Plattsburg Greyhound little sociopath

You don't want to punch a typical wall in France! 16" of plastered limestone doesn't have the same, shall we say, "satisfaction" to your fist as 1/2" of sheetrock over a hollow stud cavity ;).....But I love France, I'd live there if I could and perhaps one day I will, although I understand too why many folks there would rather live here.

Den, J, what do you all think of the islamic situation in France??

is it as bad as what I hear of?? or worse??

Well, it all depends from who you hear it. If it's from Faux News fear overlords like Glen Beck, I guess I'd say it's not that bad.
Still, the situation is not good.
French's relationship with Arab people is just as bad as black-white relation in the US.
We brought boatload of them, mainly for economic convenience, but never really accepted them.
Rejection breeds hate, hate breed rejection.
Well, it all depends from who you hear it. If it's from Faux News fear overlords like Glen Beck, I guess I'd say it's not that bad.
Still, the situation is not good.
French's relationship with Arab people is just as bad as black-white relation in the US.
We brought boatload of them, mainly for economic convenience, but never really accepted them.
Rejection breeds hate, hate breed rejection.[/QUOTE]

OK from the PC Correct veiwpoint, the PC Very Incorrect statement above about "black vs. white" is absolutely right! The difference is time--. Most of the Islamics in France are citizens of France. As are the blacks in America today. The time when blacks in America faced the same situation was a generation & several ago.(sorry, at this point in American history I have a problem with the term "African-American" because I should then be "Irish-Belgian-German-Shawnee-Scottish-Spanish-French-Russian-Turkish-Iraquois-Italian-Flemish-Austrian-British-???-American". I'm a fuckin' mutt who was born in the United States of America!!)(& yes, my family tree has been traced back far enough to know I have that & more blood in me).
The Algerians & others from French colonies who achieved independence from France, as part of the deal because it happened in the latter half of the 20th century, were granted French citizenship. Their countries have gone to shit so they seek a better future in France itself, but are there regarded---as much through their own actions as much as racial & religious prejudices--as lower class citizens. They live in 'ghetto' areas (look up 'ghetto' it's not exactly as you think), and many stay there because that is where their countrymen are and they are at home in & among their familiar society. But of course that segregates them both voluntarily & involuntarily from mainstream modern French ('western') society. Their options & opportunities are limited. They get pissed off. Especially the young men with no work & no forseeable good future. But at the same time, they get to recieve the obligatory government dole and the more babies they have the more they get. Plus the work they do get they do for cheaper than --will I be allowed to say? --uh, 'original' French citizens....

Sound familiar?

On Faux News in America, the key words to generate hysteria & xenophobia are "Muslim" & "Illegal Immigrant". They get a lot of milage (& thus $$$$$$$) fr

(Paragraphs Defuckingleted from here----I am going off once again----Time to stop----STFU

Shit, & for all that, Denpo said it better in less words....
OK from the PC Correct veiwpoint, the PC Very Incorrect statement above about "black vs. white" is absolutely right! The difference is time--. Most of the Islamics in France are citizens of France. As are the blacks in America today. The time when blacks in America faced the same situation was a generation & several ago.(sorry, at this point in American history I have a problem with the term "African-American" because I should then be "Irish-Belgian-German-Shawnee-Scottish-Spanish-French-Russian-Turkish-Iraquois-Italian-Flemish-Austrian-British-???-American". I'm a fuckin' mutt who was born in the United States of America!!)(& yes, my family tree has been traced back far enough to know I have that & more blood in me).
The Algerians & others from French colonies who achieved independence from France, as part of the deal because it happened in the latter half of the 20th century, were granted French citizenship. Their countries have gone to shit so they seek a better future in France itself, but are there regarded---as much through their own actions as much as racial & religious prejudices--as lower class citizens. They live in 'ghetto' areas (look up 'ghetto' it's not exactly as you think), and many stay there because that is where their countrymen are and they are at home in & among their familiar society. But of course that segregates them both voluntarily & involuntarily from mainstream modern French ('western') society. Their options & opportunities are limited. They get pissed off. Especially the young men with no work & no forseeable good future. But at the same time, they get to recieve the obligatory government dole and the more babies they have the more they get. Plus the work they do get they do for cheaper than --will I be allowed to say? --uh, 'original' French citizens....

Sound familiar?

On Faux News in America, the key words to generate hysteria & xenophobia are "Muslim" & "Illegal Immigrant". They get a lot of milage (& thus $$$$$$$) fr

(Paragraphs Defuckingleted from here----I am going off once again----Time to stop----STFU

Shit, & for all that, Denpo said it better in less words....
Maybe, but you depict a strikingly accurate picture of the situation.

As you said, the process is much more recent, as "humanist" as Frenchs pretend to be, it's will be a long way before they can accept the idea of a president with the tiniest bit of Arab in his DNA.

One thing, after the end of French colonies, as a payback deal, France agreed to let a lot of Arab to come work in France. The country had still the scars of WWII. We needed cheap labor, former colonies needed people to bring cash home.
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Well, it all depends from who you hear it. If it's from Faux News fear overlords like Glen Beck, I guess I'd say it's not that bad.
Still, the situation is not good.
French's relationship with Arab people is just as bad as black-white relation in the US.
We brought boatload of them, mainly for economic convenience, but never really accepted them.
Rejection breeds hate, hate breed rejection.[/QUOTE]

OK from the PC Correct veiwpoint, the PC Very Incorrect statement above about "black vs. white" is absolutely right! The difference is time--. Most of the Islamics in France are citizens of France. As are the blacks in America today. The time when blacks in America faced the same situation was a generation & several ago.(sorry, at this point in American history I have a problem with the term "African-American" because I should then be "Irish-Belgian-German-Shawnee-Scottish-Spanish-French-Russian-Turkish-Iraquois-Italian-Flemish-Austrian-British-???-American". I'm a fuckin' mutt who was born in the United States of America!!)(& yes, my family tree has been traced back far enough to know I have that & more blood in me).
The Algerians & others from French colonies who achieved independence from France, as part of the deal because it happened in the latter half of the 20th century, were granted French citizenship. Their countries have gone to shit so they seek a better future in France itself, but are there regarded---as much through their own actions as much as racial & religious prejudices--as lower class citizens. They live in 'ghetto' areas (look up 'ghetto' it's not exactly as you think), and many stay there because that is where their countrymen are and they are at home in & among their familiar society. But of course that segregates them both voluntarily & involuntarily from mainstream modern French ('western') society. Their options & opportunities are limited. They get pissed off. Especially the young men with no work & no forseeable good future. But at the same time, they get to recieve the obligatory government dole and the more babies they have the more they get. Plus the work they do get they do for cheaper than --will I be allowed to say? --uh, 'original' French citizens....

Sound familiar?

On Faux News in America, the key words to generate hysteria & xenophobia are "Muslim" & "Illegal Immigrant". They get a lot of milage (& thus $$$$$$$) fr

(Paragraphs Defuckingleted from here----I am going off once again----Time to stop----STFU

Shit, & for all that, Denpo said it better in less words....[/QUOTE]

So you think that FOX is rong for stating the shituation FACTUALLY?? that indeed islamic terrorists are coming across the borders, that indeed we have enough ILLEGALS in this country already, the fact that we ARE at WAR with islam???

even FOX won't tell the truth like I just did, they dance around it to be PC....but in fact we ARE at war with the islamic cult....the entire world FACT.....

So you think that FOX is rong for stating the shituation FACTUALLY?? that indeed islamic terrorists are coming across the borders, that indeed we have enough ILLEGALS in this country already, the fact that we ARE at WAR with islam???

even FOX won't tell the truth like I just did, they dance around it to be PC....but in fact we ARE at war with the islamic cult....the entire world FACT.....

I was about to write some counter point to your rhetoric but gave up, you won't change you mind anyway.

You want a fact? here's one.
Do you know the biggest muslim country?
They are mainly peaceful, don't give a shit about USA's "imperialism" and are not even Arab.

See, world is not black and white, Good vs Evil, Us vs Them. It's much more complicated than, but some prefer people to stay in that manicheist vision of the world so they're easier to manipulate/control
So you think that FOX is rong for stating the shituation FACTUALLY?? that indeed islamic terrorists are coming across the borders, that indeed we have enough ILLEGALS in this country already, the fact that we ARE at WAR with islam???

even FOX won't tell the truth like I just did, they dance around it to be PC....but in fact we ARE at war with the islamic cult....the entire world FACT.....

I was about to write some counter point to your rhetoric but gave up, you won't change you mind anyway.

You want a fact? here's one.
Do you know the biggest muslim country?
They are mainly peaceful, don't give a shit about USA's "imperialism" and are not even Arab.

See, world is not black and white, Good vs Evil, Us vs Them. It's much more complicated than, but some prefer people to stay in that manicheist vision of the world so they're easier to manipulate/control

Well, how come any time you have islamics living next to another religion, there is a WAR going on....?? India, China, whoever is NOT islam in Asia....
Black Africa, islamics killing like MAD there, islam riots all over Europe....
it's not JUST planes into buildings, it's mad hatter bombing all over the world, much less murders and rapes.....

As you said, the process is much more recent, as "humanist" as Frenchs pretend to be, it's will be a long way before they can accept the idea of a president with the tiniest bit of Arab in his DNA.

What a great day that will be when France has an arab president and every bit of French culture is gone. Better send all French babes here....that would be some immigration I could deal with.


As you said, the process is much more recent, as "humanist" as Frenchs pretend to be, it's will be a long way before they can accept the idea of a president with the tiniest bit of Arab in his DNA.

What a great day that will be when France has an arab president and every bit of French culture is gone. Better send all French babes here....that would be some immigration I could deal with.

Hum, not sure you got me right on that one.
I'm not saying that would be great to have a Arab as French president. Still, often the French drape themselves in the glory of the "we are the country of the The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", but the limit this idea of tolerance is quickly reached in reality.

Sure you'd like French girls, they're slightly submissive and don't know what being passive aggressive means (can you hear that Plattsburgh's pityfull piece of female-like shit).
As you said, the process is much more recent, as "humanist" as Frenchs pretend to be, it's will be a long way before they can accept the idea of a president with the tiniest bit of Arab in his DNA.

What a great day that will be when France has an arab president and every bit of French culture is gone. Better send all French babes here....that would be some immigration I could deal with.

Hum, not sure you got me right on that one.
I'm not saying that would be great to have a Arab as French president. Still, often the French drape themselves in the glory of the "we are the country of the The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", but the limit this idea of tolerance is quickly reached in reality.

Sure you'd like French girls, they're slightly submissive and don't know what being passive aggressive means (can you hear that Plattsburgh's pityfull piece of female-like shit).

Yeh, but them two have a incurable disease......they will never recover....


CASE CLOSED.....:yahoo:
You beginning to grasp it, Den?
You can't win.
The corporate programmed cyborgs, the opiated masses who follow & love only Big Brother.
"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength"
The flickering colors of the corporate tube will guide you to truth, my friend. Accept it, do not question it, be at peace.......
And don't forget, if you're not with us, then you're against us.
Chrystalnacht forever, dude!

"case closed"

(aw, damn, but then that brings up a question....upper or lower case?)
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if you shipped your stuff UPs or fedex we would not have these 4 pages , thanks greyhound :lol:
Yeah, but this would have cost twice to three time the price, without counting the usual brokerage fee ransom.

yeah but they usually don't piss you off this much :lol:

you get what you pay for :mobeer:

I beg to differ Mybad, the time I bought my '80 steering column, UPS really pissed me off with their brokerage fee. Imagine, a 300$ column, add 75$ of shipping, and upon delivery they ask you for another 100$.
Yeah, but this would have cost twice to three time the price, without counting the usual brokerage fee ransom.

yeah but they usually don't piss you off this much :lol:

you get what you pay for :mobeer:

I beg to differ Mybad, the time I bought my '80 steering column, UPS really pissed me off with their brokerage fee. Imagine, a 300$ column, add 75$ of shipping, and upon delivery they ask you for another 100$.

I hear all these stories all the time, just WTF is so 'foreign' that they collect 150 bux for 60 bux worth of BOLTS, much less what you guys face....

they can send stuff to USA and not pay a dime, try send from USA to anywhere else....even Europe....shit....

Over the decades I have heard many a story from folks I have known, but never experienced it until the computer age and some minor transactions...
it's KRAZY.....

Yeah, but this would have cost twice to three time the price, without counting the usual brokerage fee ransom.

yeah but they usually don't piss you off this much :lol:

you get what you pay for :mobeer:

I beg to differ Mybad, the time I bought my '80 steering column, UPS really pissed me off with their brokerage fee. Imagine, a 300$ column, add 75$ of shipping, and upon delivery they ask you for another 100$.

You should try getting $100 of parts from the US by FedEx it costs $300 to clear here.
Yeah, but this would have cost twice to three time the price, without counting the usual brokerage fee ransom.

yeah but they usually don't piss you off this much :lol:

you get what you pay for :mobeer:

I beg to differ Mybad, the time I bought my '80 steering column, UPS really pissed me off with their brokerage fee. Imagine, a 300$ column, add 75$ of shipping, and upon delivery they ask you for another 100$.

You should try getting $100 of parts from the US by FedEx it costs $300 to clear here.
I use USPS/Post Canada whenever package's size allows it.
They rarely mind collecting import taxes, and if so, the added brokerage fee is 5$ flat.
Those shameless greedy assclowns at UPS even tried to sue Post Canada for unfair competition, surreal.
Dean, what about the Thailand Post?