Made in the USA?


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
What is made in the USA anymore? We went shopping at Lowe's and Home Depot for some home furnishings this last weekend. EVERYTHING including the GE light bulbs is made in CHINA. From the light fixtures right down to a good deal of the lumber, it is all from CHINA. What is made in the USA? What do we sell world wide any more? I watch the big ships come up the Delaware River to Philadelphia riding low in the water and they leave riding high in the water, obviously empty. How long can we keep this up? Apparently it is already too late....
I been setting in middle of Wash DC, for decades, watching total mismanagement by our 'finest' highly edjemakatude fyne tipe scholars trying to LEAD this country....even from the pits, I could see the direction was rong....

and when leaving idiot land, moving to Florida, I became acquainted with just how BAD the shituation really IS......

reality check is.....INFLATION has been running a solid 10%/year over the last 30 years or else you think a 5000 buck vette is now almost 75 grand???

only thing I see here in Florida, land of tract pine plantations, is that a 2x4x96" is still about 2.60 easily found benchmark on lumber prices....been that for decades, even up north...EXCEPT for the Katrina rebuilding, they shot up to over 4 bux each back then.....

the only reason the .gov Lie stats show less, IMPORT CHEEP JUNK....

CARS, appliances, all of it.....

reason for all this??

EPA is the first worst agency....then we go to a whole LONG list of bullshit agencies from the FEDS ALONE......

Wanna assign blame?? ourselves......too many too lazy to get off their fucking asses and WORK, so they on welfare.....and the illegals take the jobs....

the underground economy at work....

What is made in the USA anymore? We went shopping at Lowe's and Home Depot for some home furnishings this last weekend. EVERYTHING including the GE light bulbs is made in CHINA. From the light fixtures right down to a good deal of the lumber, it is all from CHINA. What is made in the USA? What do we sell world wide any more? I watch the big ships come up the Delaware River to Philadelphia riding low in the water and they leave riding high in the water, obviously empty. How long can we keep this up? Apparently it is already too late....

I just spent $13,000 on all American made new windows, doors, and appliances. Cost more, but they are out there. :)
What is made in the USA anymore? We went shopping at Lowe's and Home Depot for some home furnishings this last weekend. EVERYTHING including the GE light bulbs is made in CHINA. From the light fixtures right down to a good deal of the lumber, it is all from CHINA. What is made in the USA? What do we sell world wide any more? I watch the big ships come up the Delaware River to Philadelphia riding low in the water and they leave riding high in the water, obviously empty. How long can we keep this up? Apparently it is already too late....

I just spent $13,000 on all American made new windows, doors, and appliances. Cost more, but they are out there. :)

I thought you were looking into moving out,

It is difficult to find American subcontractors for small run manufacturing.
Many of my former suppliers have just closed the doors.
I don't have it in me anymore to shop intercontinental.
Hell I don't even fly any more.
It will be the death of us. I have often wondered, if we get ourselves into another pickle (think WW2), could we pull it off? I mean in the war it wasn't just our fighting men that went to Europe and Asia. It was Rosie the Riveter with the full might of the American industrial machine that won that war.
I would be surprised if we could even pull off a fraction of that kind of production today.
I bought a 1 gallon plastic gas container at HD. Said right on the side "made in USA". That's the first thing I've seen (and I do look) in a long time that was made here. The vast majority of consumer goods, except for some food and aerosol products (shipping problems), are all made somewhere else.

Clutch, maybe if we get in another pickle, we could spray the enemy in the eyes with hairspary and beat 'em to death with a canned ham.
It will be the death of us. I have often wondered, if we get ourselves into another pickle (think WW2), could we pull it off? I mean in the war it wasn't just our fighting men that went to Europe and Asia. It was Rosie the Riveter with the full might of the American industrial machine that won that war.
I would be surprised if we could even pull off a fraction of that kind of production today.

