Merry Christmas guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas
In about 40 minutes it will be the 25th here and my wife and I will open our "pretties" aka presents. I got her a new dish drain, big pack of coffee filters, bottle of mouth wash, a flannel night gown, 2 michael baulet (sp) CD's, 2 big steralite clear plastic bins that you slide under the bed and 4 reuseable freezer containers for Marinara sauce. She got knee high rubber boots a few weeks ago when the stream needed to get rid of the log jams.
I know, I treat her too good.
But that's what she wanted.
FOUR twenty am your time Jeff, up early??

I been awake since 6, damnit, and Linda been up since 430....well snoozing in the lounge chair, anyway....

70f outside, windy.......

so MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone...
FOUR twenty am your time Jeff, up early??

I been awake since 6, damnit, and Linda been up since 430....well snoozing in the lounge chair, anyway....

70f outside, windy.......

so MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone...

I get up early every day Gene. Early to bed, early to rise, you must work construction.:lol: