got some shitty news today.


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
I've been dealing with some pain and weird nerve issues for going on two years now. Problem started deep in my right ear. The docs have been chasing this thing for a while and finally did the right scan a couple weeks ago. Now the biopsy reports have come back and I'm positive for cancer. I have a tumor growing in the back of my throat. Unfortunately because of it's location, it's inoperable. Chemo and radiation for a couple months will hopefully do it.
Seems like I've had a couple pretty substantial setbacks over the last few years. I'm about due for some good goddamn luck one of these years.
Oh CRAP, sorry to hear that, get better man, best of luck to you and yours...

Sorry to hear that - it's never good news.

Get some more opinions on options for treatment. It may be inoperable but now there is the "Cyberknife" where they treat with intersecting low level "rays".

Please keep us posted. Positive thoughts and supportive friends are an important ingredient in your recovery! :friends:
Man, Gary! I hate to hear that. I tell you what though, there are some fantastic treatments out there today. I'll keep you in my prayers. Art
Damn brother!

My family and I will definately keep you in our thoughts and prayers:(
I agree with the others Gary, there some new treatments available now, and medical science leaps forward every day.

Hang in there mate. For what is't worth, you're in my thoughts :thumbs:

Very sorry to hear. As Wayne said, there are lots of options and effective treatments. Remain optimistic. When you get through this, the rest will seem unimportant.

You have our prayers and support as well!
Hang in there!
Stay after it and stay positive, success with cancer these days has never been better. A second and even a third opinion isn't a bad idea. Good luck and keep us updated.
Crap Gary. Sometimes we just don't get a break. I will say a prayer for you my friend. Do whatevr the docs want, and hang tough. Jeff
Hang in there. Keep a positive attitude, I know it's not easy, but your due for some good news.
sorry to hear this :(

try and keep your spirits up, and get a 2nd and 3rd opinion on "inoperable".

as others have said there are new methods and machines that can do what a few years ago was impossible.
Man, I'm sorry to hear that, stick in there and I agree with the others, look around for what's best for you
Prayer and positive attitude are essential. My 18 months to live is going on 8 years. My vette has carried me through some tough times.