Girl trouble--Darlene

Glenn, when I read that my first thought was that you leapt out of the closet in a pink tutu or that Darlene came home from work early and found you lolling around on the bed in her sexy underwear, playing with your own nipples, or that you told her you prefer sex with deceased goats or something else weird!

This thread is just TOO FUNNY!

Glen, I was married for 34 years and have been divorced for the past 4. I am 57 years old and have dated everything from 21 to 50 year olds. I have learned more in the last 4 than in the previous 34. My advice is to back away, give her the space she asks for and let her know that you respect her wishes. Let her also know that as an "older man", you don't have the luxury of time. Life's short... there are more women than men on this rock. The age lie was wrong, but not that big of a deal. If she's known YOU for 8 years and this makes her want to walk away, let her walk.

My ex made the comment recently that she was sure I would be re-married by now. It gave me the opportunity to use that response: "You remember when you'd get mad cause all your girlfriends were hitting on me? Well, I still have 3 of them left to screw." Priceless.
My ex made the comment recently that she was sure I would be re-married by now. It gave me the opportunity to use that response: "You remember when you'd get mad cause all your girlfriends were hitting on me? Well, I still have 3 of them left to screw." Priceless.

Qoute of the day. Too funny. FLMAO
This thread is just TOO FUNNY!

Glen, I was married for 34 years and have been divorced for the past 4. I am 57 years old and have dated everything from 21 to 50 year olds. I have learned more in the last 4 than in the previous 34. My advice is to back away, give her the space she asks for and let her know that you respect her wishes. Let her also know that as an "older man", you don't have the luxury of time. Life's short... there are more women than men on this rock. The age lie was wrong, but not that big of a deal. If she's known YOU for 8 years and this makes her want to walk away, let her walk.

My ex made the comment recently that she was sure I would be re-married by now. It gave me the opportunity to use that response: "You remember when you'd get mad cause all your girlfriends were hitting on me? Well, I still have 3 of them left to screw." Priceless.

Yes, priceless.:drink: