People with business degrees=useless as tits on a bull

Yeah I suppose you guys are right....We should just kill a few million people because, after all, they disagree with us on how one should live one's life, and we know that we are right and they are wrong. I mean shit, the guys who are in the cult that believes Mustangs are better cars than Corvettes are wrong also, right? So if we beat up a few of them, but then they fight back, we are justified to kill them and then when they start shooting anyone they see driving a 'Vette, we'll have perfect god-given justification to kill anyone who drives a Mustang, right? and of course that carries over to anyone who does not drive a Corvette, because they also are cultists, so we have free reign to kill anyone who drives a Chrysler or Honda or Toyota, but it's OK because God is on our side, Right? I mean after all God must drive a Corvette because I do, right?
And ya know just last Thursday a guy in a Mustang cut me off in a left turn so I know they are all out to destroy my life and everything I hold dear and true, so I should have no problem if I seek out and kill every Mustang driver from now on, right?
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Its not a fair comparison. You're just getting ridiculous.

We've nuked cities before for good reason and i predict we will do it again for the same good reasons as if we need any more justification than 911. Yes, people do need to be killed to preserve freedom. Get over it and move on. If it were up to guys like you we'd be speaking German and clicking our jack boots together.

In this country we kill people. If you can't handle that you'll have to take your vette to France.
fuck the vette its just a possesion, a rock.
We kill people. Hey, it's just what we do.
We're not the only ones so why should we worry about it?
see ya
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fuck the vette its just a possesion, a rock.
We kill people. Hey, it's just what we do.
We're not the only ones so why should we worry about it?
see ya

WE don't go sneaking around setting bombs off, preaching total war and hatred for everyone else in the world, and fly planes into buildings in some diabolical plot, there is only ONE cult/group of people who do, the same ones that cut off heads for some imaginary 'good'.....

we didn't ask for this crap, and it's been a building up for a LONG time, I just think it's time to engage in a 'unholy' war of OUR type, let the sand monkeys get on their camels and ride, clyde......seem there are about 10% of their population that does NOT drop on a rug 5 times a day.....

and forcing US to do that because they said not acceptable any more than hitler, lenin, mao, or any other personality cult doing the same....

Wake UP man, tune in and listen to the crap they flat out saying....

Russia is on the rong side.....publicly anyway, they have a LONG history of fighting islamic aggression on their southern flank......going back some 100 years, .....
Methinks you need go find the TRUTH to read somewhere,.....if all you read is socialist propaganda about how great they are, when their countrys/peoples starve and get killed off, and things are SO bad it's all OUR fault..???

really now, get a grip man.....

this vast right wing conspiracy you speak of without using the term, is just simply not possible....too many players......a conspiracy can exist of maybe 3-4 people if two of them are dead.....that's about it.....

I note you simply gloss over what we did to the arabs around 100 years ago, that so pissed them off, I know the Ottoman empire collapsed....

so that is somehow OUR fault??? weren't they allied with the Germans??

NO, largely it was the influence of that 'Mufti' character who met with hitler in the 30's and palled up with some early on Arab leaders in Egypt/etc.....
and apparently has been a prime instigator in the rise of militant islam....from the early daze yet....can't help but note the similarities of salutes and attitudes, especially concerning the Jews in Is REAL.....which I mis spell deliberately....because it's the only Real country worth a damn in the entire M/E region....they made the desert bloom, through hard work and dedication....and BRAINS....and in doing so, makes the Arabs look bad....which pisses them OFF no many 'palestinians' in the joint when Israel was founded?? I hears 50,000....making the rest all imports from other lands....

I have come to my conclusions through extensive reading of books, & yes some internet postings. I have many thousands of pages I have read, both for & against the thoughts which I have expounded here.

Phil, I really like you and don't want any hard feelings over this. I kinda pegged you for a pinko commie when you posted a pict. I know its shamefull to judge someone by their looks. But ya'll all know i'm shameless.


I just want to leave you with one thought. I don't feel like i need to read a bunch of books so someone else can tell me how to think.
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On the lighter side of things... If you think Bush did so bad, and McCain is just as bad, vote for Obama. Then wake up Nov. 8th and watch Pelosi, Reed, Barney Frank and the rest of the corrupt dems. destroy the country we love. Here comes the Fairness Doctrine...conservative radio will be shut down. The press and Universities are already far left, so I feel sorry for the next 2 generations. It will take that long to undo the coming disaster. God help us all.
Obama, Nothing more than a Washington self serving paper hanger. The lies, corruption, and hollow experience. We have a ""CHOICE""! Just how much are you a follower of the Pied Piper? Yes, get some lard, as KY costs too much!
I just deleted my long rant above, no need to raise so much crap & throw it on others. Sorry guys.
Don't appologise mate, you're entitled to an opinion. Personally, I agree with quite a bit of what you said.

Having lived out here for 10 years, I can probably understand "their" mindset a little better than a lot of people. Quite often local kids in town will say something and I'll answer them in Arabic. They immediately ask "Americi" or "Britani" when I say no and say Australia, they're all confused - to them, there's the Middle East (of which Saudi Arabia is undeniably the best country), America and England and of those three, America and England attack their Muslim brothers. They don't understand why, just that other parts of the Middle East are being "attacked". They don't watch CNN or Sky News, they only get Al Jazira televsion which paints the other side of the big picture.

They used to like America (aka the Western World) but are slowly going off it. Parts of the Middle East have been fighing each other for generations and they don't want Western intervention. Unless every last one of them is wiped out then "we" need to try a different approach with them.

Just my point...
I find it impossible to understand any cult that is in a steady state of war with their neighbors all around the world....look at the map if you don't believe me....every cinflict for some years now is about islam cults fighting not just for territory or resources, which was the basis in fact for countless other wars over long term history, IS for the forced conversion to the cult 'god'....and anyone not agreeing with said cult gets their head lopped off.....they will co-exist with others only long enough to form anything basically unstoppable by peaceful means, then out come the knives....

which is why I vote to stop them in their tracks, unmercifully and without regret.......I have posted alot about how to do this in about 6 weeks max time.....maybe less.....

theirs is a society which can NOT be trusted to be allowed into the 21 century, they; proved that point the ONLY option is to disallow that development.......

unless advanced peoples want to drop on a rug 5x/day in 100 years or less.....:crap: