Don't hesitate to participate.


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.
They usually say;
"I am embarassed to ask."
"I don't want to be teased."
"I am intimidated by Marck."

I have to tell you guys this.

1)NOBODY knows it all. (Anyone who says they do is full of shit);)
2)We ALL learn by sharing the story.:)
3)There is NO reason to be embarrassed. We ALL started somewhere.:quote:
4)Alot of guys excell at one aspect, but fall short at others.Hell, even doctors call in specialists.:eek:
5) The ONLY stupid question is the one you "should have asked, but did not.":crap:
6)Marck sometimes intimidates me, but I learn, and HE does too.:quote:
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.
They usually say;
"I am embarassed to ask."
"I don't want to be teased."
"I am intimidated by Marck."

I have to tell you guys this.

1)NOBODY knows it all. (Anyone who says they do is full of shit);)
2)We ALL learn by sharing the story.:)
3)There is NO reason to be embarrassed. We ALL started somewhere.:quote:
4)Alot of guys excell at one aspect, but fall short at others.Hell, even doctors call in specialists.:eek:
5) The ONLY stupid question is the one you "should have asked, but did not.":crap:
6)Marck sometimes intimidates me, but I learn, and HE does too.:quote:

As one of those that asks you stupid questions:

1) Gene does. He told me so.

2) Not all of us learn. Ask my wife.

3) Many of us are embarrassed not by where we started but by where we ended up.

4) Bad example. Doctors scare me more than Marck.

5) With a few exceptions, I can't really argue with this one. I think I've asked those exceptions.

6) I think it's the fact that he's twins that scares me the most.

All silliness aside, good points Jeff.
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.
They usually say;

"I don't want to be teased."
"I am intimidated."

It can be fun to stand back and poke a stick at the caged Hyenas...... just don't leave the door open. :clobbered:

The only things anyone is born knowing how to do are cry, suckle, & poop. Everything else we have to learn.

That said, it is all too easy to make fun of someone who does not yet know something we regard as basic knowledge. A lot of this attitude is attributable to the manner in which a query is posed, as well as the mood of the person reading the query. I will be the first to admit I get sarcastic sometimes. I also blow off answering many questions because I think to myself, "Do your homework first, buddy. Spend some time doing research and this answer plus so much more will be revealed to you. You can then ask more intelligent questions, and understand & weigh the answers you recieve."

Noobs: Don't be afraid to ask questions. Only if you act like a worm will you be treated as a worm.
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I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.

So what you're really saying is that we're such pricks we need a diplomatic envoy to interface with normal people.

Not so much as alot of us are bored shitless with the same old questions. I admit I do too at times, but we DO learn something new once in awhile. Some of us are also VERY set in our ways. That's fine. Some of us are also VERY assertive and outgoing. That's fine too. If we were all timid and shy, I TOO would be bored, because nothing would happen.:zzz:
The only things anyone is born knowing how to do are cry, suckle, & poop. Everything else we have to learn.

That said, it is all too easy to make fun of someone who does not yet know something we regard as basic knowledge. A lot of this attitude is attributable to the manner in which a query is posed, as well as the mood of the person reading the query. I will be the first to admit I get sarcastic sometimes. I also blow off answering many questions because I think to myself, "Do your homework first, buddy. Spend some time doing research and this answer plus so much more will be revealed to you. You can then ask more intelligent questions, and understand & weigh the answers you recieve."

Noobs: Don't be afraid to ask questions. Only if you act like a worm will you be treated as a worm.

Well said John.
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.

So what you're really saying is that we're such pricks we need a diplomatic envoy to interface with normal people.

I get frequent emails and PMs too. Obviously there are quiet a few who feel uncomfortable asking noob questions here, assuming that not everybody who doesn't post a question here is sending a PM or email......
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.

So what you're really saying is that we're such pricks we need a diplomatic envoy to interface with normal people.

I get frequent emails and PMs too. Obviously there are quiet a few who feel uncomfortable asking noob questions here, assuming that not everybody who doesn't post a question here is sending a PM or email......

I'm sure that's part of the reason, but one thing for me is speed of response. I trust the advice that I receive here more, but it takes quite some time to get it. Probably more a function of less traffic than anything else.

This is one thing that CF has in spades. You will get multiple responses very quickly. Just not always good ones.
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.

So what you're really saying is that we're such pricks we need a diplomatic envoy to interface with normal people.

Not so much as alot of us are bored shitless with the same old questions. I admit I do too at times, but we DO learn something new once in awhile. Some of us are also VERY set in our ways. That's fine. Some of us are also VERY assertive and outgoing. That's fine too. If we were all timid and shy, I TOO would be bored, because nothing would happen.:zzz:

Yea, just try and do this 8.5 hours a day. The same old questions--then if they are new ones, they are so FAR out there I wonder what planet they are calling from.:suicide:
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.

