Who are you guys voting for?

Agree that McCain is the least of all evil... but keep in mind the country/economy was doing good under Clinton... this is now the second time that the dollar is at a historic low at the end of a Bush administration....

NEVER felt anything as bad as Carter though, for all the fuckups anyone else did, HIS was the most mis managed administration in every aspect, in my lifetime.....:clobbered:

and besides, untill very recently oil was traded on bux, so a lo dollar jacked up China goods and kept US employed?? I"d say that's a good thing, eh>>>people buying Merc and BMW instead of Caddy/Lincoln is NOT good for the AMERICAN economy, don't matter any other point, THAT is the bottom line....
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There was a Republican Congress for most of the Clinton administration, so that helped a lot on the economy. If you think the economy can change with the President, you are mistaken. He/she can only set the tone. If the business leaders and corporate big-wigs are taxed too highly, they will move the facilities to another country. Look at Ireland. They pretty much removed all corporate taxes years ago to stimulate their stagnant economy. Now a lot of corps. have moved there and their economy is doing great. The Dems. want higher capital gains taxes. That will drive investors from the stock market. How will that help the economy? The lefties will never realize that Socialism will never lead to a prosperous country. Name one.
"They have no idea how we're going to screw them."

Cant vote for any of them ,they all suck.I like lou dobbs,if he would just run,a true independent.Dems and repubs are the same ,lieing,stealing,fags,perverts,embezzalers,take your rights away,take your guns away,protect criminals,unamerican pieces of crap:mad:
Cant vote for any of them ,they all suck.I like lou dobbs,if he would just run,a true independent.Dems and repubs are the same ,lieing,stealing,fags,perverts,embezzalers,take your rights away,take your guns away,protect criminals,unamerican pieces of crap:mad:

The FACT that you are correct has nothing to DO with it....

tell us how your FEEL.....

you damn old hippy....

NO WAY I am voting for "the lesser of three evils". The lesser of three evils is STILL EVIL. Osama Bama hates whites (look at his attitude towards his white grandmother and his choice of parish priest) and Billary Clinton tells so many lies even she can't keep track of them any more. John McCain....aka "the Manchurian Candidate" is trying to run as a "war hero" (from his ads) and with lots of smarts about foreign policy. Sorry Comrade McCain, but being a POW does NOT make you a war hero or any other kind of hero. Being a POW just makes you UNLUCKY. And McCain can't make up his mind WHO his friends are. He's lined up with Liberals so many times that he earned the dubious title of "Maverick". Well ask the people of Arizona how they feel about "Bret-Bart" McCain. Amnesty for illegals is NOT real popular ANYWHERE in this country. They have a different name for him than Maverick.

I would write in Mickey Mouse, but my 3 cats would never let me live it down. Perhaps I can convince Sylvester Pussycat to run? Whoever I vote for it will NOT be for any of the 3 Stooges that are trying to get in. Wait....are there any original Stooges left? I WOULD vote for them!!!! :thumbs:
Flash....Flash....Flash.....This in directly from Walt Disney world....Mickey picks Sylvester as his choice for VP...Flash...Flash...Flash...........
I liked Thompson and then later Romney. McCain wasn't even my LAST choice. :mad: He was my choice BEHIND that weird-looking Democrat that reminded me of Joseph Goebbels. I think his name was Kuspinach or something like that.
I definitely AM gonna vote. Just not for a Democrat or Republican. :cool:

Facts of life Dep, stay home then.....wasted gasoline....or electrons....

:sick::banghead::evil:NO disagreement with the sediment on bottom of the barrell there, but somehow the lesser of 550 evils has to rise to the top, I hope....

I think McCain needs a really good POPULAR running mate, and that's tough to find on the R side of things....so in actuality....Joe Leiberman is THE choice....but ain't happening....

I like old Joe, he got more on the ball on a slick track than most them assholes on a bleach burnout....:mime::banghead::ill::clobbered:
I disagree Gene. I fought for my voting rights. Got my ass shot off in the process. I guarantee you I WILL vote for someone for Prez. I don't think it matters if it's Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Ron Paul, or Mitt Romney. Voting for one of them sends a message to the candidates of the Dems and Repubs that I don't like EITHER of them. I did that "lesser of 2 evils" before and got burned on it. I won't do it again. I'm NOT letting someone else tell me who to vote for, and I'm NOT giving up my right to write in a choice of my own.
I disagree Gene. I fought for my voting rights. Got my ass shot off in the process. I guarantee you I WILL vote for someone for Prez. I don't think it matters if it's Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Ron Paul, or Mitt Romney. Voting for one of them sends a message to the candidates of the Dems and Repubs that I don't like EITHER of them. I did that "lesser of 2 evils" before and got burned on it. I won't do it again. I'm NOT letting someone else tell me who to vote for, and I'm NOT giving up my right to write in a choice of my own.

