Pissed over gas???Let them know!

Again the Eleventh hour, and there is still no true solutions to stave off energy consumption . Backed into the corner and now we are going to suffer! Pointing fingers and Washington is normal, Screwed by self serving laws ""EPA"" has destroyed the mother of invention, thus meaning our Washington self serving paper hangers will go to any means to stiffle progress!

Yes , Fu@@ed by the greed of the stock market!

Yeh, this time round it's the 'futures traitors''.......

bet ME, this runup is orchestrated by a bunch of uber liberal commie bastard types like George Soros and backed by some like minded buddies of his, to influence this election to the commie/do mo crats......

course I"m pissed at BOTH parties.....the pubs never did have the guts to pull NO punches with the dems on blocking any good legislation....so for being totally gutless, they get hammered, and now maybe hammered again badly on account of these traitor dealings by guys with Soros....

honestly, Soros needs killing...sniper, one shot.....send a message to those crooked bastards.....

Yeah, since Bush has been in office, gas has doubled and we have the largest national debt that this country has seen in 30 years. But the Democrats are to blame, sure. rolleye0011.gif :bullshit:

We had a surplus over the budget when Clinton was in office.

Dennis Kucinich recently made public 38 points to impeach Bush, one of which is the fact that the Bush administration offered a 35 year lease of the most profitable oil producing land in the middle east to certain oil companies. ...Fix prices much?!?!
Chevy is going to start producing the Volt...and it actually has decent styling.

The extended-range electric vehicle is no longer just a rumor. We have put tremendous design and engineering resources in place to make this vehicle a reality.

The Concept Chevy Volt, with its revolutionary E-Flex Propulsion System will be different than any previous electric vehicle because it will use a lithium-ion battery with a variety of range-extending onboard power sources, including gas and, in some vehicles, E85
ethanol(1) to recharge the battery while driving.

When it comes to plugging in, the Volt will be designed to use a common 110–volt household plug. For someone who drives less than 40 miles a day, Chevy Volt will use zero gasoline and produce zero emissions.(2) For longer trips, Chevy Volt's range-extending power source kicks in to recharge the lithium-ion battery pack as required. We expect a driving range of an estimated 640 miles.(3)
Hybrids. The best of both world's.

Photovoltaic for general use is on the verge of being available to everyone.

Going cross country a few months ago, wind turbines are sprouting up like trees.

Chevy is going to start producing the Volt...and it actually has decent styling.

The extended-range electric vehicle is no longer just a rumor. We have put tremendous design and engineering resources in place to make this vehicle a reality.

The Concept Chevy Volt, with its revolutionary E-Flex Propulsion System will be different than any previous electric vehicle because it will use a lithium-ion battery with a variety of range-extending onboard power sources, including gas and, in some vehicles, E85
ethanol(1) to recharge the battery while driving.

When it comes to plugging in, the Volt will be designed to use a common 110–volt household plug. For someone who drives less than 40 miles a day, Chevy Volt will use zero gasoline and produce zero emissions.(2) For longer trips, Chevy Volt's range-extending power source kicks in to recharge the lithium-ion battery pack as required. We expect a driving range of an estimated 640 miles.(3)

Even IF the thing makes it off the bed, into production floor, and out there on the roads.....the weenies will find a way to kill it....for no other reason than 'it's GM'.....or some sort of reason the batteries are bad news....

I haven't read any physics journal about battery breakthrough tech....
This is so stupid, sign a petition, boycott gas for a day. What a joke.

Yeah sign the petition, then go fill your tank up. Or boycott gas for a day, then fill up the next day. Like they really give a flying f*ck about what you think. If you want to let them know that you're pissed, go buy an electric car. Or convert your car to natural gas. :smash:

I could care less about a fuel boycott,,, it's not gonna change anything!That is not what this is really about.It's about using the resourses that we have while we develope better alternatives.For some reason we pass laws so we can't drill in the gulf and other places,,,,,,,doe's it save the gulf from getting drilled???NOPE some other country moves their dirty rigg rite on in there anyway!(While we pay out the backside for oil out of the same earth!!!)No,,They don't care what I think,and I could just sit back and take it like we have had to do but,over 600,000 people signed it in just a few days.I don't have the answers but I'm sharing a voice.I love this country and I believe in it.I think that it is time to be heard when we are more worried about saving the trees than our children!:beer:
Yeah, since Bush has been in office, gas has doubled And it's gone up a bunch since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. What's your point? and we have the largest national debt that this country has seen in 30 years. But the Democrats are to blame, sure. Both parties are to blame. Neither have done squat to reduce spending.

We had a surplus over the budget when Clinton was in office. That's debatable. But we weren't at war at the time, either. Willy was too busy with you know who to spend the time or money on the military to kick some AlQuaida ass.Dennis Kucinich recently made public 38 points to impeach Bush, Dennis Kucinich?? Dennis Kucinich is a nutcase. No sane person takes this guy seriously. Come on, man. one of which is the fact that the Bush administration offered a 35 year lease of the most profitable oil producing land in the middle east Middle east? WTF does the POTUS have to do with leases in the middle east? to certain oil companies. ...Fix prices much?!?!

Calm down, and try taking an economics course some time. Things will make a lot more sense after that.
Yeah, since Bush has been in office, gas has doubled And it's gone up a bunch since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. What's your point? and we have the largest national debt that this country has seen in 30 years. But the Democrats are to blame, sure. Both parties are to blame. Neither have done squat to reduce spending.

We had a surplus over the budget when Clinton was in office. That's debatable. But we weren't at war at the time, either. Willy was too busy with you know who to spend the time or money on the military to kick some AlQuaida ass.Dennis Kucinich recently made public 38 points to impeach Bush, Dennis Kucinich?? Dennis Kucinich is a nutcase. No sane person takes this guy seriously. Come on, man. one of which is the fact that the Bush administration offered a 35 year lease of the most profitable oil producing land in the middle east Middle east? WTF does the POTUS have to do with leases in the middle east? to certain oil companies. ...Fix prices much?!?!

Calm down, and try taking an economics course some time. Things will make a lot more sense after that.

rolleye0011.gif That's debatable? Are you kidding me? No, those are statistics. Can't argue numbers, well... maybe you can. And go ahead, bring up Clinton's penis, that's pertinent.

Try opening your eyes some time. How's the view from under that rock?
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Yeah, since Bush has been in office, gas has doubled And it's gone up a bunch since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. What's your point? and we have the largest national debt that this country has seen in 30 years. But the Democrats are to blame, sure. Both parties are to blame. Neither have done squat to reduce spending.

We had a surplus over the budget when Clinton was in office. That's debatable. But we weren't at war at the time, either. Willy was too busy with you know who to spend the time or money on the military to kick some AlQuaida ass.Dennis Kucinich recently made public 38 points to impeach Bush, Dennis Kucinich?? Dennis Kucinich is a nutcase. No sane person takes this guy seriously. Come on, man. one of which is the fact that the Bush administration offered a 35 year lease of the most profitable oil producing land in the middle east Middle east? WTF does the POTUS have to do with leases in the middle east? to certain oil companies. ...Fix prices much?!?!

Calm down, and try taking an economics course some time. Things will make a lot more sense after that.

rolleye0011.gif That's debatable? Are you kidding me? No, those are statistics. Can't argue numbers, well... maybe you can. And go ahead, bring up Clinton's penis, that's pertinent.

Try opening your eyes some time. How's the view from under that rock?

enk, you looosing this arguement, case closed.....

Yeah, since Bush has been in office, gas has doubled And it's gone up a bunch since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. What's your point? and we have the largest national debt that this country has seen in 30 years. But the Democrats are to blame, sure. Both parties are to blame. Neither have done squat to reduce spending.

We had a surplus over the budget when Clinton was in office. That's debatable. But we weren't at war at the time, either. Willy was too busy with you know who to spend the time or money on the military to kick some AlQuaida ass.Dennis Kucinich recently made public 38 points to impeach Bush, Dennis Kucinich?? Dennis Kucinich is a nutcase. No sane person takes this guy seriously. Come on, man. one of which is the fact that the Bush administration offered a 35 year lease of the most profitable oil producing land in the middle east Middle east? WTF does the POTUS have to do with leases in the middle east? to certain oil companies. ...Fix prices much?!?!

Calm down, and try taking an economics course some time. Things will make a lot more sense after that.

rolleye0011.gif That's debatable? Are you kidding me? No, those are statistics. Can't argue numbers, well... maybe you can. And go ahead, bring up Clinton's penis, that's pertinent.

Try opening your eyes some time. How's the view from under that rock?

enk, you looosing this arguement, case closed.....


Ahahahahaha! I wonder why you would say that.

Here, argue this:


Because I'm sure you'll find a way!
Clinton got exceedinly lucky on that employment thing due to the .dot commmmm 'boom' where billions of primarily small investors money got shot in the ass trying to mimick the FEDERAL .GOV success story that is MSFT, and no one but Dell, and a couple others ever got close, the other myth spin off came from QUALCOM, the inventor of the cphone, really....rents out his CDMA to VERIZON and parts of it/offshoots to ATT......

