Great news, the recession is over!

Give me a candidate that I can believe in and I will vote for that person. Personally I think that they are all above the law. Penalties for white collar crimes do nothing to deter these officials from raping us again and again. I'm sorry, but I am terribly disillusioned with our current system - Two sets of law - one for the rich and one for the middle class, you know who gets the shitty end of that deal.

Government keeps raising our taxes and keeps on spending our money frivolously. I do not want to be a part of that. I say hide your money, limit your tax liability and screw the government - it's every man for himself. The government does not give a rats ass about YOU or your welfare. You can vote for whoever you want - it won't change a thing.
I hear you, but if you don't participate, you are part of raising taxes and spending money frivolously, by default. We've seen time and again lately how close some of these elections are, your vote does count, and you never know how much until a guy like the current pres gets elected.

So, as much as it sucks sometimes, you can either get involved, or sit there and take what's fed to you.
Give me a candidate that I can believe in and I will vote for that person. Personally I think that they are all above the law. Penalties for white collar crimes do nothing to deter these officials from raping us again and again. I'm sorry, but I am terribly disillusioned with our current system - Two sets of law - one for the rich and one for the middle class, you know who gets the shitty end of that deal.

Government keeps raising our taxes and keeps on spending our money frivolously. I do not want to be a part of that. I say hide your money, limit your tax liability and screw the government - it's every man for himself. The government does not give a rats ass about YOU or your welfare. You can vote for whoever you want - it won't change a thing.

Most people probably feel the same way you do. For good reason. We have gone from politicians telling us whatever we want to hear to politicians outright lying to us. And no one challenges their lies! I have heard the most ridiculous things coming out of these people's blowholes recently.

However, I do believe things are looking better. It appears that the old time politicians (on both sides) are under the microscope a little more these days. It could be the beginning of no-compromise, "grassroots" politics and the end of dealmakers and professional politicians.

I still think everyone need to vote. How many elections have we seen lately where a relative handful of votes determines the outcome?
Everyone should vote to get the peoples will.:waxer:

Maybe they should change it to a system like the Census.
They're still haunting me over an EMPTY house I'm working on.
That's persistance, albeit pretty stupid.
Almost as bad as them passing a health bill nowhere close to what they, as elected, have.
Yes vote the bums out now

And vote in another bunch of Bigger Bums:hissyfit:
You know, we have to give some of this new blood a chance before we go off accusing them. I've thought about running myself. Mainly because I'm so frustrated with politics today. People telling you what they think you want to hear so they can get reelected. But this Tea Party thing has a new generation of "every day Joe" about it. It may very well be these are the people we've been wanting. Don't know if you paid attention but the 'pubs in '94 didn't do too bad at first. They got side tracked after a few years and then shown the door, but despite the hysteria actually shut DC down to make a point. Funny thing is, if the news hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known. Give them a chance first. All I'm saying.
WTP who vote... I don't care how much someone spends on a campaign, it's still up to the voters to make informed decisions.

seasoned politicians don`t spend their own money, thats what lobbyists are for. Considering that most Black people in this country voted for a man with no political history (so to speak) just because he is (half) Black is not what I would consider an "informed decision"....and I would bet come 2012 they do it again for the same reason.

While I don't necessarily disagree with your assessment, the fact that black Americans voted for Chairman Obama had little to do with putting him in office. As a voting block, the percentage that voted for him that has previously voted for something other than Democrat is so marginal as to be indistinguishable.
What put him over the top and, regrettably in the Oval Office, are the "white guilt" voters that just had to pull the lever for a "black" man so they could assuage their guilt. So many people out there so brow-beaten over being a closet racist they just couldn't wait to rush out and show everyone else how open minded they were because they voted for the black guy.
Yes vote the bums out now

And vote in another bunch of Bigger Bums:hissyfit:
You know, we have to give some of this new blood a chance before we go off accusing them. I've thought about running myself. Mainly because I'm so frustrated with politics today. People telling you what they think you want to hear so they can get reelected. But this Tea Party thing has a new generation of "every day Joe" about it. It may very well be these are the people we've been wanting. Don't know if you paid attention but the 'pubs in '94 didn't do too bad at first. They got side tracked after a few years and then shown the door, but despite the hysteria actually shut DC down to make a point. Funny thing is, if the news hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known. Give them a chance first. All I'm saying.
WTP who vote... I don't care how much someone spends on a campaign, it's still up to the voters to make informed decisions.

seasoned politicians don`t spend their own money, thats what lobbyists are for. Considering that most Black people in this country voted for a man with no political history (so to speak) just because he is (half) Black is not what I would consider an "informed decision"....and I would bet come 2012 they do it again for the same reason.