And THAT, is what makes this country so great. I applaud your answer Mike. Bravo.
I disagree Gene. I fought for my voting rights. Got my ass shot off in the process. I guarantee you I WILL vote for someone for Prez. I don't think it matters if it's Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Ron Paul, or Mitt Romney. Voting for one of them sends a message to the candidates of the Dems and Repubs that I don't like EITHER of them. I did that "lesser of 2 evils" before and got burned on it. I won't do it again. I'm NOT letting someone else tell me who to vote for, and I'm NOT giving up my right to write in a choice of my own.

NOT an issue Dep, I voted Perot first time round....I serious forget second time round, but realized Perot2 was not happening....

I just glad Nader entered when he did or Bush 2 would not be prez....

can you imagine Kerry or Gore as prez during/after 9-11??

but so far, only Nader has indicated on a run yet again....hope the damn old fool does it, to split/splat up the nitwit votes... seriously hope he stick it in there for another run and get a whole lot of media for it...

trouble is...they ALL are lawyers....

therefore need killing....
NO WAY I am voting for "the lesser of three evils". The lesser of three evils is STILL EVIL. Osama Bama hates whites (look at his attitude towards his white grandmother and his choice of parish priest) and Billary Clinton tells so many lies even she can't keep track of them any more. John McCain....aka "the Manchurian Candidate" is trying to run as a "war hero" (from his ads) and with lots of smarts about foreign policy. Sorry Comrade McCain, but being a POW does NOT make you a war hero or any other kind of hero. Being a POW just makes you UNLUCKY. And McCain can't make up his mind WHO his friends are. He's lined up with Liberals so many times that he earned the dubious title of "Maverick". Well ask the people of Arizona how they feel about "Bret-Bart" McCain. Amnesty for illegals is NOT real popular ANYWHERE in this country. They have a different name for him than Maverick.

I would write in Mickey Mouse, but my 3 cats would never let me live it down. Perhaps I can convince Sylvester Pussycat to run? Whoever I vote for it will NOT be for any of the 3 Stooges that are trying to get in. Wait....are there any original Stooges left? I WOULD vote for them!!!! :thumbs:
Gonna have to disagree, his conduct as a POW is what makes him a hero, not the fact that he was a POW.

I was a Huckabee guy. Most qualified candidate running. Second was Richardson, but I had fundamental disagreements with him.

McCain right now is the least likely to treat the people like livestock.
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Gonna have to disagree, his conduct as a POW is what makes him a hero, not the fact that he was a POW.

I consider heroes as guys that actually DID something heroic in a war. Guys like Sgt. Alvin York in WW1 and Audie Murphy in WW2. They actually DID something heroic. And they got Medal of Honor medals to prove it. Yeah, McCain had it tough in a POW camp. But so did a LOT of other guys. And being a POW doesn't make ANYONE more qualified to be President. For that matter, being in the military doesn't make you a better leader or give you Presidential material. Some of our greatest Presidents NEVER served in the military.
The Three Stooges that are running for the highest office in the land are about as UNqualified as you can get. They have experience in very specific areas as Senators. Ask McCain or Obama an economic question and they will either answer like an idiot (Obama) or defer the question to their "expert advisors" (McCain). Governors at least had to have smarts in ALL areas of running a state, which is like running a mini-USA.

I guarantee if McCain gets in we will have amnesty for illegals in no time. He already as much as said it.

He could have left but didn't, because the other guys couldnt leave.

I agree completely that being in the military or even a hero, doesnt qualify you for office. And I voted in the primary to the longest serving most successful governor running.

I am more of a General Tibbets, and General Doolittle type.

I see this as a vote between the jerks who quibble over sustainable agricultural practices with their human livestock, and somebody who finds that disquieting.
He could have left but didn't, because the other guys couldnt leave.

I agree completely that being in the military or even a hero, doesnt qualify you for office. And I voted in the primary to the longest serving most successful governor running.

I am more of a General Tibbets, and General Doolittle type.

That's nice of him, but as ranking officer, that is what he SHOULD have done. Who is supposed to be the last one off a sinking ship? ;)