Pissed over gas???Let them know!

OPEC sells oil for $136.00 a barrel.
OPEC nations buy U.S. grain at $7.00 a bushel.
Solution: Sell grain for $136.00 a bushel.
Can't buy it? Tough! Eat your oil!
Ought to go well with a nice thick grilled filet of camel ass!!!

Works for me.:smash:

mmmm,mmmm,oily grilled camel ass,i know what else they can do with that too SOB's and they wonder why the farmer can't make any money :banghead:
OPEC sells oil for $136.00 a barrel.
OPEC nations buy U.S. grain at $7.00 a bushel.
Solution: Sell grain for $136.00 a bushel.
Can't buy it? Tough! Eat your oil!
Ought to go well with a nice thick grilled filet of camel ass!!!

Great minds think alike...I was saying the same thing to my girlfriend earlier today. Make them walk a mile for a camel burger! :bomb: