hood problem

are there any shipping possibilities via greyhound

Front clip is just way too big for anything but freight companies to deal with. That alone is a costly way to ship things. Maybe you can buy new fenders and surround and bond them all together. Replacing front panels on a vette isnt that hard but I would be more concerned you have bent front frame rails before fixing that car up.

In these two pictures you can see the factory filler where the fenders were bonded to the surround.



Even with nothing bolted up it should align pretty good. Be interesting to see your bumper support areas or is it possible you car had a crossfire induced engine fire and some of the frontend was melted and poorly repaired?

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the front end frame looks fine. it looks like the car was hit on the left side. the front bumper fit just fan, the radiator shround fit just fine. i will try to take pic but it hard to get a better pic with the front bumper on.
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