Harbor Freight

I have never been to a Harbor Freight,pretty sure there is one in KC somewhere but i have never shopped at it.

Go in one Kevin. There is alot of crap, but there is some good stuff too. They also take ANYTHING back, no questions asked. Just save your receipts.

All, true. They are VERY good about returns. Everytime I go there I figure to spend $5.00 and spend $50.00. A lot of the stuff I have got there have held up pretty good. Just watch what you buy---just like any other place.:idea:
they have great socket set for between 99-119 smackaroos.....its in a grey case and is both sae and metric full deep sockets and 6 point and 12 point stuff.....i have bought two of them for the kids and they are our choice when we are working onthe cars since everything is right there. i can get a part number if any one wants it. i may even buy just for me cause i like it so much.....and these would be triplicates for me.....
I still do have my old set of Cman 12 point sockets, 1/2 drive....but I very seldom use them anymore....bolt wringers.....

there used to be a independent type HF import tool joint in Rockville years ago, and I got a set of 1/2 deep impacts from him from 7/16 through 1 1/4 must be 20 years now...still hammering....much tougher steel than the 3/8 drive 1/2 & 9/16 deep impacts from of all places SNAP ON......which I am on my second replacement set now....something must be really rong with Snap's setup there on the line....think I had my compressor on 200 psi or someting....

i guess i should chime in on this thread. anybody who knows me from the other forums probably knows my opinion on this subject.
1) the .gov of china is not our friend. i have no problem with the chinese people as i don't believe many of them have any desire but to try and make enough money to eat more than once a day. the .gov needs to go away. i *hate* communist governments because i believe they are as close to institutionalized evil as human society has constructed.
2) i don't purchase goods from china if i can afford it. and i do walk the walk. tonight i purchased inserts for my work boots and rummaged through about 8 different types and manufacturers before i paid more money to buy the ones not made in china. part of it is i know the poor MF'ers making this crap is getting paid virtually nothing to do so, then that product is sold over here for a huge profit to the importer and an equally huge profit going to *the government of china* which i find unacceptable.
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I buy stuff from Harbor Freight but I watch what I buy. I leaned the hard way that the steel they are making things out of in china out of isn't any good.

I bought a parts washer, missed place the recite, and found it leaked. Turned out to be one of the spot welds for a leg. So I hit it with the mig thinking easy fix. As soon as I touched it with the wire it blew a hole threw it. So I thought I would braze it. As soon as I touched the torch to it it started cracking. I ended up JB welding it and using it anyways.
I buy stuff from Harbor Freight but I watch what I buy. I leaned the hard way that the steel they are making things out of in china out of isn't any good.

I bought a parts washer, missed place the recite, and found it leaked. Turned out to be one of the spot welds for a leg. So I hit it with the mig thinking easy fix. As soon as I touched it with the wire it blew a hole threw it. So I thought I would braze it. As soon as I touched the torch to it it started cracking. I ended up JB welding it and using it anyways.

:D Sounds like something my welder buddy WOULD fix for me, BUT he would BITCH like a little school gal.....:crap::crutches:
Well good luck to him. The alloys were not right in the steel. Its made out of roughly 18 ga steel and it should not start spider cracking like it did when I tried to braze it.