Water based paint training

Yeh, IF there really IS a significant improvement, most of the time there is NOT, a bunch of time and money and effort over nothing....like this water paint thing....:flash:
I don't believe that the move to waterborne is about gov. "control" as much as
it is about trying to clean up the air. And the NON-waterborne products are not
going to disappear any time soon. Your basecoats and primers put more crap in
the air than the clearcoats. This is why they started with them first.

Remember back in the days of Lacquer paints jobs. You could buy a gallon of
color and after spraying you would be lucky if 50% of it actually made it to the
car, the rest was lost in the air.

The list I posted above is for a "Production Shop" NOT a do-it-yourselfer.
So "everything" on the list would not apply to you. You could get by with
one Hand held air multiplier and a decent air compressor. Remember your
not doing production work.....your just fixing up the toy.

So lets not get too freaked out over waterborne, there's still some things to
be learned but it isn't going to be "THAT" much different. When Acrylic Enamel
came out folks freaked out then it became the norm....then BC/CC was introduced
and folks freaked out again, now it's the norm....today it is waterborne....
lets not repeat history.......lets show them that Old Dogs can learn new Tricks

I agree,it's just life,things change all the time,it's called progress,either keep up or join the Amish community

Exactly the reason I started the thread. Most guys these days make up their mind about any change before knowing the real facts. Fact is, the water based systems will work if you follow do it right. It will even work for the "do it yourselfer" with just a small change in how you apply the base and more attention to air movement to help it dry because I just don't think it will flash in an acceptable time period just sitting in a garage with the doors open.

Instead of upsetting everyone I am hoping to get the bad taste out of everyone's mouth before they took a bite.
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