
[My apologies for the quality of the images - but you'll see what they've apparently missed]
We ask for help, help arrives, the situation is what it is, they must access and react quickly...
I am reminded again of the Bruce Springsteen song, 41 Shots and the refrain that is from the Cop's perspective:
The disicpline it takes to not want to aim, the training...


With "back up" tension can ease...




I'm sorry to hear the officer involved has chosen to resign under death threats. Thankfully we can still have an armed populace. We DON'T need a Federal Police Force. We need to teach some manners.
It's going to be a long hot summer......got all these so called reverands running around talking shit.....

Even the police chief said that the officer was out of line after reviewing the video...and apparently they were ignoring white kids who were at the same party. Who knows what really happened, but there are far too many bad cops out there. I've encountered more than a few of them, both privately and professionally. I've also known a lot of really good officers.

Just another illustration of why body cameras are good for both officers and civilians. There's a lot less room for doubt when things can be reviewed exactly as the officer sees them.

Even the police chief said that the officer was out of line after reviewing the video...and apparently they were ignoring white kids who were at the same party. Who knows what really happened, but there are far too many bad cops out there.

Hear that.

My fear is that the police chief in a "rush" to keep the peace - recall Baltimore - has made a "safe" call - not one of honesty. All in a rush to prevent a "Fergeson" reaction. Our national problem is quickly becoming one that is afraid to tell the truth - or ask for time to get the truth.

Any wonder Cops are slowing their response in Baltimore?

BTW, it only took a quick review of the video - with a different perspective to put those together.
But, you all know I'm "twisted"that way.
A perspective that kept asking; "what is going on here? How can this be explained - with something other than, it is a racial issue"

I tried imagined what would anyone do if 2 kids (regardless of color) rushed while doing their duty. Quickly, one in shows up in peripheral vision reaching behind his back.
As a civilian, if in fear for your life - you would most likely be exonerated if you shot them. This officer showed restraint - drew -- but never aimed.​

Obviously, he was tracking and evaluating the threat. In Wartime and under Rules of Engagement this is called PROPORTIONALITY. None is being shown by those calling for his firing, and charging. Nor, is RESTRAINT being used and time allowed to gather the facts - or review the videos critically. It all must be INSTAGRAM - gimme NOW! [Please note - I am not an attorney, nor have I played one. And Holidiy Inn Express is only OK]

It is sad to see his leadership "toss him under the bus," but understandable given the rush to call it racist, or overreacting, out of line, etc.
Just another illustration of why body cameras are good for both officers and civilians. There's a lot less room for doubt when things can be reviewed exactly as the officer sees them.

Unfortunately, a front facing body cam would never have covered the rush you see happen (in his periphery) that caused him to draw his weapon. It is the civilian cam that has brought this to center stage. Unfortunately (in my view) few have looked at the video critically -- without a racial perspective - or a perspective that is prone to assume, "All Cops are Bad."

As an alternative, all military police (at my local bases) now carry two weapons. One on each hip. One lethal - one non-lethal. That might be a better option and encourage non-lethal force - but this adds more training, costs, but provides an alternative. A non-lethal; could have been drawn, but ris involved there too.

I only wanted to offer a small alternative view - of what is becoming a critical challenge for U.S. I am suddenly reminded of the Law-and- Order issues raised in the 60s. We lived through that then - pray we do again.

Sam, I appreciate your response - Thanks - Jim

Maybe I should read my "sig" and STOP THINKING... Cheers
NOW this evening it's reported that cop just arrived there from TWO suicide investigations/scenes the same day......

A friend of mine went for a joy ride in a car he found with the keys in it. He was 14. The police pulled him over about 3/4 miles away. He got out of the car and started running despite the cop yelling for him to stop. The cop shot him in the hip. He still limps to this day, he's 60. The only thing he has ever said about it is that it was a foolish decision and he is lucky he wasn't killed.

In those days, when you ran from the police or confronted them, bad things happened. We are turning into a society where there are no consequences for bad decisions/behavior and no respect for anyone. That is unsustainable.
IMHO, from everything I've seen here, the problem wasn't as much with the (apparent) overreaction of the police officer, as it was the completely ridiculous and blatantly racist behavior by the white people who apparently started the altercation. Everything I've read indicates that the teenagers who were hosting the party lived in the area and had every right to both use the pool and invite guests. Apparently some non-invited teenagers also showed up, at which point someone started yelling about everyone "not belonging in the area" and "going back to their Section 8 housing." Whether or not some of the teenagers should have been there, or may have been misbehaving, being a racist jackass is no way to resolve a situation. Worth noting, it was a couple of white teenagers who were invited to this party that filmed and publicized the bad behavior of the adults involved. Also, as noted earlier, apparently at least the one officer was treating all of the black teenagers (including those who had every right to be there, and had apparently done nothing wrong) very harshly, while basically ignoring the white teenagers who were attending the very same gathering.

A friend of mine went for a joy ride in a car he found with the keys in it. He was 14. The police pulled him over about 3/4 miles away. He got out of the car and started running despite the cop yelling for him to stop. The cop shot him in the hip. He still limps to this day, he's 60. The only thing he has ever said about it is that it was a foolish decision and he is lucky he wasn't killed.

Unless he'd run over people or had a firearm and was threatening to use it, that is in no way a proportionate response to the crime. And yes, such ridiculous behavior was commonplace for many years. So was making people who look different use a different water fountain, or banning legal immigrants from certain nations from applying for US citizenship. The fact that it happened doesn't make it right.

In those days, when you ran from the police or confronted them, bad things happened.

So we've decided, like the Founding Fathers before us, that we don't want to live in a society with the government's jack boots crushing our throats. I hardly see that as a bad thing. I believe in civil liberties and the 4th Amendment. Do you?

We are turning into a society where there are no consequences for bad decisions/behavior and no respect for anyone. That is unsustainable.

I have absolutely no idea where you can get an idea like that, unless you actually believe that non-violent criminals should be gunned down in the streets. Personally, I'm OK with not living in the Wild West.

NOW this evening it's reported that cop just arrived there from TWO suicide investigations/scenes the same day......

One successful, one not. Unless one has absolutely no empathy for other persons, that sort of thing will take a heavy emotional toll on someone. That doesn't excuse the officer's apparent overreaction, but it does indicate that the department probably needs to look at their policies and procedures. At most, he should have probably been on desk duty for the rest of his shift, for his own mental well-being.
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banning legal immigrants from certain nations from applying for US citizenship. The fact that it happened doesn't make it right.

We need to stop the islamic invasion.....ASAP or we REALLY going to see blood in the streets, not so sure lots of this is not islam related but everyone scared to call it, certainly would not be mentioned on the msm channels, for sure.....

In those days, when you ran from the police or confronted them, bad things happened.

So we've decided, like the Founding Fathers before us, that we don't want to live in a society with the government's jack boots crushing our throats. I hardly see that as a bad thing. I believe in civil liberties and the 4th Amendment. Do you?

Where do you come up with this stuff! If you think a cop telling someone to get on the ground = the government jack boot on the throat of our "civil liberties", you have connected the dots to Bizzaro World.

Good luck with that.
In those days, when you ran from the police or confronted them, bad things happened.

So we've decided, like the Founding Fathers before us, that we don't want to live in a society with the government's jack boots crushing our throats. I hardly see that as a bad thing. I believe in civil liberties and the 4th Amendment. Do you?

Where do you come up with this stuff! If you think a cop telling someone to get on the ground = the government jack boot on the throat of our "civil liberties", you have connected the dots to Bizzaro World.

Good luck with that.

You're the one arguing for the ultimate 4th Amendment violation.
Sorry, but I happen to believe that there are a lot of lives (both black and white, but mostly black) that are being put on the line for someone else's agenda.
It's been difficult for me to reconstruct what really happened here..I think a lot/all news articles are censored by an attempt to be "politically correct."

I take it that the community located in McKinney, Texas was a upscale community. The community had a community swimming pool. The community was white, but had some Section 8 rental houses occupied by african-americans. Apparently when there was a community swimming pool event, the resident african-americans invited outsiders to the party, or apparently from what I've read there were non-resident african-american party crashers who showed up. The non-resident african-americans became disruptive and the police were called.

There has been several Wall Street Journal articles in the last several months describing an apparent motive of the Obama administration to produce diversity neighborhood populations with government intervention....Section 8, favorable mortgages, etc. What the government would like (the BO government) would be that if you are a real estate developer, and you develop a large tract of housing, they will force the developer to sell houses to people that produce a diverse neighborhood regardless of the prices of the houses.

An anecdote. In the 1980's, Lomita, California was a Los Angeles County town with a lower income group demography...white, asian, and hispanic at the time. There was a large tract of undeveloped land that a builder populated with some very nice spacious upper middle class homes. Notwithstanding the lower income surrounding communities, it was a good place for upper income people to live due to close by affluent business/aerospace areas. The tract was not too far from the City of Compton, at that time a heavily african-american low income area..and high crime area. An acquaintance of mine, a highly paid tool and die maker, moved in. This upper income class area attracted a perhaps 10% to 15% population of african americans who had the money to move out of Compton into this tract. Not too long after moving in, in separate incidents, Jim (not his real name) had his house broken into and randsacked/burglarized. His car was stolen from the driveway. A car was broken in when in the driveway. Jim blamed all this on the african-american population of the neighborhood...which was relatively small. I scoffed at Jim...hey come on Jim, these neighborhood african-americans aren't going to be robbing you...they make as much as more or more than you. WHAT HE SAID. No the neighbors aren't the source of crime, but they have relatives and friends that live in the near-by ghetto, and when they come for a visit..all they see is affluent homes and automobiles inviting to be robbed. Bottom line, his belief was that african-americans in your neighborhood...even if they were well to do, would invite unsocial elements into the community. I think of this anecdote when I read of Section 8.
It's interesting that you label all of the black residents of that town as living in Section 8 housing. From the articles that I've seen that is not accurate, and such housing is only proposed, but does not yet exist.

The WSJ's editorial pages have become rather boring and predictable since Murdoch took over.

Also, your anecdote is horribly racist. There is just as much violence and property crime amongst poor white people, but a lot of it happens in rural areas where the population is more spread out and it doesn't make the news as much. I've been a prosecutor in a poor white area, I've seen it first hand.

Then there is the fact that the media and prosecutors love throwing some under-educated black thug in jail, but they give white people who steal millions a free pass.
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I am with Sam on this one...

I wonder if the pool party was held by white kids and white kids crashed the party and were a problem would the cops be called or better still, come with drawn guns????
...I wonder if the pool party was held by white kids and white kids crashed the party and were a problem would the cops be called or better still, come with drawn guns????
They came with guns in holsters.
One officer drew his when it "appears" he may have perceived a threat.
He never (according to the video) raised to a firing position.
At best - this could have been described as "brandishing a weapon."

I'm kinda thinking - from now on I'll keep my keyboard silent on all but Corvette Activities. But, this has been entertaining.
See, it just goes to show what happens when I do too much THINKING.

Cheers - Jim
As a former LEO I can tell you with assurance if I was wrestling with a suspect and 2 males came rushing up and attempted to circle me, I would have pulled my weapon too. There is no credible argument for that
As far as cameras they work both ways. But, crimes are solved by tips from the public and if someone knows they are on candid camera less people will be likely to give information.
The last bit of freedom we have will end with a national police force.