So what you're really saying is that we're such pricks we need a diplomatic envoy to interface with normal people.

Not so much as alot of us are bored shitless with the same old questions. I admit I do too at times, but we DO learn something new once in awhile. Some of us are also VERY set in our ways. That's fine. Some of us are also VERY assertive and outgoing. That's fine too. If we were all timid and shy, I TOO would be bored, because nothing would happen.:zzz:

Yea, just try and do this 8.5 hours a day. The same old questions--then if they are new ones, they are so FAR out there I wonder what planet they are calling from.:suicide:
That reminds me, I have a car. It's blue, and it's....................:smash:
I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.

So what you're really saying is that we're such pricks we need a diplomatic envoy to interface with normal people.

Not so much as alot of us are bored shitless with the same old questions. I admit I do too at times, but we DO learn something new once in awhile. Some of us are also VERY set in our ways. That's fine. Some of us are also VERY assertive and outgoing. That's fine too. If we were all timid and shy, I TOO would be bored, because nothing would happen.:zzz:

Yea, just try and do this 8.5 hours a day. The same old questions--then if they are new ones, they are so FAR out there I wonder what planet they are calling from.:suicide:
That reminds me, I have a car. It's blue, and it's....................:smash:

Actually, it went like this:

"What kind of Vehicle do you have?"

Yes sir, that is my life. :rain:

I'm getting another guy to help out here. He is a FORD guy. We always laff at the way we make our living.
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I get frequent e-mails and PM's from some guys, and Neewbies asking questions.

So what you're really saying is that we're such pricks we need a diplomatic envoy to interface with normal people.

I get frequent emails and PMs too. Obviously there are quiet a few who feel uncomfortable asking noob questions here, assuming that not everybody who doesn't post a question here is sending a PM or email......

How about a Noob section for the beginners?:idea:
Now this I'm sure will be a sensitive subject, and I do not wish to come across as sounding superior, but I sort of feel that CF is an excellent 'beginners' forum. There is so much traffic there, and such a wide variety of subjects that most every question will be answered and the those with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever can learn. But the shear number of posts & the never-ceasing beginner questions makes me unwilling to spend much time there wading through them to find a thread of interest to me.

VM, to my thoughts, is a more 'advanced' forum in that the people who participate here are generally much more knowledgable about their cars already and are primarily intersted in mechanical modification & performance enhancement, rather than cosmetic or comfort issues. The traffic is much less but I appreciate that because the discussions for the most part are thoughtful (OT excepted, of course!) and the participants knowledgable enough to not need constant explanations of basic jobs or concepts. We are on a more equal level of technical understanding & competence here.

Now here is where I will sound like a jerk....I would just as soon the very inexperienced newbies to 'Vettes stay over on CF until they gain broader experience & knowledge. I would hate the see the "Will an airgap manifold fit under my hood", "Anybody here running Torque Thrust II wheels" or "What are the little knobs under the dash to the left of the steering wheel for?" type of threads start popping up.

I don't want to imply that 'newbies' are not welcome by any means, but only to ask that they have some basic understanding & knowledge about their vehicles first. So far, this appears to be what is happening in the growth of VetteMOD, and I appreciate it.

OK, Now I must say I do not speak for VetteMOD or any of the VM moderators or any of the members, this is all only my opinion alone.

Long Live VetteMOD. :1st:


I agree with JPhil, CF will always be the entry point for new members just because of the juggernaut that it is.

The idea behind VetteMOD is to provide better format than your usual car forum. That is why we have a Tech Section, a "library" of information of sorts and a separate forum. I think our forum format makes more sense than CF. An engine is an engine regardless of what generation the Corvette is.

What I see at VM is an active forum with better participation than some other car forums with 10 times as many members. If people are reluctant to post, I am not seeing it. Yes we have had issues with people who hate each other but that doesn't seem to stop them from posting:hunter:
I agree with John as well. I also think there is a place for both and, indeed, both are probably better off having the other. I understand what Bird is trying to do and applaud it, but I don't like to post a lot of my more basic questions here for the very reasons that both of you state. I don't think that's a bad thing.

What are those little knobs under the dash for anyways? :tomato:
Actually, it went like this:

"What kind of Vehicle do you have?"

Yes sir, that is my life. :rain:

I'm getting another guy to help out here. He is a FORD guy. We always laff at the way we make our living.

I have a suspicion if I worked with you there, I would not last long, from falling off the chair laughing so hard, you have to call the medics.....

dejavu all over again just like being a TV shop manager.....the shit I had to wade through to get a straight answer......:twitch::surrender::eek: