Girl trouble--Darlene

Turtle, lay off him. A scrub like you would never be in a position to drill a female much younger than himself and that is why you would never have to lie about your age.

By the way, turtle, lying and motivation are not difficult words to spell and you have thus been eliminated from consideration for writing his love letter. That shit might fly with your bowling alley buddies but don't bring that rubbish anywhere near a post of mine.

Women like older men so i don't see any benefit in lying about age.
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Women like older men so i don't see any benefit in lying about age.

I would bust your balls about you being to chickenshit to post a picture of yourself or even tell us your name, but the mods came down on me last time i proded you.

They told me not to pick on someone who is mentally challenged. Its a violation of some Federal law or something.

Dork, if your IQ was within 40 points of mine it would surprise me. Keep your low grade wit in the pool halls and local pubs where they will be appreciated by your sub-literate brethren.
When you came clean about the age "enhancement", she probably wonders what other secrets you might have. If you can assure her that you have no more secrets, who knows?

Answer A; (See above)

Answer B: She was going to break up anyhow, and you gave her a reason.

Solution. Give her what she wants. She wants to think about it/punish you/both.
OK, you don't like my idea of the pro letter expressing your undying love and commitment?

You need motivation to do this right (the pro letter). Have you ever heard the expression "absence makes the heart grow fonder"? What they meant to say was "absence makes the heart wander".

You got a week to seal the deal. I'll bet Sadistic could write you a great letter if he turned his talent towards good instead of evil:devil:
Not sure how to advise you on this exactly....but she in my estimation may just be putting you thru the ringer for just don't end an 8 year relationship just like hang tough and give her some room for a couple calls,flowers, will find out soon enough...

I have to agee with Rich. Just back away and let her study on the whole thing for a bit. Let her call you when she's ready. Don't push. And don't sweat it, It'll work out.

A major problem here is that they've been dating for 8 years. She's trying to reconcile why its taken so long to seal the deal. That's what players do. Keep a girl on in limbo while milking her the while.

Hey want a great laugh. Go check out the chatbox archive starting around page 4 and on back for quite a ways.

I got his english major.....right here.
Glen, I have met you both. You are cool and Darlene is cool, it will work out. That lie was one that was too big to fly. Everybody lies sometimes. Be a little more discrete with your lies, women don't like to feel foolish.
Hey want a great laugh. Go check out the chatbox archive starting around page 4 and on back for quite a ways.

I got his english major.....right here.

I don't wish to have this thread locked because of you, but just to set the record straight, you took the a$$ whipping of a lifetime last night. Of course, it was not much of an accomplishment, humiliating such a poor competitor.

I just hope that your loved ones will not let you down in this trying time. It was the kind of humiliation that could cause some family members to abandon one another. If they have not left you, grope them for all they can give, lean on them, run into their open arms and if possible find a plump breast to nestle with until lots of time has past and you are ready to embrace the horrific realities of what transpired last night. In the end, it would be best if you come to terms with the fact that I am superior to you in every way. It will not be easy but it will save you from further pain, which comes from the delusional ideals that brought you to that fateful arena last night. I would also advise you to place plastic sheets on your bed for the next several weeks. Gruesome flashbacks could kick in at any time and we don't need you to be humiliating yourself any further.

I would also like management to post a sticky of the glorious turtle squashing that took place last night. This will not only set the record straight but be a major source of entertainment for fellow members. Lets face it; we all have a little sadistic in us and what took place last night was an historic ass whipping that should not be forgotten any time soon.
Lets try this again. You see, Glenn has a dilemma with his girlfriend so he thought he would post a question at this forum. He got some good responses in the beginning and now the subject has been converted to the Turtle/Sadistic feud.

The purpose of this forum is NOT to provide a place for the two of you to do whatever it is that the two of you are trying to accomplish. The purpose of this forum is for people like Glenn to post questions and receive responses related to that question. See, it's simple!

So what do you think Glenn should do?
Answer A; (See above)

Answer B: She was going to break up anyhow, and you gave her a reason.

Solution. Give her what she wants. She wants to think about it/punish you/both.

There are no more secrets. But, of course she doesn't know that. She has been really depressed about her Mom (they were VERY close) passing in November and with Mothers Day coming she is just that much more depressed. But. I had to tell before I moved in this week-end. It was a no win no matter what I did. :tomato:
Not sure how to advise you on this exactly....but she in my estimation may just be putting you thru the ringer for just don't end an 8 year relationship just like hang tough and give her some room for a couple calls,flowers, will find out soon enough...