This is my concern. We could do it, but could we pull it off fast enough? Dunno.
What is made in the USA anymore? We went shopping at Lowe's and Home Depot for some home furnishings this last weekend. EVERYTHING including the GE light bulbs is made in CHINA. From the light fixtures right down to a good deal of the lumber, it is all from CHINA. What is made in the USA? What do we sell world wide any more? I watch the big ships come up the Delaware River to Philadelphia riding low in the water and they leave riding high in the water, obviously empty. How long can we keep this up? Apparently it is already too late....

I just spent $13,000 on all American made new windows, doors, and appliances. Cost more, but they are out there. :)

I thought you were looking into moving out,


For the immediate future, no,
I just bought two new oil cooler lines from a Chevy dealer for my 3500 Silverado. The tags are standard GM with the GM parts numbers, BUT, at the bottom of the tag, it says "Made in China (Mainland)". The parts are cheaper looking, flimsy, and of a thinner material. I think I'm going to puke.

Previously tested quality parts are available at your local JUNKYARD....

I heard Donald Trump on a radio talk show yesterday. He calls for a 25% tariff on all Chinese products. I am usually against tariffs, but with the way China manipulates their currency to make it's products cheap to the U.S., I'm giving it a look.
Previously tested quality parts are available at your local JUNKYARD....


In my business, I'm already going in that direction. Some of the crap that the Corvette parts retailers sell is appalling. We restore all muscle cars, and I saw this recently in a GTO parts catalog: (the vendor was at least honest) "The quality of this part is poor, and should only be used as a last resort." Why the fuck even sell it?
All you guys know what my solution is....kill off the EPA and all their functions, kill off about a dozen other .gov operations from Energy, mines....literally hundreds of bureaus we never even heard of....defund them.....

slap that 25-50% tariff on ALL foreign goods.....get to drilling baby....

and building nuclear power plants like Florida got trees.....

massive water pipe construction from the great lakes/water rich NE regions to the dry SW regions....

kill all regs about smelly darty fish.....

kill ethanol....fine for sugan cane in Brazil, but they be about the only country that can do that, Amazon and jungles/climate fine for them, but they still drilling , why can't WE???

Previously tested quality parts are available at your local JUNKYARD....


In my business, I'm already going in that direction. Some of the crap that the Corvette parts retailers sell is appalling. We restore all muscle cars, and I saw this recently in a GTO parts catalog: (the vendor was at least honest) "The quality of this part is poor, and should only be used as a last resort." Why the fuck even sell it?

Was that Year ONE?? or Potomac Pontiac maybe??
Previously tested quality parts are available at your local JUNKYARD....


In my business, I'm already going in that direction. Some of the crap that the Corvette parts retailers sell is appalling. We restore all muscle cars, and I saw this recently in a GTO parts catalog: (the vendor was at least honest) "The quality of this part is poor, and should only be used as a last resort." Why the fuck even sell it?

Was that Year ONE?? or Potomac Pontiac maybe??

Previously tested quality parts are available at your local JUNKYARD....


In my business, I'm already going in that direction. Some of the crap that the Corvette parts retailers sell is appalling. We restore all muscle cars, and I saw this recently in a GTO parts catalog: (the vendor was at least honest) "The quality of this part is poor, and should only be used as a last resort." Why the fuck even sell it?

Was that Year ONE?? or Potomac Pontiac maybe??


APE, I used to buy there do anything with Ron at Potomac Pontiac??
Previously tested quality parts are available at your local JUNKYARD....


In my business, I'm already going in that direction. Some of the crap that the Corvette parts retailers sell is appalling. We restore all muscle cars, and I saw this recently in a GTO parts catalog: (the vendor was at least honest) "The quality of this part is poor, and should only be used as a last resort." Why the fuck even sell it?

Was that Year ONE?? or Potomac Pontiac maybe??


APE, I used to buy there do anything with Ron at Potomac Pontiac??

Not yet.........
The crap (in terms of quality) that comes out of China and the detrimental affects on our economy not-withstanding, I take it a little more personally. A couple of years ago I lost part of my right index finger when a Chinese -built coil spring compressor exploded (material failure) releasing an 1100#/in spring compressed 3 inches. I'll pay more for quality and durability every time!

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