While I don't necessarily disagree with your assessment, the fact that black Americans voted for Chairman Obama had little to do with putting him in office. As a voting block, the percentage that voted for him that has previously voted for something other than Democrat is so marginal as to be indistinguishable.
What put him over the top and, regrettably in the Oval Office, are the "white guilt" voters that just had to pull the lever for a "black" man so they could assuage their guilt. So many people out there so brow-beaten over being a closet racist they just couldn't wait to rush out and show everyone else how open minded they were because they voted for the black guy.

I thought it was because I had enough of George W. Did we forget him already?
I thought it was because I had enough of George W. Did we forget him already?

Obama is doing exactly what he said he would in the campaign. Anyone who voted for him and is now not happy with him is a sucker and a fool.
I thought it was because I had enough of George W. Did we forget him already?

Obama is doing exactly what he said he would in the campaign. Anyone who voted for him and is now not happy with him is a sucker and a fool.

I agree, we have to give him some time to work on this mess. It ain't gonna get fixed overnight.
I thought it was because I had enough of George W. Did we forget him already?

Obama is doing exactly what he said he would in the campaign. Anyone who voted for him and is now not happy with him is a sucker and a fool.

I agree, we have to give him some time to work on this mess. It ain't gonna get fixed overnight.

Dude? Really? What? He's been doing damn near anything he can to keep things fucked up. The answer is really goddamned simple, stop spending money we don't have! But, no! Cocksucker has to pass this massive healthcare take over. Not only won't he fix the border, he's SUING the only state in the union trying to do what the law say! His court appointments are abominable. He's declared the war over before the enemy is beaten into submission. I could go on. Virtually everything he's done is disasterous. I'm completely with Rush on this one, I hope he fails. Sadly, he's succeeding far more than is good for the country.
My only hope is that this November we can stop the hemorrhaging. Maybe catch a breath so we can turn this nightmare around.
I thought it was because I had enough of George W. Did we forget him already?

Obama is doing exactly what he said he would in the campaign. Anyone who voted for him and is now not happy with him is a sucker and a fool.

I agree, we have to give him some time to work on this mess. It ain't gonna get fixed overnight.

Dude? Really? What? He's been doing damn near anything he can to keep things fucked up. The answer is really goddamned simple, stop spending money we don't have! But, no! Cocksucker has to pass this massive healthcare take over. Not only won't he fix the border, he's SUING the only state in the union trying to do what the law say! His court appointments are abominable. He's declared the war over before the enemy is beaten into submission. I could go on. Virtually everything he's done is disasterous. I'm completely with Rush on this one, I hope he fails. Sadly, he's succeeding far more than is good for the country.
My only hope is that this November we can stop the hemorrhaging. Maybe catch a breath so we can turn this nightmare around.

You ain't seen nothin yet.
This bozo is a stupid, stupid man who surrounds himself with equally inexperienced and unqualified appointees.
He promised transparency and an end to underhanded deals, yet in his push for health reform, had countless secret meetings with unprecidented underhanded deals, like never before seen in this country.
He has a gift of bullshit even greater than Clinton's and will ultimately make Jimmy Carter look like a great president.
And look what's in store now, taxing the uber rich. I don't like them getting good tax breaks either, but that is going to drown this economy even more.
Donald Trump, anticipating his election, went to offshore projects instead of here, Buffet has made billions in China and will stay there, and the rest of the super rich are going to go offshore with them to avoid the millions in taxes that will be owed here, instead of investing it in a fresh US economy.
This bank bailout nonesense is utter bullshit, his stupidity just blew all that money. Done properly, there would be almost no foreclosures. New banks are the only construction projects going around here. Great move.

