Cleaning a stainless kitchen sink.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
For some decades, back off in Frankensteins garage has been this nice size kitchen type sink, used for parts you can imagine it has all sorts of bad/sad chemicals in it over the years, from paints to greases, to oils to cleaners, to God only knows....

so the thing as a pretty permanent stain and ring around the sides of the bowl....

have tried everything, TSP, alky, lacq thinner, min spirits, steel wool, scrubby pads, but there is a STAIN in the stainless stain and spots....

so how to clean up??

Wet & dry and elbow grease Gene. Start with 320 wet and once the stain is gone, go finer grades until you're happy with the shine or sick of doing it.

Same as rubbing paint or anything metal, rub in the same direction (don't cross hatch it) and don't go in the direction of your fingers.

Of course, that's just my opinion...
Bar Keepers Friend or oxalic acid (wood bleach)
Worst you can do is use anything metallic to clean like steel wool.
The chemicals above remove all the crap and get down to virgin chrome and nickle.
Yes don't use ordinary steel stuff in there, if you want to use something, get a stainless wire wheel.
:clap: Never heard of anything that could 'stain' stainless steel...but somehow some combo of shit I got, back where/when EVER....well it definitely stained stainless....

so I been hitting it with ~400 grit wet/dry sandpaper this morning....

takes a bit of grinding....but got some of it off there...but whatEVER happened on the surface of some sludge setting there for X amount of time....

has put a very hard black ring about 1/8 inch wide around the perimeter of that sink.....

at this point, it's a matter of I WILL win, not HOW, :clobbered::bomb::crap:
Have the wife clean it and let her do all the thinking. Just have a few beers and don't worry about it hahaa
Have the wife clean it and let her do all the thinking. Just have a few beers and don't worry about it hahaa

Nah, THIS shit is industrial.....

and so I quit in the sink and posted this earlier, so went to wacking more wood with her help....put in the paneling on the pass side with insulation...and some other stuff we settling in on for interior design on the 'Clamper' project....

thing about this stupid SINK is, that it turns out to be a useable size for the motor home, not something priced at 500 bux the smaller ones we need are simply toooooooo krazy in I thought to see about modifying the old wash basin....find out that in FACT, the stamping is what I need.....I had it installed on that work bench for so long now, I had NO clue .....

:clap::clap:s I mean it's as good a find as my 20 buck room air conditioner we have on a slide track out the side now.....8000 btu....freeze the balls off a brass monkey....

Bar Keepers Friend . . .

I'll second this recommendation. You can get it at Ace Hardware and I've seen it on Home Depot's website. Lowes is supposed to carry it too but I've never checked. It is acid based rather than alkaline based like most other kitchen type cleaners so be advised.

Well, it's off to buy the wizard.....the wonderful wizard of fizz.....