So, wait and see. You met me, I'm not a wait and see kinda guy. But, in this case it might be wise to be different than what is really me. :huh2:

I have to agee with Rich. Just back away and let her study on the whole thing for a bit. Let her call you when she's ready. Don't push. And don't sweat it, It'll work out.

Having met both Rich and you, I have great respect of you both. I'm not a sit back and wait person by my any stretch of the imagination. But, seeing what has happened here- is that, maybe, I should be something different than my usual. What I have done so far sure wasn't right.:bonkers:
Glen, I have met you both. You are cool and Darlene is cool, it will work out. That lie was one that was too big to fly. Everybody lies sometimes. Be a little more discrete with your lies, women don't like to feel foolish.

Yea, I know a lie is a lie, no matter the reason. It was not my intent to make her foolish. But, of course she doesn't know that. :clobbered:
I just want to thank all of you that have posted here.
Having been both a Bouncer and Body Guard I thought I could handle what ever is thrown at me. Well, this has been something I have never been trained to handle. I'm completely out of my element with this.
Some may think the Forum is a bad place to discuss this, but I respect a lot of you and your opinons. There are some very good minds here and I needed input.
One thing that has occured to me, is if Darlene saw this it would not go over
too good. So lets keep this to just between us. Thanks again.:drink:
...If you guys need to know it has to do with a 8 year secret (we have been together for 8 years+) I've had and finally told her Sunday. I wanted to come clean before we got married. Didn't go over too good...
Glenn, when I read that my first thought was that you leapt out of the closet in a pink tutu or that Darlene came home from work early and found you lolling around on the bed in her sexy underwear, playing with your own nipples, or that you told her you prefer sex with deceased goats or something else weird!

Not taking anything away from the misery you are no doubt experiencing, but when I finally read what the lie was, I actually chuckled out loud - phew, talk about anti-climax.

Yes, a lie is a lie and you should have told her sooner (like about 7 years and 11 1/2 months ago) but I think this one is recoverable.

I wouldn't go as far as the singing "flowergram" nor would I sit back and do nothing. Personally, I'd write a short letter explaining how you wanted to tell her the truth but the longer your relationship went on, the more deeply you came to love her and the more scared you were of her leaving you if you did tell her the truth. Tell her that it's the only thing you've ever been untruthful about and that you are profoundly sorry for being so stupid as to lie to her and for upsetting her, but that you are still the same man that she loved for eight years up until a few days ago. However, you understand that you may have driven her away for ever but that your love for her is so great, you'd rather let her walk away than have her coming back to you and for ever wondering if there's anything else you've lied to her about.

If she works, I'd get that delivered with a single rose to her workplace. If not, get it delivered at home with the single rose.

That's what I'd do, or something similar. If that doesn't work, then it wasn't meant to be mate.

Good luck :wink:
Glenn, when I read that my first thought was that you leapt out of the closet in a pink tutu or that Darlene came home from work early and found you lolling around on the bed in her sexy underwear, playing with your own nipples, or that you told her you prefer sex with deceased goats or something else weird!

Not taking anything away from the misery you are no doubt experiencing, but when I finally read what the lie was, I actually chuckled out loud - phew, talk about anti-climax.

Yes, a lie is a lie and you should have told her sooner (like about 7 years and 11 1/2 months ago) but I think this one is recoverable.

I wouldn't go as far as the singing "flowergram" nor would I sit back and do nothing. Personally, I'd write a short letter explaining how you wanted to tell her the truth but the longer your relationship went on, the more deeply you came to love her and the more scared you were of her leaving you if you did tell her the truth. Tell her that it's the only thing you've ever been untruthful about and that you are profoundly sorry for being so stupid as to lie to her and for upsetting her, but that you are still the same man that she loved for eight years up until a few days ago. However, you understand that you may have driven her away for ever but that your love for her is so great, you'd rather let her walk away than have her coming back to you and for ever wondering if there's anything else you've lied to her about.

If she works, I'd get that delivered with a single rose to her workplace. If not, get it delivered at home with the single rose.

That's what I'd do, or something similar. If that doesn't work, then it wasn't meant to be mate.

Good luck :wink:

Thanks, that is probably what I'm going to or something simular. I'm writing the letter now, in fact using some of your words. I liked the wording.

Thanks mate.