Need a favor.

You too, huh? I hate it when a blob gets between the sock and shoe. How about overhead welding and a blob gets between the nozzle handle and your palm? Where did I put those damn gloves?
I weld in T-shirt, shorts and sandals. I don't want to be sweating my a$$ off for hours in this hot garage..... That's of course NOT continuously welding. That's two spots here, grinding, cutting, another two spots there and so on.... don't expose your skin to these rays for too long.... I can deal with the splatter hitting me every once in a while.....better than being soaking wet.....
Hey Mike! do not wear tennis shoes while welding :phone:

I do feel your pain,i have experienced that problem once :censored:
Hey Mike! do not wear tennis shoes while welding :phone:


Where the hell were you yesterday when I could have used that advice? LOL(I got a nice second or third degree burn on the inside of my right ankle. But hey, I'm wearing boots today.)
Ha! Wait until a blob of weld rolls into your boot - you'll be surprised how quick you can get your boot off but it still won't be quick enough to prevent the "China Syndrome" from happening...
I would say, "Its Bloody late for the boots??? When you sky dive, Do you forget the chute or ware a bandaid? I had a friend who had a blob roll up his nose. Now that was a shight to see,
Hey Mike! do not wear tennis shoes while welding :phone:


Where the hell were you yesterday when I could have used that advice? LOL(I got a nice second or third degree burn on the inside of my right ankle. But hey, I'm wearing boots today.)
Ha! Wait until a blob of weld rolls into your boot - you'll be surprised how quick you can get your boot off but it still won't be quick enough to prevent the "China Syndrome" from happening...

NOT just ANY boot either, but WELDERS' boots, any good store that carries industrial REDWINGS will know and have them in stock, they are special made in the construction to make the blob roll/fall off the way the leather is shaped, there is NO crevice or crap spots in it's construction to catch anything at all and they are snug up top to keep crap outta there.....

my UNION welder buddy was showing me them just a few months ago...that they were special, and so he showed me the design....he pays something like 150 bux/pair....but then again, he does 10-12 hour days, sometimes 7 days a week, if he can.....them jobs he gets involved in make ocean liners look small.....shame, really but he is going to Pittsburg for some plant as a traveler, going to make NICE change in the time he is there, not as nice as Tim, but some 15 grand in his pocket after taxes when he gets back just before christmas.....enough to do his hot tub and carpeting in that industrial size and construction gazebo out back of his place....Johnny is freeking crazy the way he built that damn thing, that stupid gazebo will BE there well after the slabs are cleaned in a good blow.....:yahoo:
Hey Mike! do not wear tennis shoes while welding :phone:


Where the hell were you yesterday when I could have used that advice? LOL(I got a nice second or third degree burn on the inside of my right ankle. But hey, I'm wearing boots today.)

Let's see yesterday hmmmmm, Oh i was here at home all day :push:
Boot's are good idea,any boot is better than tennis shoes,but the tennis shoes are easier to get out of :thumbs:
All of my work socks will have holes around the ankles long before I
ever get any in the toes :D

I have so many scares around my ankles you'd think I was some
kind of closet junkie.

Eventually you just learn to keep your feet tucked under you .....
I'm usually sitting on a small stool.

Never fails ......... if I have to lie down to weld something I'll generally
always catch one in the ear ...... sometimes I think I must have a giant
funnel attached to my head.

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heres the deal i will remind you not to wear tennis shoes if you will remind me not to kneel on foam cushions when i weld.......

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