Great news, the recession is over!

Yeah, how about that, who knew?!?! I guess for the banks and those who received bail outs it might be!! Until we get manufacturing back in this country and truly "even the playing field" with regard to trade with other countries , this recession will be perpetual. I have to say, seeing what some of the guys on this forum have to pay to get parts imported is crazy, and that's just for our little hobby. I can only imagine how disparate the entire trade spectrum must be....
Most of those news bozos are in a bubble, same as the politicians.:censored:

Near here on a main street a Checkers (burgers) closed down a few months ago, they even removed the building. Been there for almost 20 years. Last month a Burger King a block away from it closed down, been there for almost 40 years. Goodyear dealership next door to it gone, the next closest Goodyear recently gone. Wait until all the new health care and tax costs kick in. That will be a good incentive for business.:lol:
It's still happening all over, if you care to look.
Obama's bullshit isn't being swallowed anymore, that's about the only thing the news people have even close to right.

You mean I've been lied to?

I can't believe it!


Seriously, same situation here. The street I work on is 2/3 closed businesses with "for lease" signs out in front. Wait until these clowns get Cap & Trade passed. That will pretty much finish off the "survivors".
I just found out the recession has been over for more than a year:

this piece of information brought to you courtesy of a bunch of economists.....economists who most likely have never had a real job in their lives. actually I think they measure a recession by GDP growth which has been artificially inflated by C4C, the $8K home buyer credit and massive govt spending.
You all got THAT right, the amount of dead and abandoned store fronts has always been amazing to in NE Florida, as up in DC that never happens for longer than a month for turnaround into another business....typical of that region I suspect the payroll insures that lifestyle.....

and the only way to end this recession is to start mirroring other countries trade practices.....

to the penny....:hissyfit:
The accountants clean up after the economists......
The lawyers clean up after the accountants.......
The government cleans up after lawyers.......
The taxpayers foot the bill and clean up after the government..........

Leaving us just enough money to buy lunch off of the dollar menu at McDonalds....

The economists say the recession is over so McDonalds eliminates it's dollar menu......

......go to the top and start all over again.......
about the only company I have seen doing good is wal-mart. if a trucking company doesn't have a contract with them they are hurting. I remember when the rails were packed with trailers I haven't seen it like that in 4 years. this is almost a depression not a recession. I don't see this ever turning around, well at least not anytime soon that is for sure. But the plus side I have good job and still at 60 hours a week and get cheap vette parts to fix my 90 vette up lol.
The US economy was built on Manufacturing but over the past 30 years manufacturing has moved off shore, this was long before the current government. Now the unemployment is 10+% and I don't see those jobs ever coming back. So life in the US and Europe will change for a long time to come. I predict the US will eventually go bankrupt like Brazil did some time $.02
November's coming and that's the start of the revolution. It's taken 100 of apathy to allow our government to get this screwed up, it'll take more than one election to fix it, but fix it we will. If elected officials don't do as WTP want and expect them to, they won't see another term. That means we have to watch whats in these bills those asshats are passing. You mean our government is forcing oil companies to cap oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico because it's environmentally dangerous, but we're giving Brazil Billions to drill in deeper water??? WTF? And seriously, we need to stop worrying about others with so much forgien aid right now and concentrate more on here at home. Especially with the WMF.

That's how we fix it. By being active in the process, holding these weasels accountable with their jobs and call BS on the special interests when they call us bigots, homophobes, NeoCons, or whatever the buzz word slur of the day is, and force them to debate the issues.
. If elected officials don't do as WTP want and expect them to, they won't see another term.

which "WTP" are you referring to?? WTP who vote or WTP who spend millions on campaign contributions....

WTP who vote... I don't care how much someone spends on a campaign, it's still up to the voters to make informed decisions. And I'm not so sure that's been the case to often. But I do think folks will do more to learn as much as they can now, and I think (maybe hope is more appropriate) there's a MUCH higher voter turn out this November and in the future.

What's got to change is the number of people who actually vote. Only about 2/3 of people elegible to vote are registered. Of that 66% or so that are registered, only about 50% voted in the last general election. And those numbers are on the high side of the historic spectrum!! So, about 33% of the available voters have been making the decisions for everyone.....not what I'd call a majority of WTP at all. That's how a "right of center" population ends up going "WTF?!?!?" all the time!
. If elected officials don't do as WTP want and expect them to, they won't see another term.

which "WTP" are you referring to?? WTP who vote or WTP who spend millions on campaign contributions....

WTP who vote... I don't care how much someone spends on a campaign, it's still up to the voters to make informed decisions. And I'm not so sure that's been the case to often. But I do think folks will do more to learn as much as they can now, and I think (maybe hope is more appropriate) there's a MUCH higher voter turn out this November and in the future.

What's got to change is the number of people who actually vote. Only about 2/3 of people elegible to vote are registered. Of that 66% or so that are registered, only about 50% voted in the last general election. And those numbers are on the high side of the historic spectrum!! So, about 33% of the available voters have been making the decisions for everyone.....not what I'd call a majority of WTP at all. That's how a "right of center" population ends up going "WTF?!?!?" all the time!

Dave, you know and I know it's called the 'Chicago Way' these daze, but in fact is a well known happening for decades now.....

it's called buying votes, and stacking boxes.....crooked as hell, same as 2 years ago in Minnesota with them bullshitting that last second vote count for that Al Franken bastard....a entire bullshit MONTH? of counting and 'finding' trunks full of ballots for Franken?? and somehow we supposed to believe that??

AFAIK....they all should have been shot, from Fraken on down the list....

and I"m stone serious.....

I think this country needs engage in political assassination....sniper/whatever over guys like

hitler, stalin, lenin, mao, pol-pot, togo, chavez, castro, gueverra, gotta be 50 others....

just THINK what IF, they had bought a well trained bullet early on, much better off this world would have been....

WTP who vote... I don't care how much someone spends on a campaign, it's still up to the voters to make informed decisions.

seasoned politicians don`t spend their own money, thats what lobbyists are for. Considering that most Black people in this country voted for a man with no political history (so to speak) just because he is (half) Black is not what I would consider an "informed decision"....and I would bet come 2012 they do it again for the same reason.
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The US economy was built on Manufacturing but over the past 30 years manufacturing has moved off shore, this was long before the current government. Now the unemployment is 10+% and I don't see those jobs ever coming back. So life in the US and Europe will change for a long time to come. I predict the US will eventually go bankrupt like Brazil did some time $.02

Sad, but true.:banghead:
WTP who vote... I don't care how much someone spends on a campaign, it's still up to the voters to make informed decisions.

seasoned politicians don`t spend their own money, thats what lobbyists are for. Considering that most Black people in this country voted for a man with no political history (so to speak) just because he is (half) Black is not what I would consider an "informed decision"....and I would bet come 2012 they do it again for the same reason.

All true, however, it's what we have, save some crazy notion like Gene's talking about, and I hope we don't end up there. BTW, Gene your examples are on one end of the spectrum, and although the world would have been better off without those "people", but what if the same thing happend to say, Winston Chruchill, or Reagan or others on the side opposite of the examples you gave?

Again it comes down to being informed and having the conversation with friends and family so as many people as possible participate. When I voted in our primary here in my county in NE Florida, the folks at the polling place said they'd never seen that kind of turn out before, and they'd been working at it for 10 yrs. I think that's a good sign, but we'll see in November. I also agree, it's probable the majority of blacks who voted this guy in would vote for him again in 2012, for the same reason they did the first time. But they're still very much a minority in this country so we can still change things.

I travel often for work and I've never seen people so pissed at DC (including me!) and they're chomping at the bit to vote, but again, we'll see. If people don't get out though, we deserve what we get.

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