Damn the Chinese

The media here loves Europe because the left wing of this country wants all that is bad about Europe to come to this country.
The media here loves Europe because the left wing of this country wants all that is bad about Europe to come to this country.

About the only thing that is bad is the islamics, and we getting plenty of that now...

And get this...Last week England allowed sharia law to be added to their legal system. A very slippery slope.
And get this...Last week England allowed sharia law to be added to their legal system. A very slippery slope.
Jeez, I didn't hear about that. It's too bad the Western world keeps bowing down to these arseholes, they should be treated like the goverments here treat immigrants/expats etc - these are the rules, if you don't like it then leave.

Religion of peace my arse :evil:
They've been talking about doing that here too, the prime minister has said years ago that if majority demands it sharia law will be implemented here also. Been saying it for years, either the UK or we will be the 1st Islamic colony in Europe. The government here doesn't know how fast it can give away everything we stand for. We are being repressed here by anal retentive leftist idiots who have a European vision of a multi cultural society (they're already calling it Christian/Jewish/Islamic here) and they are running the country into the ground. Every day the news here is filled with all sorts of issues that are related to muslims and their actions. It's too much to bear. Just one look in the paper in the morning and I'm in a bad mood all day long.

I think next year they will implement a couple of Islamic holidays here, we'll have to give up our old ones. Also, some clown proposed that all newly appointed mayors should be Islamic women :suicide:
All you need now is alot of sand and some camels :shocking:
our country is not far behind,hell we might even have a Muslim as a president soon :suicide: Lord i hope not :censored:
We all need to get our respective politicians to come and live out here for a while. Make it mandatory to live out here for 2 years (minimum) before they can run for office - of ANY sort!

A few years ago, the muslim community of Bondi in Sydney were demanding (and actually expecting to get) Bondi Beach closed to the public on Fridays so that muslim women could bathe without being leered at by Western infidels - the Wetern infidels, of course, being the Australian residents of Bondi.

Bondi Beach??? It's only one of the major tourist destinations of Sydney!!

Getting myself all wound up now...
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Thing is, I could win the terror war in about 6 weeks or less....

but that's just ME.....thing is, I really don't have to bomb all that much....

just a few targets, and the islamic empire collapses.....

maybe less than 6 weeks, actually.....

Well some blamed the nothern part of Belgium of voting for the Flemish Blok, being a rightsided party, a party that is mostly against islamic influence. It was the southern part that had the media revolt against it. That is one of the reasons our country is almost splitting in 2.