I certainly don't know the fixes for us now, but a great step in the right direction is to get him and his out of office.:bounce:
Agreed. Him, 95% of the Dems and 75% of the Pubs. That's why there's so much resistance to the TPM in the Pub party. Time for them to retire. Wish we could get rid of Snow, Collins, Specter and McCain while we're at it. But that ain't likely to happen.
What's said is that I've distanced myself from the Republican part over the laat ~10 years. Not that I disagree with the platform, I support the vast majority of the platform. Problem is if you judge by action, not platform, it's hard to tell which party is which anymore. :suicide:
Agreed. Him, 95% of the Dems and 75% of the Pubs. That's why there's so much resistance to the TPM in the Pub party. Time for them to retire. Wish we could get rid of Snow, Collins, Specter and McCain while we're at it. But that ain't likely to happen.
What's said is that I've distanced myself from the Republican part over the laat ~10 years. Not that I disagree with the platform, I support the vast majority of the platform. Problem is if you judge by action, not platform, it's hard to tell which party is which anymore. :suicide:

I agree with all of the above............. Unfortunately the tea party folks will be thrown under the bus by both parties. The only way to make permanent change for the better is to have the states ratify a Constitutional amendment to restrict the terms of the senate and congress and put those jobs pay in line with the private sector and to also have them participate in the SS system just like everyone else. But there is too much money involved so that wont happen any time soon.:crap:
Agreed. Him, 95% of the Dems and 75% of the Pubs. That's why there's so much resistance to the TPM in the Pub party. Time for them to retire. Wish we could get rid of Snow, Collins, Specter and McCain while we're at it. But that ain't likely to happen.
What's said is that I've distanced myself from the Republican part over the laat ~10 years. Not that I disagree with the platform, I support the vast majority of the platform. Problem is if you judge by action, not platform, it's hard to tell which party is which anymore. :suicide:

Glen Beck is correct, in that he has proven with their own words, that in fact there is a long standing movement called the PROGRESSIVES, and in fact they head up BOTH parties, they own the Do Mo Craps, but the have VERY heavy influence in the R party also.....always just enough to control the congress so that no true conservative legislation passes.....between what we call the RINOS and the out and out commies in the D party, we have seen the effectiveness of their programs at destroying the country over the last 100 or so years.....all we have to do is read history....

and not that bullshit they have in a kid's text book either, but the actual facts....

the PROGRESSIVES totally dominate the university systems, except maybe hard science/engineering/accounting/business/management....which are the only fields worth teaching in college anyway.....enough money wasted on kids with fluff degrees not worth the paper, let alone the MONEY.....

Hmmmm...... I think i've been lied to (take a look at the "recovery" after June 2009):

Lied to?? Can't be. I thought people in Congress were of the highest integrity!!! Lying, cheating, conniving, ass licking, POS's!!!

You know the one thing I brought back from Iraq (I was a contractor there working for the SES (Senior Executive Service) of the DoD and DoS) was a real disdain, dislike and distrust of politicians and bureaucrats!!!
Hmmmm...... I think i've been lied to (take a look at the "recovery" after June 2009):

Lied to?? Can't be. I thought people in Congress were of the highest integrity!!! Lying, cheating, conniving, ass licking, POS's!!!

You know the one thing I brought back from Iraq (I was a contractor there working for the SES (Senior Executive Service) of the DoD and DoS) was a real disdain, dislike and distrust of politicians and bureaucrats!!!

SO many people over 53 years in DC, and all the recollections over 40 cognitive years there, all the Viet Nam stuff/years, all the bullshit they shoveled, all the riots, burnings, all the crap I remember flying over the city in a twin Bonanza my g/f at the time had a older brother who took us up to see one evening....

the whole mess from G'town hippy bullshit to one guy through whom I met one of my oldest/longest friends....Larry, on my mailing list...this guy I met Larry through was a mass murderer....seriously....

I gotta find that old news clip on here and attach it....

Can't do it, tried several times, i'ts a .pdf and comes back invalid file...

there is a LOT about him that was it fits, anyway....