I was at a trade show in them daze with them once....as a small investor in a company that never made it in the video/movie cphone screen business.....the cheif was a nitwit and thought he could out negotiate them, RONG, they just waited a couple more years to develope their OWN codec to do just that....delayed intros as a result.....so we all lost a TON of money over that move.....so TELL me about all them programmers costing billions in INVESTOR MAKE WORK projects, the crash happened when the Y2K scam became evident the whole thing collapsed to fast it was a joke....the timing was exquisite for the Clintons, make them look smart....but in FACT they were stupid....because the PRIMARY JOB of POTUS is FOREIGN POLICY, and THERE CLINTON SUCKED WIND......left it to Bush2 to handle that lemon best he could.....

Fucking do mo crats get us into wars due to lack of common sense on the world stage, then leave it to the pubs to get someone in there WITH some balls and common sense, how many times we get this same scenario played out over the last 100 years now???? look at history....I put it at 6 times.....:devil:
Luck, and the Democrats got us into war... wow. :nuts: :crylol:

Have fun under those rocks! Peace out fellas.
OPEC sells oil for $136.00 a barrel.
OPEC nations buy U.S. grain at $7.00 a bushel.
Solution: Sell grain for $136.00 a bushel.
Can't buy it? Tough! Eat your oil!
Ought to go well with a nice thick grilled filet of camel ass!!!
That's debatable? Are you kidding me? No, those are statistics. I recall a clever chap named Mark Twain who said there are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn lies, and Statistics. Can't argue numbers, well... maybe you can. Yes I can. We haven't had a true surplus since about 1968, IIRC. We've been putting the Social Security money into the general fund (and issueing IOUs), and spending it. This makes the budget look better, but it's a dishonest way of bookkeeping. And go ahead, bring up Clinton's penis, that's pertinent. Never mentioned that. You did. You liberals seem to be sex obsessed.
Try opening your eyes some time. How's the view from under that rock?

My eyes are wide open. I'm an engineer. I deal with facts and logic, not emotions. I also understand economics (had college level courses in that, in addition to a roommate who was an Econ major), and also have a decent working knowledge of how the government works. Remember that it is Congress (Republican throughout most of Clinton's terms) who controls the purse strings. The president is usually the one who gets the credit or blame for Congress's management of the people's money. A president can recommend a tax increase or a tax cut, but it is Congress that acts on, or rejects the President's recommendation. Let's recall how many times we've heard the Speaker of the House or Leader of the Senate say that the President's budget is "dead on arrival". It's not a one man show in DC there.
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That's debatable? Are you kidding me? No, those are statistics. I recall a clever chap named Mark Twain who said there are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn lies, and Statistics. Can't argue numbers, well... maybe you can. Yes I can. We haven't had a true surplus since about 1968, IIRC. We've been putting the Social Security money into the general fund (and issueing IOUs), and spending it. This makes the budget look better, but it's a dishonest way of bookkeeping. And go ahead, bring up Clinton's penis, that's pertinent. Never mentioned that. You did. You liberals seem to be sex obsessed.
Try opening your eyes some time. How's the view from under that rock?

My eyes are wide open. I'm an engineer. I deal with facts and logic, not emotions. I also understand economics (had college level courses in that, in addition to a roommate who was an Econ major), and also have a decent working knowledge of how the government works. Remember that it is Congress (Republican throughout most of Clinton's terms) who controls the purse strings. The president is usually the one who gets the credit or blame for Congress's management of the people's money. A president can recommend a tax increase or a tax cut, but it is Congress that acts on, or rejects the Presiden't recommendation. Let's recall how many times we've heard the Speaker of the House or Leader of the Senate say that the President's budget is "dead on arrival". It's not a one man show in DC there.

and the WORST part about it, even though the R's 'controlled' congress, in the end they needed D votes to get anything at ALL done....so at what PRICE came those D votes???? U got it.....

same thing now, only the D's are in 'controll'.....the problem IS....no one controlls congress....except the payroll, meaning that caball of retired congressmen/LAWYERS who have the back channel phone numbers and personal email addys....of their former colleagues....so they sell themselves to the highest bidder.....

OH, a side note....I know of two streets the cops are afraid to patroll in the mornings....no speed traps, no enforcement, Canal Road and McArthur boulevard.....it leads into town from the burbs where the POWERFUL and WEALTHY live.....any cop ticketing the rong guy there gets FIRED,

these guys drive Merc,Porsch,BMW, Lexi, Loti at high speed down those two roads along the Potomac river.....every once in a while you hear of a wreck, and i'ts NOT pretty.....but rarely ever makes the news.....some decades ago one of them got killed, THAT MADE THE NEWS.....the rest is under the rugs at Sibley Hospital.....

I laugh when some bigwig had his lawyer fighting some charges over something or other....the lawyer's name.....

Montgomery Blair Sibley.......

those names go back over a hundred years EACH in that town.....very olde tyme money connection....MUCH???
